1 Corinthians 13: 7 (The Amplified)
"... Love is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]."
I don't know what it's like to believe the best in every person, because sometimes I really am cynical. "Love believes all things..." Sometimes I find myself wondering about this "believing all things" situation. If God is love, and we can basically replace the word "love" in this chapter every time it appears with the Name of "God," then is it true that God really believes all things? Does He really really, knowing full well humanity's track record, believe the best in every person? Does He believe in us like a doting Father would a young child with big dreams and grandiose ideas? He does. He believes the best in me, the best in you. He takes you and your heart seriously. He believes in things. And I have always loved that about Him. I don't take people seriously sometimes, but there is a loving Father and friend in Jesus who listens to the hearts of His children, and believes in their hearts.
Through this precious love (that we can now walk in because of the cross) we can believe in all things, and believe in the human heart. Our hope will never fail because of this undying love to which we cling. And with this relentless and sturdy hope we (sometimes with white knuckles) endure to the end. Because of this passionate and extravagant love, the trials do not make us weaker, but stronger through the miracle of His Holy Spirit in us. You will endure to the end.
Ask the Father to let His Holy Spirit reveal more and more and more of this incredible, powerful, ridiculous unashamed LOVE. Ask for it to be more real to you today than it has ever been. Love = Believe+ Hope+ Endure.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
1 Corinthians 13
"... it (love) takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]."
I think this is pretty huge. It reminds me that walking in true love has got to be supernatural because it seems this part of the deal is pretty tough. Imagine looking at someone that has broken your heart (but is still in your life) and not paying attention or remembering that they hurt you terribly in the past. Forgiving and really forgetting has got to be an act of Jesus' spirit alive in you. It has got to be Jesus in you because it's too hard to love a person that has deep down inside really hurt you at some point.
I have a parent I have to love like this. Slowly over time I have come to this place in walking in love. It has taken me years to come to this point and yes, occasionally I slip out of the grace of love and all the memories come flooding back and I'm a mess! Then, God's Spirit washes over my heart and mind and I am once again free.
Love people without consideration of the wrong you have suffered because of them. Not an easy task, I know. Let me tell you it will take a long time to be totally free to walk in love when it comes to this department. But that's okay, it will happen. The pressure comes off when we realize that it's the Holy Spirit in you doing the work. Be obedient and He will work in and through you. If this still seems overwhelming then at least be happy that Jesus doesn't remember how you hurt Him yesterday and the day before. He is so crazy-over-the-top in love with you that He forgives and, as He looks into your baby eyes, forgets.
I know I hurt Jesus a lot. I know I doubt Him and what He has promised me at times. But the comfort I have is that when I say I'm sorry, He doesn't even remember it anymore.
"... it (love) takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]."
I think this is pretty huge. It reminds me that walking in true love has got to be supernatural because it seems this part of the deal is pretty tough. Imagine looking at someone that has broken your heart (but is still in your life) and not paying attention or remembering that they hurt you terribly in the past. Forgiving and really forgetting has got to be an act of Jesus' spirit alive in you. It has got to be Jesus in you because it's too hard to love a person that has deep down inside really hurt you at some point.
I have a parent I have to love like this. Slowly over time I have come to this place in walking in love. It has taken me years to come to this point and yes, occasionally I slip out of the grace of love and all the memories come flooding back and I'm a mess! Then, God's Spirit washes over my heart and mind and I am once again free.
Love people without consideration of the wrong you have suffered because of them. Not an easy task, I know. Let me tell you it will take a long time to be totally free to walk in love when it comes to this department. But that's okay, it will happen. The pressure comes off when we realize that it's the Holy Spirit in you doing the work. Be obedient and He will work in and through you. If this still seems overwhelming then at least be happy that Jesus doesn't remember how you hurt Him yesterday and the day before. He is so crazy-over-the-top in love with you that He forgives and, as He looks into your baby eyes, forgets.
I know I hurt Jesus a lot. I know I doubt Him and what He has promised me at times. But the comfort I have is that when I say I'm sorry, He doesn't even remember it anymore.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
1 Corinthians 13:4
"...love does not parade itself, is not puffed up."
A human who walks in love wants other people to look good. Once the love of Jesus has been made alive in your heart you no longer need the false attention and false love that a big ego needs. You now walk in humility and grace. It's so classy. It's so beautiful. To walk in love is to enable others to be the best they can be, where as insecure, broken people are scared of others looking better than them.
The greatest man who walked the earth knew how to walk in humility, and always put others over Himself: Jesus. Perfect, wonderful, cool and classy Jesus. He was the King who came down to earth from the glorious splendor of His majesty in Heaven, he humbled Himself and became one of us. He walked the earth and then allowed Himself to be humiliated and murdered. He understood that walking in love can make one look like a fool at time. He knew that walking in such an intense love put the whole of humanity before the needs and wants of Himself.
The cool thing is, that when people get a taste of Jesus in you, they will FOLLOW. They will want to be around you, and you will be the coolest in the room. You will draw people to you. You don't need to name drop, talk yourself up, or have a big ego so you are are the big-shot in the room. You won't need it because the person full of love inside of you, Jesus in you, is your quiet head-lifting confidence.
"...love does not parade itself, is not puffed up."
A human who walks in love wants other people to look good. Once the love of Jesus has been made alive in your heart you no longer need the false attention and false love that a big ego needs. You now walk in humility and grace. It's so classy. It's so beautiful. To walk in love is to enable others to be the best they can be, where as insecure, broken people are scared of others looking better than them.
The greatest man who walked the earth knew how to walk in humility, and always put others over Himself: Jesus. Perfect, wonderful, cool and classy Jesus. He was the King who came down to earth from the glorious splendor of His majesty in Heaven, he humbled Himself and became one of us. He walked the earth and then allowed Himself to be humiliated and murdered. He understood that walking in love can make one look like a fool at time. He knew that walking in such an intense love put the whole of humanity before the needs and wants of Himself.
The cool thing is, that when people get a taste of Jesus in you, they will FOLLOW. They will want to be around you, and you will be the coolest in the room. You will draw people to you. You don't need to name drop, talk yourself up, or have a big ego so you are are the big-shot in the room. You won't need it because the person full of love inside of you, Jesus in you, is your quiet head-lifting confidence.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
1 Corinthians 13:4 (The Message)
"Love does not envy..."
I'm not going to lie. Sometimes (more than sometimes) I look at other people around me (some close to me, some strangers) and what does or does not happen to them, or what they have or don't have, and I find myself wanting it. The bummer is, it mainly happens with people that I adore the most. The reason these precious ones affect me the most? They have the most access to my heart. The biggest tragedy is that these are the ones you want and need to love the most. These are the ones you really truly are the happiest for, and if it came down to it, deep down in your heart you want them to be the ones whose dreams come true.
The sad thing about envy is it gives the devil a little foot in the door of your mind and heart. No one is hurt or broken from the lust of envy, no one other than you. Envy takes your eyes off what you were perfectly created to do, and you lose sight of what your life is about. It breaks the strongest of friends, the closest of companions. And you end up not walking in love because of it. It messes you up inside, and puts a little wedge between you and Jesus because essentially envy says to Him, "you're not enough, all that you've done for me is lacking and you are making mistakes with my life." Envy is very sad.
Stop looking at other people's lives, comparing them to yours and wanting what they have. It will get you no where. Your life is not about what their life is about. You have something magnificent to do and be. Jesus has given you everything you need to live the life you need to live. You have things to do and be, so get on with it!
"Love does not envy..."
I'm not going to lie. Sometimes (more than sometimes) I look at other people around me (some close to me, some strangers) and what does or does not happen to them, or what they have or don't have, and I find myself wanting it. The bummer is, it mainly happens with people that I adore the most. The reason these precious ones affect me the most? They have the most access to my heart. The biggest tragedy is that these are the ones you want and need to love the most. These are the ones you really truly are the happiest for, and if it came down to it, deep down in your heart you want them to be the ones whose dreams come true.
The sad thing about envy is it gives the devil a little foot in the door of your mind and heart. No one is hurt or broken from the lust of envy, no one other than you. Envy takes your eyes off what you were perfectly created to do, and you lose sight of what your life is about. It breaks the strongest of friends, the closest of companions. And you end up not walking in love because of it. It messes you up inside, and puts a little wedge between you and Jesus because essentially envy says to Him, "you're not enough, all that you've done for me is lacking and you are making mistakes with my life." Envy is very sad.
Stop looking at other people's lives, comparing them to yours and wanting what they have. It will get you no where. Your life is not about what their life is about. You have something magnificent to do and be. Jesus has given you everything you need to live the life you need to live. You have things to do and be, so get on with it!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
1 Corinthians 13:4
"Love endures long and is patient and kind..."
It's no big "wow" factor for me to tell you that the world we live in is hectic and mean. We are all trying to keep up with the intensity of the world around us. Things are fast. People are mean.
The thing is, we are called to be different than the world around us. When you gave your whole heart and life over to Jesus the deal was that because He first loved you, you now understand this crazy love and you must walk in it. His pure, perfect and beautiful Love. As I read some of the stories that those who walked and talked with Jesus wrote down, I watch such a patient, steady and kind man. He wasn't in much of a rush, and He was the nicest man who ever walked the earth. He waited for His friends to catch up to Him as he walked and talked. He gave them time to understand what He was trying to teach. He was patient with them as He taught them all about His Father in heaven and the purpose of why he had come to earth. When He visited peoples' homes and ate with them (one of His favorite things to do), it seemed He was never in much of a rush to leave. He placed value on the underdogs of society; the ones no one had time for He spent time with, and loved their company. Even as His enemies tried to out-wit Him and out-talk Him in spiritual and "religious" matters, He was slow to speak, and when He did He spoke with wisdom and power, always with a kind spirit. He understood where people were at, and loved them right then and there.
Some Bible translators wrote, "Love suffers long..." Jesus waits and waits and waits for every single human heart to come to know and love Him. For Him, this is torture. He waited on the cross to die instead of using His power to escape, He lived 33 years on earth away from His Home in heaven to go after every little lost soul on earth and those to come. He is the patient One who understands the meaning of suffering long. I don't know what you are waiting for. It could be lunch, it could be summer, it could be a "break," it could be the healing you've been praying years for, it could be your child to come home, or maybe you are simply waiting for your Home in Heaven you've heard so much about, and although you know you don't really 'get' it, something inside of you yearns for this place of dreams and fulfillment.
So maybe take a pen and paper and write down some of the ways you can walk in love today through patience, long suffering and kindness. Ask His Holy Spirit in you to literally keep hanging on for you. Especially when time has passed and you feel forgotten, or the person at the grocery store is driving you insane and you want to punch him or her in the face. There are so many ways to be like Jesus from the time you wake up until the time you fall into bed at night. One at a time though. Walk in love. Wait patiently and be kind to people. Always.
"Love endures long and is patient and kind..."
It's no big "wow" factor for me to tell you that the world we live in is hectic and mean. We are all trying to keep up with the intensity of the world around us. Things are fast. People are mean.
The thing is, we are called to be different than the world around us. When you gave your whole heart and life over to Jesus the deal was that because He first loved you, you now understand this crazy love and you must walk in it. His pure, perfect and beautiful Love. As I read some of the stories that those who walked and talked with Jesus wrote down, I watch such a patient, steady and kind man. He wasn't in much of a rush, and He was the nicest man who ever walked the earth. He waited for His friends to catch up to Him as he walked and talked. He gave them time to understand what He was trying to teach. He was patient with them as He taught them all about His Father in heaven and the purpose of why he had come to earth. When He visited peoples' homes and ate with them (one of His favorite things to do), it seemed He was never in much of a rush to leave. He placed value on the underdogs of society; the ones no one had time for He spent time with, and loved their company. Even as His enemies tried to out-wit Him and out-talk Him in spiritual and "religious" matters, He was slow to speak, and when He did He spoke with wisdom and power, always with a kind spirit. He understood where people were at, and loved them right then and there.
Some Bible translators wrote, "Love suffers long..." Jesus waits and waits and waits for every single human heart to come to know and love Him. For Him, this is torture. He waited on the cross to die instead of using His power to escape, He lived 33 years on earth away from His Home in heaven to go after every little lost soul on earth and those to come. He is the patient One who understands the meaning of suffering long. I don't know what you are waiting for. It could be lunch, it could be summer, it could be a "break," it could be the healing you've been praying years for, it could be your child to come home, or maybe you are simply waiting for your Home in Heaven you've heard so much about, and although you know you don't really 'get' it, something inside of you yearns for this place of dreams and fulfillment.
So maybe take a pen and paper and write down some of the ways you can walk in love today through patience, long suffering and kindness. Ask His Holy Spirit in you to literally keep hanging on for you. Especially when time has passed and you feel forgotten, or the person at the grocery store is driving you insane and you want to punch him or her in the face. There are so many ways to be like Jesus from the time you wake up until the time you fall into bed at night. One at a time though. Walk in love. Wait patiently and be kind to people. Always.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Psalm 10:17-18 (Amplified Bible)
O Lord, You have heard the desire and the longing of the humble and oppressed; You will prepare and strengthen and direct their hearts, You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man, who is of the earth, may not terrify them any more.
If I believe that all the other stuff I read in the Bible is true, then this must be too. I have to believe that this is true. Sometimes I look around at the state of the world, I watch the news, I talk to a colleague at work trying to put the pieces of a broken family back together and I don't get it. I don't get it at all. Like this scripture says, people are terrified, fathers are leaving their babies and people are walking around under dark clouds oppression and loneliness. This verse acknowledges, very clearly, the state of our world with the picture of a very compassionate God who, despite what we have managed to create of this world, listens to the cries of the human race. He doesn't miss a thing. He is very near.
This scripture is full and full of hope for the hopeless and broken: God will bring relief and peace to the human race, especially the ones who are suffering unfair amounts in this unbalanced earth. There is hope, but I also read loads amounts of responsibility on us lovers of Jesus, believers in our Lord and Savior, to try and fix the mess of the world. Unless we live under a rock, there is no way to escape the pain and terror in the eyes and hearts of people around us. There is no way we can ignore the loneliness in the eyes of the fatherless, unloved and depressed precious ones around us. We can't ignore the poorest of the poor who roam our rich cozy streets, or those suffer from no fault of their own.
You may be in a third world country, you could be at your trendy office from 9-5. Either way there are broken ones everywhere, and our hope and consolation is that God hears and WILL bring justice. And maybe one of the ways he will listen and vindicate is through you and me. Keep your hearts and ears alert. Listen to what the people are crying out, and listen to what heaven is telling you to do.
O Lord, You have heard the desire and the longing of the humble and oppressed; You will prepare and strengthen and direct their hearts, You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man, who is of the earth, may not terrify them any more.
If I believe that all the other stuff I read in the Bible is true, then this must be too. I have to believe that this is true. Sometimes I look around at the state of the world, I watch the news, I talk to a colleague at work trying to put the pieces of a broken family back together and I don't get it. I don't get it at all. Like this scripture says, people are terrified, fathers are leaving their babies and people are walking around under dark clouds oppression and loneliness. This verse acknowledges, very clearly, the state of our world with the picture of a very compassionate God who, despite what we have managed to create of this world, listens to the cries of the human race. He doesn't miss a thing. He is very near.
This scripture is full and full of hope for the hopeless and broken: God will bring relief and peace to the human race, especially the ones who are suffering unfair amounts in this unbalanced earth. There is hope, but I also read loads amounts of responsibility on us lovers of Jesus, believers in our Lord and Savior, to try and fix the mess of the world. Unless we live under a rock, there is no way to escape the pain and terror in the eyes and hearts of people around us. There is no way we can ignore the loneliness in the eyes of the fatherless, unloved and depressed precious ones around us. We can't ignore the poorest of the poor who roam our rich cozy streets, or those suffer from no fault of their own.
You may be in a third world country, you could be at your trendy office from 9-5. Either way there are broken ones everywhere, and our hope and consolation is that God hears and WILL bring justice. And maybe one of the ways he will listen and vindicate is through you and me. Keep your hearts and ears alert. Listen to what the people are crying out, and listen to what heaven is telling you to do.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hebrews 11:6
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Without faith it is impossible to please God. This verse has always meant something to me. I am always fascinated by the fact that we are children of God and that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. Nothing can separate us from the fact that He is utterly and extravagantly in love with us with crazy amounts of love that we can in no way deserve. So, really, there is nothing that we can do or say to make Him stop loving us. And within such intense love, we want to please our lover. There is a quality in our unseen God that demands our faith in Him. As we come to Him we must wholly and radically believe that He exists and believe in the essence of who He is. And that is faith.
The good news, is as we believe everything He says and as we seek Him with all of our hearts, He is pleased with us. There is such beauty and security in knowing exactly what pleases Him. I am a people pleaser. For better or worse I am constantly trying to keep everyone happy and pleased and peaceful. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes I am worn out trying to figure out exactly what things I need to say and do to please all the different types and personalities in my world. But then there is my Lord, and I know exactly what pleases His heart. He doesn't play games, He doesn't keep me guessing. It's pure and simple faith. Unadulterated, passionate, severe faith in Him.
So put some time aside in the day, sing a song to Him, have a dance in your living room with Him, bring Him into every aspect of your life (even what you think is insignificant). When we do this, our faith increases, and even better, we are making Him happy. I want more than anything for Him to be happy with me. I really know that He will love me no matter what, but just like a best friend or a spouse or a parent, I want them to be happy and pleased with me.
So the Bible says it's impossible to please Him without faith. Impossible. So keep believing. Find every verse you can on the subject of faith (the book of Hebrews is a rare gem on faith) and study them, medidate on them and ask Him for crazy faith: the faith that makes His big beautiful heart smile.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Without faith it is impossible to please God. This verse has always meant something to me. I am always fascinated by the fact that we are children of God and that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. Nothing can separate us from the fact that He is utterly and extravagantly in love with us with crazy amounts of love that we can in no way deserve. So, really, there is nothing that we can do or say to make Him stop loving us. And within such intense love, we want to please our lover. There is a quality in our unseen God that demands our faith in Him. As we come to Him we must wholly and radically believe that He exists and believe in the essence of who He is. And that is faith.
The good news, is as we believe everything He says and as we seek Him with all of our hearts, He is pleased with us. There is such beauty and security in knowing exactly what pleases Him. I am a people pleaser. For better or worse I am constantly trying to keep everyone happy and pleased and peaceful. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes I am worn out trying to figure out exactly what things I need to say and do to please all the different types and personalities in my world. But then there is my Lord, and I know exactly what pleases His heart. He doesn't play games, He doesn't keep me guessing. It's pure and simple faith. Unadulterated, passionate, severe faith in Him.
So put some time aside in the day, sing a song to Him, have a dance in your living room with Him, bring Him into every aspect of your life (even what you think is insignificant). When we do this, our faith increases, and even better, we are making Him happy. I want more than anything for Him to be happy with me. I really know that He will love me no matter what, but just like a best friend or a spouse or a parent, I want them to be happy and pleased with me.
So the Bible says it's impossible to please Him without faith. Impossible. So keep believing. Find every verse you can on the subject of faith (the book of Hebrews is a rare gem on faith) and study them, medidate on them and ask Him for crazy faith: the faith that makes His big beautiful heart smile.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Psalm 148: 1-4
"Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light! Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens!..."
I think over this psalm often and it brings such deep joy to my heart and mind because it takes our praise and worship of Him outside the four walls of the church, and even outside the four walls of our own homes. It shows us that even nature itself is commanded to praise our Lord. Creation itself cries out to our King and our sweet Lord in adoration and admiration for all He is and all He has done. The mountains bow down at His name.
There is such power that comes when we praise God through our own circumstances. When everyday we come before Him, even if we have nothing to say to Him, and we tell Him how much we love Him and how simply thankful we are to have Him close, you can only imagine the pride of a Fathers' heart towards His kid. What joy you bring HIm when you are driving in the car and remember to say, "Lord, I love you to bits and pieces." Even for no specific reason at all!
Think about the big beautiful mountains praising Him. Imagine the billions of angels that right now are crying "Holy Holy Holy" around His throne in the heavens. Look outside at the sun, and later tonight at the moon and watch them. We are watching from so far away and they are praising Him--the same God as we are praising. Look up, if you can see them, and look at the starts twinkling as they behold the beauty of God from where they were placed in the heavens. Think of the oceans, the huge waters all over the earth. Those waves are crashing down and bowing before their Creator.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Go ahead, tell Him you love Him.
"Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light! Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens!..."
I think over this psalm often and it brings such deep joy to my heart and mind because it takes our praise and worship of Him outside the four walls of the church, and even outside the four walls of our own homes. It shows us that even nature itself is commanded to praise our Lord. Creation itself cries out to our King and our sweet Lord in adoration and admiration for all He is and all He has done. The mountains bow down at His name.
There is such power that comes when we praise God through our own circumstances. When everyday we come before Him, even if we have nothing to say to Him, and we tell Him how much we love Him and how simply thankful we are to have Him close, you can only imagine the pride of a Fathers' heart towards His kid. What joy you bring HIm when you are driving in the car and remember to say, "Lord, I love you to bits and pieces." Even for no specific reason at all!
Think about the big beautiful mountains praising Him. Imagine the billions of angels that right now are crying "Holy Holy Holy" around His throne in the heavens. Look outside at the sun, and later tonight at the moon and watch them. We are watching from so far away and they are praising Him--the same God as we are praising. Look up, if you can see them, and look at the starts twinkling as they behold the beauty of God from where they were placed in the heavens. Think of the oceans, the huge waters all over the earth. Those waves are crashing down and bowing before their Creator.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Go ahead, tell Him you love Him.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Deuteronomy 11:18 (The Message)
"Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you'll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth."
You may as well be extreme about it. You may as well be over-the-top-beside- yourself-passionately-obsessed with the words on the pages. You may as well, because there is enough grey in the world for everyone to walk around blase and non-chalant about anything and everything. I dare you, go ahead and be what these verses are implying. Maybe write down verses that mean something to you. Verses that remind you of all you have been promised. Write them down on paper and stick them on the fridge. Sticky-tape them to the bathroom mirror so every morning when you wake up and brush your teeth, the first thing that you see are the words..."do not fear," or "He shall give you the desires of your heart." Before your head can get in the way and remind you of the circumstances, look at the post-it note on the wall that says, "And my God will supply all your needs..." Tell your kid to write on their hands a verse like," and he will make even your enemies to be at peace with you," So every time they have trouble with a kid at school they can look at their hand and be reminded that God will bring peace between them and that person. Why not? It will remind you of who you are, which side you are on, and it will center you, and pretty soon these scriptures will be so imprinted on your mind and heart that you won't even need it in front of you. It will become rooted at the very core of who you are. They will define you.
So, obsess yourself with the Word of God. Become so in love and beside yourself with it that these words are the most precious words of all your life. The most beautiful thing in the world is when you find 'life' scriptures that walk you through every season of your life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have verses that have literally raised me from a very young age to adulthood. They have stood the test of time and have proven that the God who inspired them is faithful, and is not a liar. Take some time and find a few stand-out scriptures to you that you can put on the doors and walls and around your hands and on your foreheads! Tell your children until they are annoyed at you, and then keep telling them. Find people, even one person, with whom you can talk every day about the precious Word that has changed your life.
I know it takes passion and discipline cause some days it's very hard to feel like doing this, and the Bible is hard to navigate sometimes. Most days I start out well and eventually fall short. But keep going. Keep pushing yourself because I just know that I know that as the world gets darker, and people get more broken, and it's harder to walk in love because of the pressures waiting outside the front door (and sometimes hanging out inside the house), you will need the one true rock. More than ever you will need the One who will keep you from falling over and even if you do, He will pick you up. His Words are the same always. He will never change. He never has, He won't tomorrow, and He won't forever.
Then you will live a long time in your promised land, and you will be full of the joy that God promised you.
"Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you'll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth."
You may as well be extreme about it. You may as well be over-the-top-beside- yourself-passionately-obsessed with the words on the pages. You may as well, because there is enough grey in the world for everyone to walk around blase and non-chalant about anything and everything. I dare you, go ahead and be what these verses are implying. Maybe write down verses that mean something to you. Verses that remind you of all you have been promised. Write them down on paper and stick them on the fridge. Sticky-tape them to the bathroom mirror so every morning when you wake up and brush your teeth, the first thing that you see are the words..."do not fear," or "He shall give you the desires of your heart." Before your head can get in the way and remind you of the circumstances, look at the post-it note on the wall that says, "And my God will supply all your needs..." Tell your kid to write on their hands a verse like," and he will make even your enemies to be at peace with you," So every time they have trouble with a kid at school they can look at their hand and be reminded that God will bring peace between them and that person. Why not? It will remind you of who you are, which side you are on, and it will center you, and pretty soon these scriptures will be so imprinted on your mind and heart that you won't even need it in front of you. It will become rooted at the very core of who you are. They will define you.
So, obsess yourself with the Word of God. Become so in love and beside yourself with it that these words are the most precious words of all your life. The most beautiful thing in the world is when you find 'life' scriptures that walk you through every season of your life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have verses that have literally raised me from a very young age to adulthood. They have stood the test of time and have proven that the God who inspired them is faithful, and is not a liar. Take some time and find a few stand-out scriptures to you that you can put on the doors and walls and around your hands and on your foreheads! Tell your children until they are annoyed at you, and then keep telling them. Find people, even one person, with whom you can talk every day about the precious Word that has changed your life.
I know it takes passion and discipline cause some days it's very hard to feel like doing this, and the Bible is hard to navigate sometimes. Most days I start out well and eventually fall short. But keep going. Keep pushing yourself because I just know that I know that as the world gets darker, and people get more broken, and it's harder to walk in love because of the pressures waiting outside the front door (and sometimes hanging out inside the house), you will need the one true rock. More than ever you will need the One who will keep you from falling over and even if you do, He will pick you up. His Words are the same always. He will never change. He never has, He won't tomorrow, and He won't forever.
Then you will live a long time in your promised land, and you will be full of the joy that God promised you.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Zephaniah 3:17
“The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
What a gem of a verse! This is one of the happiest, most hearty verses I have read. The fact that the Lord God (the Creator of the whole universe) is in my midst, is far out enough for me. Think about it: He is in the place where you are. Where you are is where He is. Our big and beautiful God is right beside you, near you, all around you, in your midst . . . And He is ready for action. Ready to pounce on any person, place or animal that dare tries to take down or hurt His kid (you and me).
The Mighty One: I like this name for Him. I picture my strong and powerful Dad, and I know He surely is mighty to save me, mighty to save you. He saved the whole of humanity from death and destruction and He comes to you, right up close and rescues you when you call His name. He adores every part of you, and will come to you. He will save you from the situation that is trying to attack you, or worse yet, take your life. He will rescue you from the emotional, mental or physical chains that are keeping you down, He will come to you and give you peace in your soul. He will save you when you call His sweet name. He is big and strong and powerful and there is nothing your God cannot do.
The Creator of the Universe sings over you. He looks at you, into your eyes, and with the pride and love of a new parent He sings songs for you, and amidst the chaos He lulls you to a peaceful quiet rest with His lovely loving voice…
And what blows me away the most? This big and beautiful God delights in you, in me. He looks at you, His heart swollen with pride and adoration. You make Him completely happy. The sight of you makes Him sing and dance. It’s too much for our little earthly heads to comprehend. It’s such a beautiful thing.
This is one of the yummiest verses I’ve come across. What a sweet and happy and powerful God we have to walk beside us and protect us as we live? He is too marvellous for words.
“The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
What a gem of a verse! This is one of the happiest, most hearty verses I have read. The fact that the Lord God (the Creator of the whole universe) is in my midst, is far out enough for me. Think about it: He is in the place where you are. Where you are is where He is. Our big and beautiful God is right beside you, near you, all around you, in your midst . . . And He is ready for action. Ready to pounce on any person, place or animal that dare tries to take down or hurt His kid (you and me).
The Mighty One: I like this name for Him. I picture my strong and powerful Dad, and I know He surely is mighty to save me, mighty to save you. He saved the whole of humanity from death and destruction and He comes to you, right up close and rescues you when you call His name. He adores every part of you, and will come to you. He will save you from the situation that is trying to attack you, or worse yet, take your life. He will rescue you from the emotional, mental or physical chains that are keeping you down, He will come to you and give you peace in your soul. He will save you when you call His sweet name. He is big and strong and powerful and there is nothing your God cannot do.
The Creator of the Universe sings over you. He looks at you, into your eyes, and with the pride and love of a new parent He sings songs for you, and amidst the chaos He lulls you to a peaceful quiet rest with His lovely loving voice…
And what blows me away the most? This big and beautiful God delights in you, in me. He looks at you, His heart swollen with pride and adoration. You make Him completely happy. The sight of you makes Him sing and dance. It’s too much for our little earthly heads to comprehend. It’s such a beautiful thing.
This is one of the yummiest verses I’ve come across. What a sweet and happy and powerful God we have to walk beside us and protect us as we live? He is too marvellous for words.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith not by sight."
We read it and it is so simplistic. But this little sentence is the essence of walking with Jesus. When you walk and talk with Him on a daily basis this must be your creed. It must be the driving force that keeps you waking up every morning and looking into the eyes of Jesus and knowing all He says is true. You trust that the unseen Love and Lord who has rescued you and given you hope is actually what is true and real. What a relief. To not have to look at the reality or the circumstances, which sometimes seem dismal and discouraging, but rather to look at what the Bible, God's precious treasure for us, says about what you're going through. We must walk by what we don't see: the love and peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, as opposed to what we do see on this earth. Easier said than done, I know, but when you're caught up in Him and His Word this scripture will soon enough roll off your tongue like a subconscious motto in crisis.
So when you're in a situation where everything in "sight" is a dead end or discouraging or not looking great, stop yourself. When you turn on the TV and look at the fear and devastation gripping our world, stop yourself. Don't be out of touch with the world and the humans walking around in it. But with one hand out to hold and comfort others, take your eyes off the natural realm and get your Bible out and look at Jesus. Read and remind yourself of what it says about the situation you're in. Believe that God is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do.
"For we walk by faith not by sight."
We read it and it is so simplistic. But this little sentence is the essence of walking with Jesus. When you walk and talk with Him on a daily basis this must be your creed. It must be the driving force that keeps you waking up every morning and looking into the eyes of Jesus and knowing all He says is true. You trust that the unseen Love and Lord who has rescued you and given you hope is actually what is true and real. What a relief. To not have to look at the reality or the circumstances, which sometimes seem dismal and discouraging, but rather to look at what the Bible, God's precious treasure for us, says about what you're going through. We must walk by what we don't see: the love and peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, as opposed to what we do see on this earth. Easier said than done, I know, but when you're caught up in Him and His Word this scripture will soon enough roll off your tongue like a subconscious motto in crisis.
So when you're in a situation where everything in "sight" is a dead end or discouraging or not looking great, stop yourself. When you turn on the TV and look at the fear and devastation gripping our world, stop yourself. Don't be out of touch with the world and the humans walking around in it. But with one hand out to hold and comfort others, take your eyes off the natural realm and get your Bible out and look at Jesus. Read and remind yourself of what it says about the situation you're in. Believe that God is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
1 Samuel 16:7
"But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature... For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”"
God is beautiful and magnificent and the most pure being of all living things. He is worthy of all our adoration, and worthy of your whole life and entire being. He takes the human heart of a person and makes it whole again. He daily reminds the human heart of it's value, beauty, worth and purpose. God sees life and people differently than we do. He is more in touch with what is real than any down to earth person you or I have ever met. He is perfectly pure in His vision and love of people.
Unfortunately, all the people on the earth walking around see other people from the outside: How pretty the person is; How fit they are; how good their hair is or how popular they seem to be. If we're honest, we are all messed up in our view of people. We size a person by their "look" or how well their exterior matches ours, we sometimes lose sight of what is real.
Our consolation is that our sweet, unseen King looks inside of our bodies and straight into our hearts. He looks inside, beyond our skin and into the deep part of our hearts and souls, the part that is real and honest. We flawed and shallow humans look at the outside of other humans and, Praise Him, our God looks at the human heart inside. He sees beyond the insecure, the ugly, the hard to love, the bad language, the mean and straight to the state of their hearts.
And it's a comforting thought to know that He really really knows us, and also a challenge for us to see and love others that way. But what's scary is when we realize that we can have everything on the outside looking perfect and put together, but inside we are ugly messy, ungodly and lying creatures in our hearts. What a tragedy.
Be the same person in all different scenarios and to all different people. Ask the Holy Spirit in you to love others with the same pure love that He does, and be true and loyal to God.
"But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature... For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”"
God is beautiful and magnificent and the most pure being of all living things. He is worthy of all our adoration, and worthy of your whole life and entire being. He takes the human heart of a person and makes it whole again. He daily reminds the human heart of it's value, beauty, worth and purpose. God sees life and people differently than we do. He is more in touch with what is real than any down to earth person you or I have ever met. He is perfectly pure in His vision and love of people.
Unfortunately, all the people on the earth walking around see other people from the outside: How pretty the person is; How fit they are; how good their hair is or how popular they seem to be. If we're honest, we are all messed up in our view of people. We size a person by their "look" or how well their exterior matches ours, we sometimes lose sight of what is real.
Our consolation is that our sweet, unseen King looks inside of our bodies and straight into our hearts. He looks inside, beyond our skin and into the deep part of our hearts and souls, the part that is real and honest. We flawed and shallow humans look at the outside of other humans and, Praise Him, our God looks at the human heart inside. He sees beyond the insecure, the ugly, the hard to love, the bad language, the mean and straight to the state of their hearts.
And it's a comforting thought to know that He really really knows us, and also a challenge for us to see and love others that way. But what's scary is when we realize that we can have everything on the outside looking perfect and put together, but inside we are ugly messy, ungodly and lying creatures in our hearts. What a tragedy.
Be the same person in all different scenarios and to all different people. Ask the Holy Spirit in you to love others with the same pure love that He does, and be true and loyal to God.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Galations 6:9
"And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. "
We can all read this and be relieved in some way or another because we're building toward something in life. Every human being in some way is working working working and building building building toward a dream or a goal or a vision that they, for days, or months or even years, have clutched onto with all their might, sometimes tired and ready to be done. This perfect and precious promise to stay in the game and to not get sick of it all, has inspired me when I have been on my knees telling God it's over. That's it, I'm completely worn out. It has reminded me that when you're a child of God, heirs with Jesus the King, it's all about timing. It hurts to hear, but it's true.
It's so simple, but as I sit here with this very short, to-the-point verse I think about the things I am trying to "do good" in. The spouse I am trying to become, the friend I am desperate to be, the art I am trying to create, the hard-to-love people I am trying to love and honor, the job in which I am trying to excel, the Bible Study I am trying to get people to come to, the kids I am trying to raise, the daughter I am trying to be...It gets tough because "good" and "longevity" is the exact opposite of this bad, mean and get-everything-straight-away world.
So keep doing what you believe is good and true, and what you believe is the meaning of your life here on earth. Don't get tired. Take heart. If you haven't seen the fullness of it, whatever 'it' is, it's just not time. But, our ever so perfect Bible, our Fathers' Word, says at the right time you will be rewarded for all that you have put in. Things will happen if you don't lose heart! Keep going. Keep going.
And if all the good things you're trying to do and be get too overwhelming and you're ready to throw in the towel and your body is about to break, then try this simple thing. Forget about it all. Every morning simply wake up, get on your knees if you want, and say, "Father, I love you more than anything. Help me to love you more today than I did yesterday, and whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it." Then get on with the day with your focus on Him. And everything else will come. Such beauty and rewards and blessing and peace you will reap. Perfect.
"And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. "
We can all read this and be relieved in some way or another because we're building toward something in life. Every human being in some way is working working working and building building building toward a dream or a goal or a vision that they, for days, or months or even years, have clutched onto with all their might, sometimes tired and ready to be done. This perfect and precious promise to stay in the game and to not get sick of it all, has inspired me when I have been on my knees telling God it's over. That's it, I'm completely worn out. It has reminded me that when you're a child of God, heirs with Jesus the King, it's all about timing. It hurts to hear, but it's true.
It's so simple, but as I sit here with this very short, to-the-point verse I think about the things I am trying to "do good" in. The spouse I am trying to become, the friend I am desperate to be, the art I am trying to create, the hard-to-love people I am trying to love and honor, the job in which I am trying to excel, the Bible Study I am trying to get people to come to, the kids I am trying to raise, the daughter I am trying to be...It gets tough because "good" and "longevity" is the exact opposite of this bad, mean and get-everything-straight-away world.
So keep doing what you believe is good and true, and what you believe is the meaning of your life here on earth. Don't get tired. Take heart. If you haven't seen the fullness of it, whatever 'it' is, it's just not time. But, our ever so perfect Bible, our Fathers' Word, says at the right time you will be rewarded for all that you have put in. Things will happen if you don't lose heart! Keep going. Keep going.
And if all the good things you're trying to do and be get too overwhelming and you're ready to throw in the towel and your body is about to break, then try this simple thing. Forget about it all. Every morning simply wake up, get on your knees if you want, and say, "Father, I love you more than anything. Help me to love you more today than I did yesterday, and whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it." Then get on with the day with your focus on Him. And everything else will come. Such beauty and rewards and blessing and peace you will reap. Perfect.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Psalm 46:10
"Be still and know that I am God."
Be still. No matter how relaxed of a person we are, at some point of the day or week or month or year or hour we all need a strong, powerful and gentle voice telling us to stop what we are doing or feeling and be at peace. This psalm is a perfect ray of sunshine for us to lay still under in our very scary, busy, shaken up world. It opens with the consolation that God is our constant, present help when the world terrifies us. He is always always always near. Always. Then as we scroll down the psalm and it speaks more of the very powerful presence and character of God, we are somewhat abruptly told to be still and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is God.
I don't know much about things, really. But one thing I have noticed from my short time on this earth, is that things are getting quicker, faster and more hectic. It's like we're all in fast forward. Things are moving fast. You may lead a quiet and peaceful life, yet the raging storms of wars and broken people around you give you fear and anxiety. And even if you don't realize it, your mind is speeding down a list of worst case scenarios or fears and you forget that God is always the strong and powerful God no matter what the world is saying. Or, perhaps you may be so exhausted from life that you very obviously and literally need to take this verse to your heart of hearts and be still and remember who is God.
You could be a parent running around busy trying to catch a breath and you literally need to take five minutes to remember that God is God and He is the center of everything; or you could be watching the ridiculous nightly news reminded and panicked with the state of the earth and feeling hopeless and it would help you to turn off the TV and look to heaven our hope; or you could be sitting alone on your couch, lonely and depressed, and even the voices in your head, your only friends, are lonely. And you need to silence the voices and put on some happy music and remember Jesus, who is God; you could be in the middle of hell on earth and you need to still the emotions and overwhelmed state of your entire being and while you may literally be unable to stop physically, deep deep down you must be still and at peace knowing who sits on the throne.
David wrote this psalm. He was a warrior often on the battle field with his men literally at war. And He knew that in it all, when it all got too much, He had to be still in his heart and mind and soul, and sometimes his body, and know that God is God. He is the one who will be lifted up in every nation. Be still.
"Be still and know that I am God."
Be still. No matter how relaxed of a person we are, at some point of the day or week or month or year or hour we all need a strong, powerful and gentle voice telling us to stop what we are doing or feeling and be at peace. This psalm is a perfect ray of sunshine for us to lay still under in our very scary, busy, shaken up world. It opens with the consolation that God is our constant, present help when the world terrifies us. He is always always always near. Always. Then as we scroll down the psalm and it speaks more of the very powerful presence and character of God, we are somewhat abruptly told to be still and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is God.
I don't know much about things, really. But one thing I have noticed from my short time on this earth, is that things are getting quicker, faster and more hectic. It's like we're all in fast forward. Things are moving fast. You may lead a quiet and peaceful life, yet the raging storms of wars and broken people around you give you fear and anxiety. And even if you don't realize it, your mind is speeding down a list of worst case scenarios or fears and you forget that God is always the strong and powerful God no matter what the world is saying. Or, perhaps you may be so exhausted from life that you very obviously and literally need to take this verse to your heart of hearts and be still and remember who is God.
You could be a parent running around busy trying to catch a breath and you literally need to take five minutes to remember that God is God and He is the center of everything; or you could be watching the ridiculous nightly news reminded and panicked with the state of the earth and feeling hopeless and it would help you to turn off the TV and look to heaven our hope; or you could be sitting alone on your couch, lonely and depressed, and even the voices in your head, your only friends, are lonely. And you need to silence the voices and put on some happy music and remember Jesus, who is God; you could be in the middle of hell on earth and you need to still the emotions and overwhelmed state of your entire being and while you may literally be unable to stop physically, deep deep down you must be still and at peace knowing who sits on the throne.
David wrote this psalm. He was a warrior often on the battle field with his men literally at war. And He knew that in it all, when it all got too much, He had to be still in his heart and mind and soul, and sometimes his body, and know that God is God. He is the one who will be lifted up in every nation. Be still.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Mark 5:25-34
"Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well." Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around to the crowd and said, "Who touched my clothes?" But His disciples said to Him, "You see the multitudes thronging you, and you say, who touched me?" And he looked around to see her who had done this thing. But the woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came to fall down before Him, and told HIm the whole truth. And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction."
This lady is a hero in the pages of this big and beautiful Book. Her short story expresses completely the essence of our faith. True faith.
The man was a rock star. Wherever Jesus went he was surrounded by people. People came from all over and wanted a piece of this somewhat mystery of a man. He claimed He was God's son. He came to earth to find the lost ones and save them. He did things opposite to the way he was supposed to: He healed sick people on the wrong days of the week, He liberated women in a male dominated society, He cast out demons in broad daylight, he set people free all over the place. Men, women and children, especially the children, just wanted to be near Him.
The woman in our story had a life-debilitating disease for twelve years. Twelve years of bleeding. She couldn't have babies (a very big deal in her day), she was in lots of pain and she was dirt poor from all the doctors' fees. She had suffered. She was an outcast-unwelcome in society. But this little lady had faith. Rock star faith. I can see her in her little one room house the morning she woke up and decided to get to Jesus. She slowly got herself dressed and ready. She was already exhausted and her day hadn't even begun. But she was going to be healed. She must be healed. Even if it takes everything in me, she thought. "If I can just touch his clothes..." Her faith pushed through the crowd to get to Jesus. She knew that if she could just touch the hem of his clothes her tired, worn out, depleted body would be healed.
So Jesus is standing in a crowd of people. They are pushed up against Him trying to get to Him... all begging for His attention. And here comes the little lady. She is already a disgrace to those who see her. They all know her condition. I can imagine her being shoved around in the crowd like a little lost child in sea of people. But she wasn't lost. She used every ounce of energy to push through the crowd. To touch Jesus. She touches His jacket and immediately she is healed. No more blood flowed. She knew she was healed. The crazy thing is, immediately Jesus is aware of her touch. He knows that power had come out of him. He knew someone had been healed.
This is what blows me away about faith in Jesus: essentially, her own faith drew out from Jesus her miracle. Jesus was being pushed around by the paparazzi and one person (out of the millions of others pressed up against him) with big faith in the crowd touched him, and she is healed. It seems to me as I read this that in that moment, Jesus didn't decide to heal her. Her faith healed her. It happened because of her faith. In that moment, her faith was more powerful than His decision to heal her. Jesus didn't decide to do it, her faith did. Her faith made her well, just like He told her as He sent her home, completely free and healed, in peace.
Oh, God. Give me faith like that.
"Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well." Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around to the crowd and said, "Who touched my clothes?" But His disciples said to Him, "You see the multitudes thronging you, and you say, who touched me?" And he looked around to see her who had done this thing. But the woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came to fall down before Him, and told HIm the whole truth. And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction."
This lady is a hero in the pages of this big and beautiful Book. Her short story expresses completely the essence of our faith. True faith.
The man was a rock star. Wherever Jesus went he was surrounded by people. People came from all over and wanted a piece of this somewhat mystery of a man. He claimed He was God's son. He came to earth to find the lost ones and save them. He did things opposite to the way he was supposed to: He healed sick people on the wrong days of the week, He liberated women in a male dominated society, He cast out demons in broad daylight, he set people free all over the place. Men, women and children, especially the children, just wanted to be near Him.
The woman in our story had a life-debilitating disease for twelve years. Twelve years of bleeding. She couldn't have babies (a very big deal in her day), she was in lots of pain and she was dirt poor from all the doctors' fees. She had suffered. She was an outcast-unwelcome in society. But this little lady had faith. Rock star faith. I can see her in her little one room house the morning she woke up and decided to get to Jesus. She slowly got herself dressed and ready. She was already exhausted and her day hadn't even begun. But she was going to be healed. She must be healed. Even if it takes everything in me, she thought. "If I can just touch his clothes..." Her faith pushed through the crowd to get to Jesus. She knew that if she could just touch the hem of his clothes her tired, worn out, depleted body would be healed.
So Jesus is standing in a crowd of people. They are pushed up against Him trying to get to Him... all begging for His attention. And here comes the little lady. She is already a disgrace to those who see her. They all know her condition. I can imagine her being shoved around in the crowd like a little lost child in sea of people. But she wasn't lost. She used every ounce of energy to push through the crowd. To touch Jesus. She touches His jacket and immediately she is healed. No more blood flowed. She knew she was healed. The crazy thing is, immediately Jesus is aware of her touch. He knows that power had come out of him. He knew someone had been healed.
This is what blows me away about faith in Jesus: essentially, her own faith drew out from Jesus her miracle. Jesus was being pushed around by the paparazzi and one person (out of the millions of others pressed up against him) with big faith in the crowd touched him, and she is healed. It seems to me as I read this that in that moment, Jesus didn't decide to heal her. Her faith healed her. It happened because of her faith. In that moment, her faith was more powerful than His decision to heal her. Jesus didn't decide to do it, her faith did. Her faith made her well, just like He told her as He sent her home, completely free and healed, in peace.
Oh, God. Give me faith like that.
Romans 12:15
"Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."
Paul is writing to the Romans, and if you haven't spent a lot of time reading this ancient letter, you should because it's awesome. Romans is very encouraging, and throughout it we find more of the character of Paul and the very very deep love he has for his Savior and for the church . . . for us. Like every book in the Bible, Romans has many layers. It is deep in many ways, but I think it primarily presents a pure and simple way to live life as a lover and friend of Jesus. Paul opens the letter by describing us as "...the beloved of God, called to be His saints." I think that's pretty amazing. It reminds me I have been given much, so much is expected of me.
In verse 12, Paul tells me how to be a friend. When someone you love is crying and their heart is broken, pray that God gives you compassion. If the person who is broken in front of you is someone you adore then this won't be difficult. But you may not particularly like the person whose heart is standing there, a broken mess. So, you may have to quickly beg God. Beg Him to bring you to a place where you feel the heart-break of the person in front of you. Ask Him for the compassion that Jesus had when He walked the earth. This compassion will change you.
The first part of this verse sometimes gets overlooked. Because, if we're honest, sometimes it's easier to cry with someone when they're hurting, than to celebrate with them when things are going perfect and great. Especially when they're not particularly going well for you and you wish it was you who were rejoicing and not them. Now, again, if you are very close with the rejoicer than you (hopefully) want them to be the happiest soul in the world, but if not, then it could get tricky. But when the love of Jesus is really really full in you, and you are secure in Him, you want others to be living in joy and at peace. And when it happens and you see a human soul truly rejoicing and celebrating their lives, you are completely fulfilled.
Bottom line is, it's not about you. Life is not about you, you're not the center of everyone's attention. Put others first. So maybe today when you're sitting with God, ask Him to help you be a better friend and person to other friends and people. Ask him to fill you with compassion so you have pure joy for people in their triumphs, and genuine sorrow in their brokenness. You will be so fulfilled, and live such a deeper life when you are living and walking with other people's hearts in your own heart and mind.
"Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."
Paul is writing to the Romans, and if you haven't spent a lot of time reading this ancient letter, you should because it's awesome. Romans is very encouraging, and throughout it we find more of the character of Paul and the very very deep love he has for his Savior and for the church . . . for us. Like every book in the Bible, Romans has many layers. It is deep in many ways, but I think it primarily presents a pure and simple way to live life as a lover and friend of Jesus. Paul opens the letter by describing us as "...the beloved of God, called to be His saints." I think that's pretty amazing. It reminds me I have been given much, so much is expected of me.
In verse 12, Paul tells me how to be a friend. When someone you love is crying and their heart is broken, pray that God gives you compassion. If the person who is broken in front of you is someone you adore then this won't be difficult. But you may not particularly like the person whose heart is standing there, a broken mess. So, you may have to quickly beg God. Beg Him to bring you to a place where you feel the heart-break of the person in front of you. Ask Him for the compassion that Jesus had when He walked the earth. This compassion will change you.
The first part of this verse sometimes gets overlooked. Because, if we're honest, sometimes it's easier to cry with someone when they're hurting, than to celebrate with them when things are going perfect and great. Especially when they're not particularly going well for you and you wish it was you who were rejoicing and not them. Now, again, if you are very close with the rejoicer than you (hopefully) want them to be the happiest soul in the world, but if not, then it could get tricky. But when the love of Jesus is really really full in you, and you are secure in Him, you want others to be living in joy and at peace. And when it happens and you see a human soul truly rejoicing and celebrating their lives, you are completely fulfilled.
Bottom line is, it's not about you. Life is not about you, you're not the center of everyone's attention. Put others first. So maybe today when you're sitting with God, ask Him to help you be a better friend and person to other friends and people. Ask him to fill you with compassion so you have pure joy for people in their triumphs, and genuine sorrow in their brokenness. You will be so fulfilled, and live such a deeper life when you are living and walking with other people's hearts in your own heart and mind.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ephesians 3:20
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly more abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..."
I don't know about you, but I am a big thinker. I over-think most things. I drive myself crazy with it sometimes. But, mostly, I don't think it's a bad thing because you can bet if I have an idea or a dream or if I think something can happen, then I am thinking of the biggest most grand way it can be done. I get excited at the possibilities of stuff happening, dreams coming true and lives changing. All because of Jesus' love.
When the love of Jesus came to you and you came to know Him, His spirit became real to you. When this happened you became very powerful, and because of this you can do anything and everything you could imagine. When I sit with this verse, you can imagine (the over-thinker that I am) my imagination goes wild. I take the things I desire of God: the dreams, the cool relationships, the jobs, the songs, the peace... the endless possibilities, and I ask Him for them. Then I read that He can do more than that. Beyond all the prayers and ideas and dreams. I read He can do more than that because of the power that He's placed in ME. It's ME. It's Jesus in ME. What a thought.
This world is awful and sometimes it's hard to keep believing. It's hard to dream because our minds and hearts get so clogged with the junk that bombards us via the news, the crisis, the terror, all the "entertainment," our families and our own issues. I know it gets tough to believe big. But please keep believing that God wants to use His sweet and powerful spirit within you, the same one that empowered Jesus to love and heal and liberate on earth, for big big big things. He wants to take all that you ask Him: the prayers you pray, the cries you cry, and all that you think: the thoughts and ideas that don't even make it into prayers sometimes but are just pondered in your heart. He takes it all and says, "cool, here's what you are asking me, and here's what you think could be great, and I'm going to take it higher and bigger and better and so much more beyond what you can even imagine." Find as many verses on the Holy Spirit, or even simpler, just read about Jesus- especially in the first four books of the New Testament, and get a taste of who He is and the incredible things He did for humanity. You can do that, and even more. Jesus says so.
Ask God to take all the things you've asked and all the thoughts you've thought, and make them bigger and abundantly higher than you could EVER imagine. Then the world will surely know that this Jesus you're all about is real and legit.
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly more abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..."
I don't know about you, but I am a big thinker. I over-think most things. I drive myself crazy with it sometimes. But, mostly, I don't think it's a bad thing because you can bet if I have an idea or a dream or if I think something can happen, then I am thinking of the biggest most grand way it can be done. I get excited at the possibilities of stuff happening, dreams coming true and lives changing. All because of Jesus' love.
When the love of Jesus came to you and you came to know Him, His spirit became real to you. When this happened you became very powerful, and because of this you can do anything and everything you could imagine. When I sit with this verse, you can imagine (the over-thinker that I am) my imagination goes wild. I take the things I desire of God: the dreams, the cool relationships, the jobs, the songs, the peace... the endless possibilities, and I ask Him for them. Then I read that He can do more than that. Beyond all the prayers and ideas and dreams. I read He can do more than that because of the power that He's placed in ME. It's ME. It's Jesus in ME. What a thought.
This world is awful and sometimes it's hard to keep believing. It's hard to dream because our minds and hearts get so clogged with the junk that bombards us via the news, the crisis, the terror, all the "entertainment," our families and our own issues. I know it gets tough to believe big. But please keep believing that God wants to use His sweet and powerful spirit within you, the same one that empowered Jesus to love and heal and liberate on earth, for big big big things. He wants to take all that you ask Him: the prayers you pray, the cries you cry, and all that you think: the thoughts and ideas that don't even make it into prayers sometimes but are just pondered in your heart. He takes it all and says, "cool, here's what you are asking me, and here's what you think could be great, and I'm going to take it higher and bigger and better and so much more beyond what you can even imagine." Find as many verses on the Holy Spirit, or even simpler, just read about Jesus- especially in the first four books of the New Testament, and get a taste of who He is and the incredible things He did for humanity. You can do that, and even more. Jesus says so.
Ask God to take all the things you've asked and all the thoughts you've thought, and make them bigger and abundantly higher than you could EVER imagine. Then the world will surely know that this Jesus you're all about is real and legit.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Psalm 20:4
"May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose."
Every human being, at some point in their lives, has a panic attack. They think that maybe, just maybe, things won't work out. As kids we have all these grand ideas, we make our life plans and with glee and happiness we discover all the dreams in our hearts. We walk, run, into life excited and ready to tackle it head on. Yes, it's all going to be awesome and it's all going to happen. Any day now.
Time passes and some things are way harder than we thought. Life happens and the grand plan doesn't seem as obvious as it did when we first set out. Throw a little bit of pain and suffering and disappointment in the mix, and you wake up one day if you're honest with yourself and with God, you want to give up. Too hard. Let's go home.
But then the Bible, our precious perfect treasure, is open in front of us and we read this tiny poignant prayer written thousands of years ago. We smile with relief because we realize this is one of the deepest heart cries of every human being who has ever walked the earth. We repeat this prayer to God out loud over and over again. And relief comes.
"May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose."
Every human being, at some point in their lives, has a panic attack. They think that maybe, just maybe, things won't work out. As kids we have all these grand ideas, we make our life plans and with glee and happiness we discover all the dreams in our hearts. We walk, run, into life excited and ready to tackle it head on. Yes, it's all going to be awesome and it's all going to happen. Any day now.
Time passes and some things are way harder than we thought. Life happens and the grand plan doesn't seem as obvious as it did when we first set out. Throw a little bit of pain and suffering and disappointment in the mix, and you wake up one day if you're honest with yourself and with God, you want to give up. Too hard. Let's go home.
But then the Bible, our precious perfect treasure, is open in front of us and we read this tiny poignant prayer written thousands of years ago. We smile with relief because we realize this is one of the deepest heart cries of every human being who has ever walked the earth. We repeat this prayer to God out loud over and over again. And relief comes.
Your Lord will take your deep desires and make them happen. And, even more than all the stuff we want, and the dreams we dream, He takes our hearts and minds and bodies and actually allows us to live with purpose. Real purpose. He will fulfill the very reason you were put on this earth. I know this all sounds vague, but maybe it's as simple as the lives you will find and heal and love on a day to day basis.
You may have been told this lots before, but remember the King of Kings knows who you are. He knows your name, and you're not aimlessly walking around waiting for something to happen. Your dreams will come true.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Psalm 27: 1-4, continued.
So back to Psalm 27. David is talking about being afraid. He's saying that even when it's all at its worst and you think you may die, your heart will choose not to fear. Because the Lord is perfect and brings light and strength to our lives, we have no reason to be afraid. We must keep our eyes off the trauma and disaster in the world and on the face of Jesus. Easier said than done, I know, but my heart wants to be there. To live without fear is so cool and nice, and to live constantly in the face of my beautiful God seems perfect and wonderful. It's a place where I want to be more than anywhere.
So, maybe sit on your couch with God, Bible in your lap, and put on the table (to Him) your worst case scenario. Tell Him the one thing you're most afraid of happening to you. (There could be two or three and that's fine, He can handle them all.) Tell Him the thing you believe would kill you. Go on, be brave, dig deep (or not so deep) and put it out there. Then ask God, what would happen to me? If it's not death then it's something else and here's what would happen. At first you would be numb from the pain, and want to die. Then a little while after that you would start to feel again, and you would kick and scream and yell obscenities at God because you feel like you trusted Him and He let you down. Don't worry, it's completely normal, I've done it a lot. Then you would apologize because you felt like you had to. Also been there. Then, eventually, however many days later, you would get out of bed, and still feeling like you were going to die, you would breath in and out, in and out... You would pray to God to help you survive each day. This is the worst case scenario, remember- the core of your fear, the thing that keeps you the most gripped with fear. After the mornings and nights and days and afternoons as a sobbing mess before God, mad at the world and everyone who has the nerve to be happy, you would finally, pain-wrenchingly, find who you are again. Hopefully, slowly, you would allow God to bring you back to life. You would go on. You would live. Because things change, but He never changes. He is as solid as a rock.
Remember, everyday, to look into the face of God in prayer. Look to Him in His precious life changing Word. He is all over the pages; and He will love you love you love you to a point where fear and the mention of it feels foreign amidst such perfect, fearless love you have found. Don't be distracted and don't lose heart because He is always there, and you will see Him.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Psalm 27: 1-4
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came up against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear: though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple."
My best friend and I were talking about fear. Dumb, stupid, annoying Fear. Fear is so interesting. It really is so weird and vague, and incredibly evil, most of the time. Sometimes, I guess, fear can serve as a good thing: a little bit of Godly fear keeps you on your toes and wanting to do the right thing. Or perhaps, in some situations, it serves as a warning signal within a relationship, for example, that makes you aware of a possible "situation" and therefore you can take the proper precautions to prevent something bad happening to something good.
But, we all know the type of fear that comes to our minds and hearts directly from the pit of hell. Satan takes great pleasure as the lies grip the very core of who we are, and we are plagued with worry and torment. It's as if someone overtakes us and we suddenly behave in a way that is the opposite of who we really are. Then, to make it worse, we are beside ourselves because we have let ourselves become this wreck of a person.
Thank the Lord we are not alone in our fears. Every human, at some point of the day, is scared of something. From catching the flu, to getting hit by a car, to getting left by a spouse, to, as King David experienced, actually having armies run toward him to kill and slaughter (no, it wasn't just a metaphor for him). There is something in all of us that allows fear the power to completely unglue us, and it's scary. It's Evil with a capital E.
In one of my favorite psalms, David pours out the truth about God as his light and salvation. Fear is so dark and evil that it covers up the light of God in a situation, and in your heart. In the psalm, David relates to the dark and wicked nature of fear, and then opposes it with the light and protective One who is God, the hope of our lives. He acknowledges the reality that there is literally no thing or no one of whom we should be afraid in light of the perfect love and nature of God. The exciting answer to fear comes in the last verse I have highlighted: "One thing I have desired... to behold the beauty of the Lord." It's as if the opposite to this gripping fear, despite the reality of the circumstances, is to look into the beautiful and perfect face of the Lord; it is to keep company with Him, in His presence forever. That is the opposite of fear. His perfect love and beauty and presence. And Satan, with all his dumb, ridiculous fear tactics does all he can to move our eyes from Him, on to the reality or the impending made up "what if?" reality we have created. We must keep our eyes on Him, the perfect One who is, through the Father, immune to the evil fear that fills our world, tormenting our hearts and minds.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came up against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear: though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple."
My best friend and I were talking about fear. Dumb, stupid, annoying Fear. Fear is so interesting. It really is so weird and vague, and incredibly evil, most of the time. Sometimes, I guess, fear can serve as a good thing: a little bit of Godly fear keeps you on your toes and wanting to do the right thing. Or perhaps, in some situations, it serves as a warning signal within a relationship, for example, that makes you aware of a possible "situation" and therefore you can take the proper precautions to prevent something bad happening to something good.
But, we all know the type of fear that comes to our minds and hearts directly from the pit of hell. Satan takes great pleasure as the lies grip the very core of who we are, and we are plagued with worry and torment. It's as if someone overtakes us and we suddenly behave in a way that is the opposite of who we really are. Then, to make it worse, we are beside ourselves because we have let ourselves become this wreck of a person.
Thank the Lord we are not alone in our fears. Every human, at some point of the day, is scared of something. From catching the flu, to getting hit by a car, to getting left by a spouse, to, as King David experienced, actually having armies run toward him to kill and slaughter (no, it wasn't just a metaphor for him). There is something in all of us that allows fear the power to completely unglue us, and it's scary. It's Evil with a capital E.
In one of my favorite psalms, David pours out the truth about God as his light and salvation. Fear is so dark and evil that it covers up the light of God in a situation, and in your heart. In the psalm, David relates to the dark and wicked nature of fear, and then opposes it with the light and protective One who is God, the hope of our lives. He acknowledges the reality that there is literally no thing or no one of whom we should be afraid in light of the perfect love and nature of God. The exciting answer to fear comes in the last verse I have highlighted: "One thing I have desired... to behold the beauty of the Lord." It's as if the opposite to this gripping fear, despite the reality of the circumstances, is to look into the beautiful and perfect face of the Lord; it is to keep company with Him, in His presence forever. That is the opposite of fear. His perfect love and beauty and presence. And Satan, with all his dumb, ridiculous fear tactics does all he can to move our eyes from Him, on to the reality or the impending made up "what if?" reality we have created. We must keep our eyes on Him, the perfect One who is, through the Father, immune to the evil fear that fills our world, tormenting our hearts and minds.
Maybe when you are afraid, and the same old fears surface their ugly heads, you should get mad. Get mad at Satan for the lies and the fear he thinks he can put on you. Maybe out loud you could say, "the Lord is my light and my salvation.. whom shall I fear?" Tell the fear to "GO AWAY!" Let the fears in your life empower you to a fierce dependancy upon and intimate relationship with God. And let your fears force you to a place where your heart's true, one desire is to look at Him every morning and night and "dwell" with Him all day. This is your peace.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
2 Timothy 2:13
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.”
Humans have somehow succeeded in creating the most unfaithful world one could imagine. I get so happy, and unfortunately surprised to hear stories about sixty year old marriages and forty year old friendships, and companies who send hard working employees off to their retirement well set-up for the last part of their lives.
Stories of loyalty and love are relieving to our minds and hearts because we are uptight and worried. We’re concerned that the next betrayal we hear about could be our very own. It’s sad. What’s worse is that over my short life I have behaved in forms of unfaithfulness, hurting those I love. And I catch myself being the very girl I don’t want to be. I have hurt friends, family, acquaintances, companies, partners, charities, teams . . . and the most horrific, mortifying of all, Jesus. Sweet Jesus: the only single One who has ever been truly faithful even when I am faithless. For Him to not be faithful would be a lie. A circle can't be a square, the sun can't be the moon and God can not be faithless. He is always present, loyal and faithful to you.
I am beside myself with joy and relief knowing that in such a transient, blurry and sad world, He remans faithful. Always. I know that from the time I met Him, and have loved Him, He has always loved me. So, even when you look around at the state of humanity, take heart and even have joy, because He is solid as a rock in this unreliable world. Stay close to Him (staying is harder than coming back) and be faithful. Faithfulness is a good thing.
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.”
Humans have somehow succeeded in creating the most unfaithful world one could imagine. I get so happy, and unfortunately surprised to hear stories about sixty year old marriages and forty year old friendships, and companies who send hard working employees off to their retirement well set-up for the last part of their lives.
Stories of loyalty and love are relieving to our minds and hearts because we are uptight and worried. We’re concerned that the next betrayal we hear about could be our very own. It’s sad. What’s worse is that over my short life I have behaved in forms of unfaithfulness, hurting those I love. And I catch myself being the very girl I don’t want to be. I have hurt friends, family, acquaintances, companies, partners, charities, teams . . . and the most horrific, mortifying of all, Jesus. Sweet Jesus: the only single One who has ever been truly faithful even when I am faithless. For Him to not be faithful would be a lie. A circle can't be a square, the sun can't be the moon and God can not be faithless. He is always present, loyal and faithful to you.
I am beside myself with joy and relief knowing that in such a transient, blurry and sad world, He remans faithful. Always. I know that from the time I met Him, and have loved Him, He has always loved me. So, even when you look around at the state of humanity, take heart and even have joy, because He is solid as a rock in this unreliable world. Stay close to Him (staying is harder than coming back) and be faithful. Faithfulness is a good thing.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
John 17:9-10, 20-23
"I pray for them, I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them...Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as we are."
Such intimacy. Such a picture of intimacy, love and adoration. Jesus' prayer, in this famous chapter of John, shows such a personal, private and sweet space of His heart it brings tears to my eyes. These couple verses I have highlighted capture ever so gently the heart of Jesus: His Dad in heaven, and his beloved disciples and friends who had been with him from the beginning. Including you and me. Isn't that crazy? Back then, when this book was written, before He went to the cross for the human race, Jesus prayed for you. He prayed for the ones who walked the earth with Him in the flesh, and He prayed for those who would come to believe (you and me) and later walk the earth with His Spirit. What a wonderful friend we have in Jesus.
His prayer is spoken soon before He is to be betrayed, captured and murdered. Still, He prays the very essence of intimacy: we are His, He is ours. He is totally and utterly caught up in our hearts--He is totally in love with us. We are not alone and should never feel alone because we belong to Him and He belongs to us. He is about to die, and in His sweet and precious prayer, He sums up His whole purpose on earth and tells His Father how He feels and affirms our position in the Kingdom as His kids. He knows it's time to go.
In our world, there is such loneliness that comes from feeling like you don't belong to someone. Jesus walked on earth to bridge the gap so we now belong to someone. It's simple. I guess it sounds a little weird if you're a realist and still figuring it all out. Jesus took His hand in our hands and put them in the hand of the Father, and we are now one with Him.
There are a thousand books that could be written from this prayer alone, so take some time to sit with it and you will see it for the beautiful, powerful and magnificent prayer that it is. You will discover the heart of Jesus and your life will change. You are perfect and whole in Him. You belong to the only One that will never leave you and will unconditionally love and adore you your entire life.
"I pray for them, I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them...Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as we are."
Such intimacy. Such a picture of intimacy, love and adoration. Jesus' prayer, in this famous chapter of John, shows such a personal, private and sweet space of His heart it brings tears to my eyes. These couple verses I have highlighted capture ever so gently the heart of Jesus: His Dad in heaven, and his beloved disciples and friends who had been with him from the beginning. Including you and me. Isn't that crazy? Back then, when this book was written, before He went to the cross for the human race, Jesus prayed for you. He prayed for the ones who walked the earth with Him in the flesh, and He prayed for those who would come to believe (you and me) and later walk the earth with His Spirit. What a wonderful friend we have in Jesus.
His prayer is spoken soon before He is to be betrayed, captured and murdered. Still, He prays the very essence of intimacy: we are His, He is ours. He is totally and utterly caught up in our hearts--He is totally in love with us. We are not alone and should never feel alone because we belong to Him and He belongs to us. He is about to die, and in His sweet and precious prayer, He sums up His whole purpose on earth and tells His Father how He feels and affirms our position in the Kingdom as His kids. He knows it's time to go.
In our world, there is such loneliness that comes from feeling like you don't belong to someone. Jesus walked on earth to bridge the gap so we now belong to someone. It's simple. I guess it sounds a little weird if you're a realist and still figuring it all out. Jesus took His hand in our hands and put them in the hand of the Father, and we are now one with Him.
There are a thousand books that could be written from this prayer alone, so take some time to sit with it and you will see it for the beautiful, powerful and magnificent prayer that it is. You will discover the heart of Jesus and your life will change. You are perfect and whole in Him. You belong to the only One that will never leave you and will unconditionally love and adore you your entire life.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Joshua 1:7-9
"Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law...do not turn from it...that you may prosper wherever you go...you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success... for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I haven't really ever met anyone who sets out not wanting to be "prosperous and have success." From the day we're born we all long for that feeling and satisfaction that comes when things are going right, dreams are coming true, and love is in the air. Here, in the strong and precious book of Joshua, God gives us the formula. It's so simple and uncomplicated. Life isn't, but the key to it, is.
Stay in the Word. Love the Word. Don't compromise on what it says, for all of it is good and true and it knows more than you. Meditate in it: sit with the words on the pages (don't skim) and let them go to a place deep inside of you that is yours and His alone. Let it become something dear and precious to you. Even if it takes years to get to that place, ask God to make the Words on the pages so personal and inspiring and supernatural that you can't live without them... "as one who finds great treasure." (Psalm 119)
Be strong: don't get wimpy when life gets tough, and it's all messy and you're hurting and can't find the energy or motivation to get out of bed. Stay strong and brave and focused. Keep talking about the Word: "don't let it depart from your mouth." Find people who just want to talk about Jesus and all He did while He walked the earth and what He is doing now while we are walking the earth. He is lovely to talk about. It may seem weird or foreign to you, but I promise the more you do it, the easier you will find it and the more you will love Him. Do what it says. I find this extremely overwhelming, because the Bible says lots of things. The good news is, you are building an eternal relationship. It's a love and friendship so strong and powerful it transcends life here on earth. It's beautiful. There is no fear in it. So, you've got time. Take your time to read it, figure out who He is and what He most desires from you. Start with one thing at a time. He will be happy that you are trying.
This formula for prosperity and success is not really a suggestion. It's a requirement, a commandment, if you will. The good news is no matter what your journey looks like and how good or bad it gets along the way, your sweet, kind and very very protective Lord is with you "wherever you go." You are not alone. What a relief. You can't lose.
"Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law...do not turn from it...that you may prosper wherever you go...you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success... for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I haven't really ever met anyone who sets out not wanting to be "prosperous and have success." From the day we're born we all long for that feeling and satisfaction that comes when things are going right, dreams are coming true, and love is in the air. Here, in the strong and precious book of Joshua, God gives us the formula. It's so simple and uncomplicated. Life isn't, but the key to it, is.
Stay in the Word. Love the Word. Don't compromise on what it says, for all of it is good and true and it knows more than you. Meditate in it: sit with the words on the pages (don't skim) and let them go to a place deep inside of you that is yours and His alone. Let it become something dear and precious to you. Even if it takes years to get to that place, ask God to make the Words on the pages so personal and inspiring and supernatural that you can't live without them... "as one who finds great treasure." (Psalm 119)
Be strong: don't get wimpy when life gets tough, and it's all messy and you're hurting and can't find the energy or motivation to get out of bed. Stay strong and brave and focused. Keep talking about the Word: "don't let it depart from your mouth." Find people who just want to talk about Jesus and all He did while He walked the earth and what He is doing now while we are walking the earth. He is lovely to talk about. It may seem weird or foreign to you, but I promise the more you do it, the easier you will find it and the more you will love Him. Do what it says. I find this extremely overwhelming, because the Bible says lots of things. The good news is, you are building an eternal relationship. It's a love and friendship so strong and powerful it transcends life here on earth. It's beautiful. There is no fear in it. So, you've got time. Take your time to read it, figure out who He is and what He most desires from you. Start with one thing at a time. He will be happy that you are trying.
This formula for prosperity and success is not really a suggestion. It's a requirement, a commandment, if you will. The good news is no matter what your journey looks like and how good or bad it gets along the way, your sweet, kind and very very protective Lord is with you "wherever you go." You are not alone. What a relief. You can't lose.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
2 Chronicles 16:9
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him..."
What an image. What an incredible reality. Humans occupy such a small space upon such a big, magnificent earth, and His big, wonderful eyes are watching it all. He gets to watch and enjoy the mountains, the oceans, the waterfalls, those far out way too perfect and beautiful places of the earth that we watch on those Discovery Channel nature documentary's where filmmakers have risked their lives to get cameras there... he gets to behold it all. All of His creation. His perfect creation. God gets to see all that stuff. And what's even more ridiculous is that with all that beauty He alone gets to wake up to, He is looking for the hearts of humans. His true passion and purpose is the state of the human heart- you and your heart.
Stay faithful and committed to Him. Keep choosing to love and adore Him. Because He watches you humbly stay on your knees in the dark of the night, or the wee hours of the morning, choosing to love him and stay with him through it all. He will notice you and He will stick up for you when life is bad, and things fall apart. Or even when they don't, He will be strong for you.
He is watching you always. It's a comforting, crazy truth, and it's also a little scary. He is watching the earth, He is watching you. From the love of a Father totally in love with you, He is watching to see how you live and breathe and... stay. Stay. Stay with Him. In a world that leaves people alone, and friends walk out on friends and loyalty is rare and precious, wake up and choose (force yourself if you must) to stay with Him today.
Then, as the Bible says, He will stand up for you and He will be strong for you. He wants your heart more than anything in the whole wide world.
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him..."
What an image. What an incredible reality. Humans occupy such a small space upon such a big, magnificent earth, and His big, wonderful eyes are watching it all. He gets to watch and enjoy the mountains, the oceans, the waterfalls, those far out way too perfect and beautiful places of the earth that we watch on those Discovery Channel nature documentary's where filmmakers have risked their lives to get cameras there... he gets to behold it all. All of His creation. His perfect creation. God gets to see all that stuff. And what's even more ridiculous is that with all that beauty He alone gets to wake up to, He is looking for the hearts of humans. His true passion and purpose is the state of the human heart- you and your heart.
Stay faithful and committed to Him. Keep choosing to love and adore Him. Because He watches you humbly stay on your knees in the dark of the night, or the wee hours of the morning, choosing to love him and stay with him through it all. He will notice you and He will stick up for you when life is bad, and things fall apart. Or even when they don't, He will be strong for you.
He is watching you always. It's a comforting, crazy truth, and it's also a little scary. He is watching the earth, He is watching you. From the love of a Father totally in love with you, He is watching to see how you live and breathe and... stay. Stay. Stay with Him. In a world that leaves people alone, and friends walk out on friends and loyalty is rare and precious, wake up and choose (force yourself if you must) to stay with Him today.
Then, as the Bible says, He will stand up for you and He will be strong for you. He wants your heart more than anything in the whole wide world.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Psalm 84:5-7
"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength, each one appears before God in Zion."
Last night I was watching a movie and there was a scene where the protagonist, a successful playwright, has her heart broken by someone she loves. He is not who he was. Broken heart for one. Following the fight, our heroine is beside herself, literally crying and sobbing with messy tears everywhere for a good 4 minutes or so of the film. As she cries, she is doing the usual: grocery shopping, eating, drinking, writing, waking up, going to bed, the WHOLE time sobbing. It's actually pretty funny to watch (because we can all relate in someway), but my point is regarding what happens after that. She is sobbing her little heart out and we are watching her type on her computer, working on a new play. Long story short, she writes a Broadway hit out of her story. She writes her story- her pain- it's a huge success and many people are touched by it. I guess it's not the most profound movie ever made, but I started thinking about it in the context of this psalm. Similarly, when the psalmist passed through the valley, he or she dug their wells, made their valley "...a spring..."
So far, from what I can tell, the human experience (the ups and downs) are essentially the same for everyone. Everyone has ups, and we all certainly have downs. So it's safe to say that someone else (maybe even you again in the future) will be passing through the same valley you are now. Don't waste your valley in bed crying. Okay, you can have a little time for in-bed crying. But the best way to get through a valley is to dig wells: create fresh water for someone else behind you who is yet to pass through. Who knows? Maybe they will be able to pass through their valley a teensy bit easier because of the help you created along the way: the lessons, knowing how to comfort and support, knowing what to say and what not to say. You know.
Don't let someone who has messed you up inside stop you from moving forward. Keep doing stuff even if you're broken inside. You're sobbing and wanting to die right now, and that's okay. You must try, however, to keep doing what you believe you were born to do. Keep waking up and breathing in and out. Keep eating breakfast, keep going to work, keep raising your kids, keep eating lunch, keep playing your instrument, being a friend, and in it all learn as much as you can, so maybe someone (or God forbid even you) can get through it a little bit easier because you paved the way.
Dig wells in your valley, and then wait for the sweet rain from heaven to come and do the rest. The Bible says you will keep getting stronger and stronger. And then you will see God.
"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength, each one appears before God in Zion."
Last night I was watching a movie and there was a scene where the protagonist, a successful playwright, has her heart broken by someone she loves. He is not who he was. Broken heart for one. Following the fight, our heroine is beside herself, literally crying and sobbing with messy tears everywhere for a good 4 minutes or so of the film. As she cries, she is doing the usual: grocery shopping, eating, drinking, writing, waking up, going to bed, the WHOLE time sobbing. It's actually pretty funny to watch (because we can all relate in someway), but my point is regarding what happens after that. She is sobbing her little heart out and we are watching her type on her computer, working on a new play. Long story short, she writes a Broadway hit out of her story. She writes her story- her pain- it's a huge success and many people are touched by it. I guess it's not the most profound movie ever made, but I started thinking about it in the context of this psalm. Similarly, when the psalmist passed through the valley, he or she dug their wells, made their valley "...a spring..."
So far, from what I can tell, the human experience (the ups and downs) are essentially the same for everyone. Everyone has ups, and we all certainly have downs. So it's safe to say that someone else (maybe even you again in the future) will be passing through the same valley you are now. Don't waste your valley in bed crying. Okay, you can have a little time for in-bed crying. But the best way to get through a valley is to dig wells: create fresh water for someone else behind you who is yet to pass through. Who knows? Maybe they will be able to pass through their valley a teensy bit easier because of the help you created along the way: the lessons, knowing how to comfort and support, knowing what to say and what not to say. You know.
Don't let someone who has messed you up inside stop you from moving forward. Keep doing stuff even if you're broken inside. You're sobbing and wanting to die right now, and that's okay. You must try, however, to keep doing what you believe you were born to do. Keep waking up and breathing in and out. Keep eating breakfast, keep going to work, keep raising your kids, keep eating lunch, keep playing your instrument, being a friend, and in it all learn as much as you can, so maybe someone (or God forbid even you) can get through it a little bit easier because you paved the way.
Dig wells in your valley, and then wait for the sweet rain from heaven to come and do the rest. The Bible says you will keep getting stronger and stronger. And then you will see God.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Matthew 10:32-33
"Therefore whoever confesses me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven."
It's the age old scenario we've been taught and taught and taught since Sunday school. Could you stick up for Jesus? Are you embarrassed by Him when it really makes you look ridiculous? These discussions always end up so obvious in a group of Jesus lovers. Why, of course we would stick up for him! How could you even ask such a thing!
I thought of it like this:
I am at a fairly fancy dinner party with some friends. Some love Him, some do not. I end up in a circle of the non-Jesus lovers and we start talking about things. Small talk, films, jobs, yada yada... and of course, religion. Jesus' names comes up. Of course. What none of the guests, including myself, know is that the door is ajar and Jesus is just about to back into the door so it will open because His hands are full with some drinks and a platter of food for all. He is about to light up the room. He lights up every room He walks into. He stops, back to the door, as He hears His name. I can see Him now, even in the dim of the hallway His face is so lovely. His countenance makes anyone smile. He keeps His breath quiet as He listens to the conversation. He is used to this. The subtle jabs at who He is... or rather the jabs at who people think He is, or how He is represented by those who claim to know and love Him. He is listening to how I respond- if I am the same person when it's just Him and me. Well, as it turns out it's not, I'm not. I'm not who I say I believe myself to be. How disappointing.
He is loving and compassionate and faithful toward me and the world, but He is not an idiot. He knows those who are truly loyal, legitimate lovers of Him even if it makes them look silly and strange in front of their friends. He knows, and He will tell His Dad, the Father, about them, either way.
I have been walking with Jesus for about 9000 or so days now. Everyday. Not always the best of friends to Him, but I've tried to stick it out. And I've recently started to pray much more seriously that if I'm in a room of people, and they start saying mean things about my Jesus, or even subtly make fun of Him, that I will stick up for Him. Even if I could muster up the guts to say something about how the person who is evidently a joke here in this conversation, means something to me. I hope after all these years of walking with Him, waking up and talking to Him, having lots of good times with Him, pathetically begging Him to help me survive my broken heart - I'd stick up for Him. I want to know I would say, scream like a fool if I had to: He means everything to me. Even if I lose the respect of cool and rich and pretty people.
And I hope that if He were listening in the dark just about to walk in to the room of people I am hanging out with (food and drinks in His hand for everyone cause He is so nice and wants people to be happy and well fed) that He would smile, turn around, put the trays in the kitchen, and go tell His Dad, the King, about everything I just said to the strangers in the room.
"Therefore whoever confesses me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven."
It's the age old scenario we've been taught and taught and taught since Sunday school. Could you stick up for Jesus? Are you embarrassed by Him when it really makes you look ridiculous? These discussions always end up so obvious in a group of Jesus lovers. Why, of course we would stick up for him! How could you even ask such a thing!
I thought of it like this:
I am at a fairly fancy dinner party with some friends. Some love Him, some do not. I end up in a circle of the non-Jesus lovers and we start talking about things. Small talk, films, jobs, yada yada... and of course, religion. Jesus' names comes up. Of course. What none of the guests, including myself, know is that the door is ajar and Jesus is just about to back into the door so it will open because His hands are full with some drinks and a platter of food for all. He is about to light up the room. He lights up every room He walks into. He stops, back to the door, as He hears His name. I can see Him now, even in the dim of the hallway His face is so lovely. His countenance makes anyone smile. He keeps His breath quiet as He listens to the conversation. He is used to this. The subtle jabs at who He is... or rather the jabs at who people think He is, or how He is represented by those who claim to know and love Him. He is listening to how I respond- if I am the same person when it's just Him and me. Well, as it turns out it's not, I'm not. I'm not who I say I believe myself to be. How disappointing.
He is loving and compassionate and faithful toward me and the world, but He is not an idiot. He knows those who are truly loyal, legitimate lovers of Him even if it makes them look silly and strange in front of their friends. He knows, and He will tell His Dad, the Father, about them, either way.
I have been walking with Jesus for about 9000 or so days now. Everyday. Not always the best of friends to Him, but I've tried to stick it out. And I've recently started to pray much more seriously that if I'm in a room of people, and they start saying mean things about my Jesus, or even subtly make fun of Him, that I will stick up for Him. Even if I could muster up the guts to say something about how the person who is evidently a joke here in this conversation, means something to me. I hope after all these years of walking with Him, waking up and talking to Him, having lots of good times with Him, pathetically begging Him to help me survive my broken heart - I'd stick up for Him. I want to know I would say, scream like a fool if I had to: He means everything to me. Even if I lose the respect of cool and rich and pretty people.
And I hope that if He were listening in the dark just about to walk in to the room of people I am hanging out with (food and drinks in His hand for everyone cause He is so nice and wants people to be happy and well fed) that He would smile, turn around, put the trays in the kitchen, and go tell His Dad, the King, about everything I just said to the strangers in the room.
Monday, January 4, 2010
16 (sorry this ones a bit long, but I think you'll like)
Revelation 21: 3-5.
"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men...Behold I make all things new."
I am by no means a scholar of the book of Revelation. Or the book of anything, really. No way. In some ways this book is so deep that I am scared to even put my thoughts out there on the page, but there are some things in these few scriptures that have touched my life. So I'm just going to say them. Here goes. You don't have to agree.
There is a very powerful scene unfolding here in this scripture. In his vision, John has described perhaps the most beautiful and accurate summary of the whole gospel. It makes sense of it all "...the tabernacle of God is with men." The home where God lives has moved from some untouchable and inaccessible place, to my heart, and to your heart. It's a place so close that you can feel the grace on your skin. "And He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God." WOW. I'm so excited and moved by such a notion that I want to cry. He is mine and I am His. He thinks about me. Now, I know me, and I know I don't deserve such intimacy with a King so holy and so wonderful. Perhaps the most beautiful of all, "and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." I don't think I need to say too much more. It's hope. It's hope for heaven, and I think even hope for today--here on earth. He is a sweet and kind saviour who takes our mistakes and flaws and the bad stuff that has very unfairly happened to us, and with the tissue in His hand He wipes our bloodshot, messy, swollen-from-crying eyes and our snotty noses. And He makes the bad, old stuff, new.
So He makes all things new. He can take the old, closed-up, broken areas of your life that have aged you beyond your years, and make that part of your heart young again in ways you can't even imagine. He can take the thoughts in your mind that often haunt you: fear, anxiety, jealousy, unforgiveness, and if you let Him, He will make you young again and bring a sense of innocence and childlike trust and faith once more. He can make your thoughts new.
He will sit with you. And pretty soon even just His company will make you happy, whole and new. He will love you back to life.
"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men...Behold I make all things new."
I am by no means a scholar of the book of Revelation. Or the book of anything, really. No way. In some ways this book is so deep that I am scared to even put my thoughts out there on the page, but there are some things in these few scriptures that have touched my life. So I'm just going to say them. Here goes. You don't have to agree.
There is a very powerful scene unfolding here in this scripture. In his vision, John has described perhaps the most beautiful and accurate summary of the whole gospel. It makes sense of it all "...the tabernacle of God is with men." The home where God lives has moved from some untouchable and inaccessible place, to my heart, and to your heart. It's a place so close that you can feel the grace on your skin. "And He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God." WOW. I'm so excited and moved by such a notion that I want to cry. He is mine and I am His. He thinks about me. Now, I know me, and I know I don't deserve such intimacy with a King so holy and so wonderful. Perhaps the most beautiful of all, "and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." I don't think I need to say too much more. It's hope. It's hope for heaven, and I think even hope for today--here on earth. He is a sweet and kind saviour who takes our mistakes and flaws and the bad stuff that has very unfairly happened to us, and with the tissue in His hand He wipes our bloodshot, messy, swollen-from-crying eyes and our snotty noses. And He makes the bad, old stuff, new.
So He makes all things new. He can take the old, closed-up, broken areas of your life that have aged you beyond your years, and make that part of your heart young again in ways you can't even imagine. He can take the thoughts in your mind that often haunt you: fear, anxiety, jealousy, unforgiveness, and if you let Him, He will make you young again and bring a sense of innocence and childlike trust and faith once more. He can make your thoughts new.
He will sit with you. And pretty soon even just His company will make you happy, whole and new. He will love you back to life.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Psalm 50:3
"Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth..."
This is my favourite description of God in the whole wide world. It's so pure and spotless and other it makes me want to cry.
The first time I read this about my God, that He is "the perfection of beauty," I sat for ages just staring as I tried to wrap my teeny mind, with it's very narrow view of beauty, around the thought. What is more magnificent than the most perfect form of beauty? Nothing. There is nothing greater that a person, a place or a thing can be, than the perfect form of itself. And here, if we believe the Bible, it says that our sweet and powerful (sometimes scary) God is the most perfect form of beauty that there can be. He is entirely "other." This level of beauty is not from this world; this world cannot even contain it.
Have you ever met someone that you were instantly attracted to? It's as if no matter what they look like on the outside, you know instantaneously (or maybe even over time) that they are truly beautiful. They define beauty to you. You want to be like them. The world around them is pure and peaceful. They make things good and right. You just want to sit and be in their aroundness. So maybe this is a little glimpse of what His magnitude of beauty here on earth could look like. Maybe.
This broken world is ugly and dark. There is no light but for His beauty. And the handy thing is that everyone deep down, or even not so very deep down, wants to be beautiful. We all want it. We need the "perfection of beauty" in us to love and change our worlds.
And this God, the perfection of beauty, thinks about me; we are friends and companions. He is mine. I am His. What's more, I'm beautiful because the essence of Him is inside me. And with it, I can change the world.
"Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth..."
This is my favourite description of God in the whole wide world. It's so pure and spotless and other it makes me want to cry.
The first time I read this about my God, that He is "the perfection of beauty," I sat for ages just staring as I tried to wrap my teeny mind, with it's very narrow view of beauty, around the thought. What is more magnificent than the most perfect form of beauty? Nothing. There is nothing greater that a person, a place or a thing can be, than the perfect form of itself. And here, if we believe the Bible, it says that our sweet and powerful (sometimes scary) God is the most perfect form of beauty that there can be. He is entirely "other." This level of beauty is not from this world; this world cannot even contain it.
Have you ever met someone that you were instantly attracted to? It's as if no matter what they look like on the outside, you know instantaneously (or maybe even over time) that they are truly beautiful. They define beauty to you. You want to be like them. The world around them is pure and peaceful. They make things good and right. You just want to sit and be in their aroundness. So maybe this is a little glimpse of what His magnitude of beauty here on earth could look like. Maybe.
This broken world is ugly and dark. There is no light but for His beauty. And the handy thing is that everyone deep down, or even not so very deep down, wants to be beautiful. We all want it. We need the "perfection of beauty" in us to love and change our worlds.
And this God, the perfection of beauty, thinks about me; we are friends and companions. He is mine. I am His. What's more, I'm beautiful because the essence of Him is inside me. And with it, I can change the world.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Psalm 138:8
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me..."
When I first read this scripture so many years ago I was blown away by such a huge statement. I was so excited that I looked up the word "perfect" in the dictionary because I really wanted to be sure that I was taking in all that the psalmist is saying here. The word "perfect" means "To make whole and complete, without fault." How amazing! Everything on my heart and mind that concerns me, that makes me worried or anxious in any way, God promises to make it something beautiful and whole.
I have to believe that as I daily bring every aspect of my life, the good and the bad, before my King, He will take them and make them something good and right and pure.
Hang in there. He is working something magnificent with all the pieces of your world, and He is making it perfect without any fault. It may take time but it will happen.
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me..."
When I first read this scripture so many years ago I was blown away by such a huge statement. I was so excited that I looked up the word "perfect" in the dictionary because I really wanted to be sure that I was taking in all that the psalmist is saying here. The word "perfect" means "To make whole and complete, without fault." How amazing! Everything on my heart and mind that concerns me, that makes me worried or anxious in any way, God promises to make it something beautiful and whole.
I have to believe that as I daily bring every aspect of my life, the good and the bad, before my King, He will take them and make them something good and right and pure.
Hang in there. He is working something magnificent with all the pieces of your world, and He is making it perfect without any fault. It may take time but it will happen.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Psalm 32:8
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye."
What a perfect and beautiful promise. The confidence this brings me in such a vague and indecisive world is relieving to my very core. Here, I find such lovely imagery of someone, a child even, looking up to a person: looking into their eyes, the loving eyes of a true love, and finding the answers to life that the child, and by child I refer to the messed up indecisive girl who is me, needs. We are children of a beautiful and loving, all knowing God. Everyday we must look into the face of Him and find the direction, guidance, comfort and love that we need. He is the rock of stability we desire and need. He is always there watching us. Our end of the deal is to daily look into his big beautiful perfect eyes and when we do He promises to instruct, teach and guide us with His eyes.
Life is made up of a million decisions everyday. What we should wear, what we should eat, where we should live, who we should marry, what career path we should take... all these decisions, even the seemingly mundane are important in the journey of our lives. They slowly bring us to the places we come to: all the decisions you have made so far have brought you to this place. Some of them are super easy and need not much thought, but I know for myself some of them are so overwhelming, the thought of them, let alone actually making them make me feel a little sick in my stomach. But you don't need to be scared. Don't be afraid. He will show you what to do.
If you look into His eyes: read His Word, pray His Holy Spirit fills you and meets all your needs, you will find your answers.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye."
What a perfect and beautiful promise. The confidence this brings me in such a vague and indecisive world is relieving to my very core. Here, I find such lovely imagery of someone, a child even, looking up to a person: looking into their eyes, the loving eyes of a true love, and finding the answers to life that the child, and by child I refer to the messed up indecisive girl who is me, needs. We are children of a beautiful and loving, all knowing God. Everyday we must look into the face of Him and find the direction, guidance, comfort and love that we need. He is the rock of stability we desire and need. He is always there watching us. Our end of the deal is to daily look into his big beautiful perfect eyes and when we do He promises to instruct, teach and guide us with His eyes.
Life is made up of a million decisions everyday. What we should wear, what we should eat, where we should live, who we should marry, what career path we should take... all these decisions, even the seemingly mundane are important in the journey of our lives. They slowly bring us to the places we come to: all the decisions you have made so far have brought you to this place. Some of them are super easy and need not much thought, but I know for myself some of them are so overwhelming, the thought of them, let alone actually making them make me feel a little sick in my stomach. But you don't need to be scared. Don't be afraid. He will show you what to do.
If you look into His eyes: read His Word, pray His Holy Spirit fills you and meets all your needs, you will find your answers.
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