Friday, January 8, 2010


Joshua 1:7-9
"Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the not turn from it...that you may prosper wherever you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success... for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

I haven't really ever met anyone who sets out not wanting to be "prosperous and have success." From the day we're born we all long for that feeling and satisfaction that comes when things are going right, dreams are coming true, and love is in the air. Here, in the strong and precious book of Joshua, God gives us the formula. It's so simple and uncomplicated. Life isn't, but the key to it, is.

Stay in the Word. Love the Word. Don't compromise on what it says, for all of it is good and true and it knows more than you. Meditate in it: sit with the words on the pages (don't skim) and let them go to a place deep inside of you that is yours and His alone. Let it become something dear and precious to you. Even if it takes years to get to that place, ask God to make the Words on the pages so personal and inspiring and supernatural that you can't live without them... "as one who finds great treasure." (Psalm 119)

Be strong: don't get wimpy when life gets tough, and it's all messy and you're hurting and can't find the energy or motivation to get out of bed. Stay strong and brave and focused. Keep talking about the Word: "don't let it depart from your mouth." Find people who just want to talk about Jesus and all He did while He walked the earth and what He is doing now while we are walking the earth. He is lovely to talk about. It may seem weird or foreign to you, but I promise the more you do it, the easier you will find it and the more you will love Him. Do what it says. I find this extremely overwhelming, because the Bible says lots of things. The good news is, you are building an eternal relationship. It's a love and friendship so strong and powerful it transcends life here on earth. It's beautiful. There is no fear in it. So, you've got time. Take your time to read it, figure out who He is and what He most desires from you. Start with one thing at a time. He will be happy that you are trying.

This formula for prosperity and success is not really a suggestion. It's a requirement, a commandment, if you will. The good news is no matter what your journey looks like and how good or bad it gets along the way, your sweet, kind and very very protective Lord is with you "wherever you go." You are not alone. What a relief. You can't lose.

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