"Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well."
Can you even imagine actually seeing what was happening when Jesus walked on the earth? Close your eyes and picture our Jesus walking the streets and people immediately, upon recognizing Him, beside themselves with joy and excitement. But more than anything else, they were filled with hope. They had heard about this man, God on earth, and He had finally come to their town, to their city, and to their homes to be with them. And they were not going to miss out on their miracle. I want to be that excited, passionate and intense when it comes to touching Jesus. I want to be so convinced that any encounter with Him would change my life, heal my body and mend my broken heart, that I would do anything, anything, to get to Him.
Sometimes I wish He was human again. I wish He still walked the streets so I could bring my sick loved ones to touch His shirt. I wish I could give Him a call on the phone and talk to Him so He would calm my busy mind. I have cried into my hands so desperate for answers wishing more than anything that He would sit on the couch with me and talk to me human to human.
The truth is though, when Jesus left the earth He said that He wouldn't leave us alone. He promised us that He would send a Helper, a Friend, His Holy Spirit, to help us and guide us and listen to us and be there for us always. And He said it would be even better than Him being a human and walking among us. He assured us that it was better that He left us so the Holy Spirit would come to live with us and be our Friend. He is with you now.
I love that we have His precious Spirit who sticks close by PTL