Sunday, March 14, 2010


Philippians 4: 4

"Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!"

There are things I have bad attitudes about. There, I said it. And in the few years I've been around this earth, I have noticed that all it takes for my attitudes to change is a very conscious decision. I am usually one decision away from enjoying my life, the things I'm doing and the people I'm surrounded by. One decision to be joyful and happy. I have been taught from Bible teachers that if the author of the book of the Bible repeats a word, the idea or word is to be extremely emphasized because it is very important for the reader to understand. Here, Paul says to rejoice in what God is doing and who He is, and then repeats himself and says it again: rejoice! So what I'm getting here, Paul, is that you want me to shut up and be happy?

There is nothing stronger than the human will. Your decision to do something, anything, is the power behind it happening. Your choice to be happy within a certain situation, relationship, season of life, anything you're up against is what will make you happy. You have everything to rejoice about. You have an adoring and beautiful Saviour who loves you so much that He died for you. And He waits everyday to spend time with you and give you the best life ever. You are loved and your life matters to this generation. If you don't show up (and be joyful) there is a gap in the plan of God.

One of my best friends does this thing where he laughs out loud as a joke (I guess you have to be there) and every time he does it I crack up, and I mean EVERY TIME he does it. I guess picturing him forcing out a laugh as a joke, and watching the laugh spread around the room reminds me of choosing to be full of joy, even when life or a circumstance gives you every reason not to. Choose to be full of joy in the Lord because He is perfect, and He has the station of your life in the palm of His hand. I promise you, promise you (2 x "promises" = I really mean it) your choice will make all of the difference.
Rejoice. Laugh out loud if you have to.

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