“ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts..."
Rest assured - God doesn't think like we do. He doesn't see things like we see them from our finite, teeny, tiny human-sized brain (or heart) capacity. We see and feel what we're going through from where we are standing; and it's then (when things don't make sense, or we are misunderstood by others, or even fighting a battle with our own selves) that we must ask the Holy Spirit to raise us up to see things from His perspective and not from our earthly perspective. It may sound very simplistic and could be something you've heard a million times, but I just thought I needed to remind us of this point. When I find myself having the same "breakdowns" that I have every time the plan I thought was perfect and made all the sense in the whole wide world falls through, I realize that I haven't quite learned the "trust" lesson yet, and I must force myself (yet again) to align my mind and heart with the mind and heart of my King Jesus. I must trust and trust and trust that His thoughts and ways are WAY above mine (this is extremely exciting when you think about it) because He is the one we are living for, He is the One we are following, and we can't be wishy-washy about it if we're going to say we believe this thing.
The beautiful, magnificent heavens are above all the earth, as is the perfect, glorious King of all Kings above us. His mind and ways are above ours, and it's pointless to try and figure Him and out on this side of eternity. He will direct your path, and He is working something much bigger than what you can imagine in your precious life. Stay on your knees, trust His hand and heart with your life, and relax.
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