(new king james) "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things."
(the message) "It's your heart, not the dictionary, that gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard."
Be careful what you say out of your mouth, always, because your words are a mirror of what's in your heart. It's actually a little bit scary- words can even determine how happy an individual can be, and how rich relationships and marriages can be. We must do everything within our will to say beautiful and edifying words.
I am currently trying to not be negative. I am having a negativity fast, if you will. I'm trying this for seven days. And you have no idea how many times I've had to bite my tongue over the last couple days since I started this little experiment - it made me very disappointed that I have let myself get quite "loose" with what I'm speaking out lately. It's more serious than I really ever thought it was, and when I try and pull in the reigns on what comes out of my mouth, I realize that if I'm not careful I can become very undisciplined with what I'm saying.
I'm not suggesting we live in denial and be happy-happy-joy-joy all the time. That's annoying. I feel perfectly fine acknowledging that a situation is bad, and I am feeling sad or someone hurt my heart. I am, however, saying to keep our hearts good, and the way we know the state of our hearts, is to listen to ourselves speak. Pay attention to the words coming out of your mouth, even just for one day. Keep your heart in line with Jesus' heart instructions, read good things that build your heart with goodness, mostly hang around people who are positive, and keep your heart in love with Jesus. Don't say negative things.
Good heart = good words. Evil heart = evil words. You choose.
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