Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Psalm 121: 1-2

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth."

I love the peace we have in our Lord Jesus. He made it all, the magnificence of the earth, and the hope of a home that we know is real but cannot yet see, heaven. He made it all - the hills, the mountains and the heavens - and He is our help. The imagery of this verse of psalm offers a beautiful sense of peace and confidence. We are reminded to lift up our eyes in hope, to look above the situations that seem to be staring us directly in the eyes. Because sometimes things at eye level get scary, messy and sad. We must look up. We must raise our eyes above what we see and focus our gaze on the mountains, not as a place to flee the calamity around us, but to behold the creative maker of those huge, strong and steady mountains. The "mountains" (the gigantic-far-away-pieces of land that represent something much bigger than ourselves) take our attention from our current situation, and point us to their creator, God, Jesus Christ, who is always there, and even more constant and steady than the hills He created.

So when life has positioned you in a messy and heartbreaking situation, look up, focus your energy on Jesus, and remember that He is near. Get in the habit of asking Him for help. Amen.

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