Monday, August 30, 2010


Matthew 6:26 (the message)

"Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds."

You count more to Him than the birds. In the whole scheme of things, you're way higher up on the totem pole to God than the birds that fly around in the air. They fly, they nest, they live. The lovely truth, is that they are being taken care of by God every single second of every single day. They are truly free spirits, and they depend on God with a simple (yet super-natural) dependency on their God. It's a simple trust in their Creator, a trust that says everyday they will be okay.

Next time you're outdoors and looking at the sweet little or big birds that fly around above your head, enjoying their lives in trees and in the air, think about their day-to-day. Think about the birds who are careless, free-spirited and happy in their "nothingness" (compared to us in our stupid rat-race). Think about how God takes care of them and makes sure that they have enough to eat and drink, and a place to live. He enables them to look after their families, and provide for those they love. How much more will He do that for you and for me? He will do that a million times more than He will do that for the birds.

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