Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Luke 12:15 (New King James Version)

15 And He said to them, “... one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

I'm worn out with all the "stuff" that we claim doesn't define us, but deep down does. Because the hard heavenly reality (bi-polar opposite to the earth’s reality) is that the "stuff" doesn't even matter one bit, and if we say we believe in Jesus Christ, love Him and follow after Him, then we simply can't live like it does. It's not even a gray area; it's fact, and getting this truth to sink into our thick heads is extremely difficult for some of us in this superficial world we find ourselves consumed in at the moment. It doesn't matter how much we say we don't, we size up people and ourselves by what we have, how much money is in the bank/investments, and the things we claim to own.

When you get down about how much you don't have, insecure about how you see your life and ventures panning out, or when you don't think God loves you as much as your friend at church with all the cool, expensive stuff, get your face in the Word and read what Jesus taught about life and love and possessions. He says, don't worry about things -you will be taken care of. He says don't let the things you own define you and make you think you're better than anyone else. He says, this earth is not our home - we are just passing through. He says, don’t hold on tightly - all the "stuff" will turn to dust and fade away anyway. He says, that money and things come and go - seek those things that are eternal (the things that will remain long after we are gone). He says getting obsessed with money is where all evil begins (yuck). All evil is started with obsessing over money. And since money equals power in this world, maybe there is a part of us that loves the power that stuff and money bring? That, however, brings us to a whole other bunch of issues for later…

The thing is, hold on to your earthly possessions with an open hand. Don't let them be the gage with which you judge how your life is panning out and how cool and successful others are. Having lots of stuff (and finding out how much others have) is not the way to help you feel good about your life and your walk with God - it's just not.







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