Proverbs 18:24 (The Message)
"Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family."
It's true. Do you have friends like this? Is there anyone in your life where the water is equal to or even thicker than the blood? Given the nature of the world, these special friends are hard to come by and even harder to keep close by. My one piece of advice in a world where families are breaking down at a rapid rate and the loss of power and money causes people to jump off buildings, is to cherish these people who love you with all of their hearts. Pray that you find them, and once you have found them, don't let them go. Work hard and invest your time and heart and resources into these peoples' lives. Love them well - show them how much you love them and don't want them to go anywhere. Love them with a selfless love that expresses how much above all you want them to be happy, and things to work out for them.
People walk in, set up shop in your heart, and then unfortunately, sometimes they walk out. But don't let the ones who have walked out on you ruin it for the rest of the good ones who aren't planning on going anywhere. I guess this goes for all sorts of love and loss (spouses, friends, business partners...). Keep your heart soft and inviting for the friends who will stick by you like family. And more importantly-times-a-million, keep letting Jesus in... every day. While on earth He was a companion, help and good company to the guys and gals who followed Him, supported Him and believed in Him. He loved them and made things different by taking their Messiah and turning Him into a friend. It was a foreign concept to them at the time, but it was the beginning of the revolution.
He is the ultimate selfless friend who prays for you, is beside you and in your corner always - with you when absolutely no one else is. Your best friend should always be Jesus ... and He will then send you friends who stick close to you like a good family.
Pray for these friends, be generous towards them. Look after them, they are precious.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
217//the same//
Hebrews 13:8 (the message)
"For Jesus doesn't change—yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself."
There are times in life when the emotions are flying high in your love for Jesus and nothing can get in the way of your relationship with Him. You're excited, you feel His presence and the sense of hope you have for the future is tangible... fireworks and cupcakes all the time!
And then the fireworks are over, and everyone ate all the cupcakes. You find yourself in dark and boring situations. You know He is there, you certainly don't love Him any less deep down, but things are different and you know it. Life circumstances may have changed, things aren't working like they used to and maybe you can't put your finger on it.
This is when your walk-by-faith-not-by-sight kinda faith must kick in. This is when you get in your bedroom or some peaceful place where you can be alone, or outside under the stars at the calm of midnight and pray. Then you believe that He doesn't change, has never changed and will never change in the way He loves you. He has loved you since the beginning of time and He still loves you. His love for you has not grown dim (probably even gotten more beautiful and intense), He has not changed His mind about the hope and plans He has for your life, and He is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings...every knee will bow one day and every tongue will confess His precious and holy name.
His perfect love and character and nature doesn't change and will never die... the world changes, life changes, things break, doors open, dreams come true, people change their minds. His character cannot stop loving you. Remain true to Him the whole way Home.
"For Jesus doesn't change—yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself."
There are times in life when the emotions are flying high in your love for Jesus and nothing can get in the way of your relationship with Him. You're excited, you feel His presence and the sense of hope you have for the future is tangible... fireworks and cupcakes all the time!
And then the fireworks are over, and everyone ate all the cupcakes. You find yourself in dark and boring situations. You know He is there, you certainly don't love Him any less deep down, but things are different and you know it. Life circumstances may have changed, things aren't working like they used to and maybe you can't put your finger on it.
This is when your walk-by-faith-not-by-sight kinda faith must kick in. This is when you get in your bedroom or some peaceful place where you can be alone, or outside under the stars at the calm of midnight and pray. Then you believe that He doesn't change, has never changed and will never change in the way He loves you. He has loved you since the beginning of time and He still loves you. His love for you has not grown dim (probably even gotten more beautiful and intense), He has not changed His mind about the hope and plans He has for your life, and He is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings...every knee will bow one day and every tongue will confess His precious and holy name.
His perfect love and character and nature doesn't change and will never die... the world changes, life changes, things break, doors open, dreams come true, people change their minds. His character cannot stop loving you. Remain true to Him the whole way Home.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Psalm 90:14 (the message)
"Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we'll skip and dance all the day long."
It all boils down to the love of God toward us. It's got to be the bottom line of our faith, our devotion to Him, and all that is important and worth living for on this earth. Why else would we do what we do? If we didn't do this thing because we knew how much He loved us, following after Jesus, our spirituality, would in some ways be weird and pointless. God's love has to be the thing that gets us out of bed each day for the pursuit of bringing His beautiful kingdom to this earth. It must be His undying love, and His love alone that primarily drives us to action on this earth. Because when you love someone and you know how much that someone loves you back, there is nothing more delightful, satisfying and beautiful than making that someone (who loves you and is proud of you and would die for you) happy.
But it's got to be more than simply knowing of His love in our's got to get down into where we feeeeeel it. It's got to be more than words and actions. I think at some point, it must be a feeling. Some may disagree with me, others may not. But if it is meant to be a real deal "relationship" with God (supposedly the only true and perfect relationship we can utterly rely on), every now and then we have to have those sublime, surreal moments. Those moments when God's love makes your heart beat a little faster, the smile on your face is hard to wipe off and makes you happy knowing someone loves you.
For today, think about someone on earth who loves you a whole lot.. and His love can't even be compared to that person's love for you. Take a few minutes and THINK, MEDITATE on His love for you. As you do, pray the scripture above ...surprise me with your love early in the morning so I can be happy and joyful for the rest of the day.
"Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we'll skip and dance all the day long."
It all boils down to the love of God toward us. It's got to be the bottom line of our faith, our devotion to Him, and all that is important and worth living for on this earth. Why else would we do what we do? If we didn't do this thing because we knew how much He loved us, following after Jesus, our spirituality, would in some ways be weird and pointless. God's love has to be the thing that gets us out of bed each day for the pursuit of bringing His beautiful kingdom to this earth. It must be His undying love, and His love alone that primarily drives us to action on this earth. Because when you love someone and you know how much that someone loves you back, there is nothing more delightful, satisfying and beautiful than making that someone (who loves you and is proud of you and would die for you) happy.
But it's got to be more than simply knowing of His love in our's got to get down into where we feeeeeel it. It's got to be more than words and actions. I think at some point, it must be a feeling. Some may disagree with me, others may not. But if it is meant to be a real deal "relationship" with God (supposedly the only true and perfect relationship we can utterly rely on), every now and then we have to have those sublime, surreal moments. Those moments when God's love makes your heart beat a little faster, the smile on your face is hard to wipe off and makes you happy knowing someone loves you.
For today, think about someone on earth who loves you a whole lot.. and His love can't even be compared to that person's love for you. Take a few minutes and THINK, MEDITATE on His love for you. As you do, pray the scripture above ...surprise me with your love early in the morning so I can be happy and joyful for the rest of the day.
Monday, January 17, 2011
215//be ready//
Isaiah 43:16-19 (the message)
"This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves ... "Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands..."
What freshness and hope that floods our souls and minds when we read this miracle word. Maybe there isn't even too much to elaborate on with this beauty, but rather much to meditate on as we try to comprehend our precious Father. This is our perfect and beautiful God: the One who makes a way when there is no way in sight. The God who sees your situation and breathes fresh life into it when it seems like all hope is gone. The God who isn't satisfied for you to be doing the same stuff over and over again, but wants something more for you (and thinks you can handle something more, bigger, better, more cost etc. etc.).
And the advice we get is to be alert and to be present. Present in today. We must know where we have come from, and at the same time (even more so), ready in the here and now for what is to come. He is about to do something brand-new and something wonderful in your heart and life. We must not get caught up relishing in the goodness of an era gone by (although memories and good old times are wonderful and necessary for the heart and soul), but we must always be moving forward and ready for the next new exciting thing God wants to do in our families, our work place, our art, our churches and our community. He is so good, and He is always evolving our insides and making us perfect. Keep growing and desiring to change and be a better person. You will need it for what God wants to do in your life. Start making a list of the things you want and need God's new, divine life in, think about the history of your life and what part of it you give too much of your mind to. He creates roads in the most deadest of deadest ends, He brings life into death, and He brings something new to the old areas of your life. Be alert, be present. Don't fall behind, be ready.
"This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves ... "Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands..."
What freshness and hope that floods our souls and minds when we read this miracle word. Maybe there isn't even too much to elaborate on with this beauty, but rather much to meditate on as we try to comprehend our precious Father. This is our perfect and beautiful God: the One who makes a way when there is no way in sight. The God who sees your situation and breathes fresh life into it when it seems like all hope is gone. The God who isn't satisfied for you to be doing the same stuff over and over again, but wants something more for you (and thinks you can handle something more, bigger, better, more cost etc. etc.).
And the advice we get is to be alert and to be present. Present in today. We must know where we have come from, and at the same time (even more so), ready in the here and now for what is to come. He is about to do something brand-new and something wonderful in your heart and life. We must not get caught up relishing in the goodness of an era gone by (although memories and good old times are wonderful and necessary for the heart and soul), but we must always be moving forward and ready for the next new exciting thing God wants to do in our families, our work place, our art, our churches and our community. He is so good, and He is always evolving our insides and making us perfect. Keep growing and desiring to change and be a better person. You will need it for what God wants to do in your life. Start making a list of the things you want and need God's new, divine life in, think about the history of your life and what part of it you give too much of your mind to. He creates roads in the most deadest of deadest ends, He brings life into death, and He brings something new to the old areas of your life. Be alert, be present. Don't fall behind, be ready.
Friday, January 14, 2011
//passion laughs at the terrors of hell//
Song of Solomon 8:6 (the message)
"Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell..."
There is something crazy beautiful, somewhat unsettling, yet completely satisfying and desirable about passion. Those who lives their lives with strong expectancy, delightful excitement, and a peaceful fervency that sometimes transcends common sense, upsets the status quo, they won't take no for an answer.
According to Solomon, love-filled passion is not afraid "at the terrors of hell." And even if she is, maybe she just does things afraid... a totally great and wonderful quality. Jesus was probably the most passionate person who has ever lived, and it doesn't appear like He was loud and obnoxious. His passion was defined in how He simply went about what He was put on the earth to do. He loved His Father in Heaven with a quiet strength and discipline and served humanity with all of His sweet heart. And He did it all with every fiber of His wonderful being... there's the passion.
Like Love, passion is hard to put into words. Passion can be quiet and loud. Passion has power to build things up and change the world for Jesus Christ, and passion can destroy the world with one act of rage. One thing is sure: pure, love-filled-passion does not shy away or back down from the terrors of earth and hell.
If you don't think you're necessarily a passionate person, that's very okay. You probably are. Maybe find that one thing that moves you beyond words and emotion, live for it, and watch your passion grow. When the terrors of hell come at you with all of their might, and the devil does his best to scare you into submission to his powerless kingdom of lies, fear and hate, you will have something to throw in His face while you're laughing. Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell. Don't be afraid to have passion.
"Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell..."
There is something crazy beautiful, somewhat unsettling, yet completely satisfying and desirable about passion. Those who lives their lives with strong expectancy, delightful excitement, and a peaceful fervency that sometimes transcends common sense, upsets the status quo, they won't take no for an answer.
According to Solomon, love-filled passion is not afraid "at the terrors of hell." And even if she is, maybe she just does things afraid... a totally great and wonderful quality. Jesus was probably the most passionate person who has ever lived, and it doesn't appear like He was loud and obnoxious. His passion was defined in how He simply went about what He was put on the earth to do. He loved His Father in Heaven with a quiet strength and discipline and served humanity with all of His sweet heart. And He did it all with every fiber of His wonderful being... there's the passion.
Like Love, passion is hard to put into words. Passion can be quiet and loud. Passion has power to build things up and change the world for Jesus Christ, and passion can destroy the world with one act of rage. One thing is sure: pure, love-filled-passion does not shy away or back down from the terrors of earth and hell.
If you don't think you're necessarily a passionate person, that's very okay. You probably are. Maybe find that one thing that moves you beyond words and emotion, live for it, and watch your passion grow. When the terrors of hell come at you with all of their might, and the devil does his best to scare you into submission to his powerless kingdom of lies, fear and hate, you will have something to throw in His face while you're laughing. Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell. Don't be afraid to have passion.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Song of Solomon 8:6,7 (the message)
"Love is invincible facing danger and death ... Flood waters can't drown love, torrents of rain can't put it out."
Oh, Love. For years we've been trying to pin her down, trying to explain her in silly words and attempt to show people who she is with what we do. But she can't really be explained, and maybe if she ever truly were, the last love song would be written, love letters would be copied and pasted, and things would get pretty boring around here.
But how magnificent and deep the power of beautiful, sweet, heart-heartbreaking, unifying, separating, life altering... Love. She isn't someone to ever fully explain. Nor is the perfect and pure love of Jesus Christ toward us. His love is the greatest, and I mean greatest, force of life and light that has ever hit the universe. And this is how Jesus was the face of love toward humanity: He sacrificed some comforts to help people; He hung out with un-cool and bad people, influencing them to be better; He fed hungry people; He spent time with lonely people; He ate with His friends; He prayed for people who were sick and hurting; He was kind; He was patient; He was humble; He was sad when people were sad, and happy when people were happy; He laid down His life for His friends (and strangers).
There is no other thing as strong and mighty as love. The broken and messed up earth and humanity has done and continues to do everything to destroy Love's grip on this world, but rest-assured, Love continues to hold strong and mighty against the fight. Be someone who proves this reality of love to the community in which you live. Nothing will stop and destroy love. Love will not be flooded out, not be broken, not be quenched. Be the face of love.
"Love is invincible facing danger and death ... Flood waters can't drown love, torrents of rain can't put it out."
Oh, Love. For years we've been trying to pin her down, trying to explain her in silly words and attempt to show people who she is with what we do. But she can't really be explained, and maybe if she ever truly were, the last love song would be written, love letters would be copied and pasted, and things would get pretty boring around here.
But how magnificent and deep the power of beautiful, sweet, heart-heartbreaking, unifying, separating, life altering... Love. She isn't someone to ever fully explain. Nor is the perfect and pure love of Jesus Christ toward us. His love is the greatest, and I mean greatest, force of life and light that has ever hit the universe. And this is how Jesus was the face of love toward humanity: He sacrificed some comforts to help people; He hung out with un-cool and bad people, influencing them to be better; He fed hungry people; He spent time with lonely people; He ate with His friends; He prayed for people who were sick and hurting; He was kind; He was patient; He was humble; He was sad when people were sad, and happy when people were happy; He laid down His life for His friends (and strangers).
There is no other thing as strong and mighty as love. The broken and messed up earth and humanity has done and continues to do everything to destroy Love's grip on this world, but rest-assured, Love continues to hold strong and mighty against the fight. Be someone who proves this reality of love to the community in which you live. Nothing will stop and destroy love. Love will not be flooded out, not be broken, not be quenched. Be the face of love.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Psalm 143: 8 (new living translation)
"Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you."
He is with you.
There is nothing more devastating than feeling forgotten by someone who claims to love you. Feeling like they have felt something for you in the past, and now feel something differently. And there is absolutely nothing more painful than the feeling of trusting God for something, trusting Him to come through, trusting Him to be there with you, really relying on Him for His daily grace and presence and believing Him for the results you (or someone you love) need in a specific situation - and then He doesn't, and you are bitterly disappointed. Things don't change, you and your heart feel like you're still barely holding on to make it through the day, and life doesn't seem to be everything you thought it would be by now. The only source of comfort in times like that (if you want to hear it) is the truth: God, our Abba Father, is watching you, and watching me. He doesn't forget. He is closer than a best friend and more loyal than a mother or father.
Despite the fact that for years we have been trying to argue and debate God's love for us into our finite minds, I don't think we can ever sum up in human words and capacity the love of God for us, and what it really means to walk with Him and have a daily, minute by minute relationship with Him. Think about your lover, your parent, your best friend and then think of Him in that role. After looking around the state of the world and discovering that our only hope is Jesus, I am convinced that the essence of our faith shouldn't be too complicated. Yes, life and heartaches and disappointment (especially with God) makes things (and Him) complicated and make even less sense. But the bottom line is that God is with us. He is near to you and your heart, He is in your midst. He is in the room with you. He is in love with you with a love that you don't understand.
And it's about trusting that He is with us. Really with us. Watching our every move, taking pride in the day to day of our lives. Sharing in our days joys and losses. Watching as we go about our business, watching us trust and pray. He is not a magician in the sky who gives us everything we want. But He IS someone to trust and lean on and take risks for. He can be trusted and He can be relied upon. Psalm 37:25, "Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken and His children begging for bread." The promises of God are to be prayed into your life with serious dedication and heart. He is good for his promises. Give yourself entirely, don't hold back anymore. He is with you.
"Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you."
He is with you.
There is nothing more devastating than feeling forgotten by someone who claims to love you. Feeling like they have felt something for you in the past, and now feel something differently. And there is absolutely nothing more painful than the feeling of trusting God for something, trusting Him to come through, trusting Him to be there with you, really relying on Him for His daily grace and presence and believing Him for the results you (or someone you love) need in a specific situation - and then He doesn't, and you are bitterly disappointed. Things don't change, you and your heart feel like you're still barely holding on to make it through the day, and life doesn't seem to be everything you thought it would be by now. The only source of comfort in times like that (if you want to hear it) is the truth: God, our Abba Father, is watching you, and watching me. He doesn't forget. He is closer than a best friend and more loyal than a mother or father.
Despite the fact that for years we have been trying to argue and debate God's love for us into our finite minds, I don't think we can ever sum up in human words and capacity the love of God for us, and what it really means to walk with Him and have a daily, minute by minute relationship with Him. Think about your lover, your parent, your best friend and then think of Him in that role. After looking around the state of the world and discovering that our only hope is Jesus, I am convinced that the essence of our faith shouldn't be too complicated. Yes, life and heartaches and disappointment (especially with God) makes things (and Him) complicated and make even less sense. But the bottom line is that God is with us. He is near to you and your heart, He is in your midst. He is in the room with you. He is in love with you with a love that you don't understand.
And it's about trusting that He is with us. Really with us. Watching our every move, taking pride in the day to day of our lives. Sharing in our days joys and losses. Watching as we go about our business, watching us trust and pray. He is not a magician in the sky who gives us everything we want. But He IS someone to trust and lean on and take risks for. He can be trusted and He can be relied upon. Psalm 37:25, "Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken and His children begging for bread." The promises of God are to be prayed into your life with serious dedication and heart. He is good for his promises. Give yourself entirely, don't hold back anymore. He is with you.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Revelation 21:5 (the message)
The Enthroned continued, "Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down — each word dependable and accurate."
Ironically, this little gem of hope is something that people have for years clung on to for the dream that things will change, situations will turn around, and that the promises we've been holding onto for years will no more be vague notions in our hearts and heads, rather fulfilled realities before our eyes. So let's look at this promise of newness and hope in a new (how many times can we use the word "new" eh?) way.
The fact is that your Father in heaven is crazy in love with you, and according to Romans 8:34 all day every day prays for you and me. Jesus, right now, sitting next to His Father is praying for you... Selah.
"Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down - each word dependable and accurate." If you want something new, make some changes. If you've been down and out, get positive and happy, write verses on paper that make you have faith again and put them on your bathroom mirror, spend time with people who lift your spirits and make you feel loved and positive about the newness of God and what He wants to bring into your life. Maybe even take a course and learn something new. Fast and give up something you love until your specific breakthrough happens. Don't get comfortable in the place you're in, satisfied with floating through life. Write down the things you know you want to do, the person you want to be, and what you think you're still on this earth for. This verse says that God can be trusted. Believe God for the big things to come - He has things for your life that you can't even imagine... keep pushing for them!
He makes all things new... your life is one gigantic masterpiece He is daily making perfect.
And if life has handed you a doozy and it's too painful for you and your heart to make it out of bed, let alone hope for the light of a new day, from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. It's okay. God has you wrapped up in His arms, and has your newness for you. Hold on and take one breath at a time... in and out in and out.
He makes all things new...even your broken heart.
The Enthroned continued, "Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down — each word dependable and accurate."
Ironically, this little gem of hope is something that people have for years clung on to for the dream that things will change, situations will turn around, and that the promises we've been holding onto for years will no more be vague notions in our hearts and heads, rather fulfilled realities before our eyes. So let's look at this promise of newness and hope in a new (how many times can we use the word "new" eh?) way.
The fact is that your Father in heaven is crazy in love with you, and according to Romans 8:34 all day every day prays for you and me. Jesus, right now, sitting next to His Father is praying for you... Selah.
"Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down - each word dependable and accurate." If you want something new, make some changes. If you've been down and out, get positive and happy, write verses on paper that make you have faith again and put them on your bathroom mirror, spend time with people who lift your spirits and make you feel loved and positive about the newness of God and what He wants to bring into your life. Maybe even take a course and learn something new. Fast and give up something you love until your specific breakthrough happens. Don't get comfortable in the place you're in, satisfied with floating through life. Write down the things you know you want to do, the person you want to be, and what you think you're still on this earth for. This verse says that God can be trusted. Believe God for the big things to come - He has things for your life that you can't even imagine... keep pushing for them!
He makes all things new... your life is one gigantic masterpiece He is daily making perfect.
And if life has handed you a doozy and it's too painful for you and your heart to make it out of bed, let alone hope for the light of a new day, from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. It's okay. God has you wrapped up in His arms, and has your newness for you. Hold on and take one breath at a time... in and out in and out.
He makes all things new...even your broken heart.
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