Thursday, January 27, 2011

218//true friends//

Proverbs 18:24 (The Message)

"Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family."

It's true. Do you have friends like this? Is there anyone in your life where the water is equal to or even thicker than the blood? Given the nature of the world, these special friends are hard to come by and even harder to keep close by. My one piece of advice in a world where families are breaking down at a rapid rate and the loss of power and money causes people to jump off buildings, is to cherish these people who love you with all of their hearts. Pray that you find them, and once you have found them, don't let them go. Work hard and invest your time and heart and resources into these peoples' lives. Love them well - show them how much you love them and don't want them to go anywhere. Love them with a selfless love that expresses how much above all you want them to be happy, and things to work out for them.

People walk in, set up shop in your heart, and then unfortunately, sometimes they walk out. But don't let the ones who have walked out on you ruin it for the rest of the good ones who aren't planning on going anywhere. I guess this goes for all sorts of love and loss (spouses, friends, business partners...). Keep your heart soft and inviting for the friends who will stick by you like family. And more importantly-times-a-million, keep letting Jesus in... every day. While on earth He was a companion, help and good company to the guys and gals who followed Him, supported Him and believed in Him. He loved them and made things different by taking their Messiah and turning Him into a friend. It was a foreign concept to them at the time, but it was the beginning of the revolution.

He is the ultimate selfless friend who prays for you, is beside you and in your corner always - with you when absolutely no one else is. Your best friend should always be Jesus ... and He will then send you friends who stick close to you like a good family.
Pray for these friends, be generous towards them. Look after them, they are precious.

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