Monday, February 28, 2011



Psalm 62:5 "My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him."

A few days ago I landed back in sunny Sydney, Australia. It's been awhile since I've been back, but the instant my feet touched land I was reminded that the glorious place I am lucky enough to call home is still there and alive and well. I had been far away for so long, but lo and behold, the city of Sydney had not left the building.

Those of us who have spent some significant (or not so significant) time away from home realize that it doesn't matter how long you leave a place, the places and people that truly love you, remain the same. You think everything will be different but it's a beautiful thing because you sit for coffee with old, dear friends, catch up on life and love and it's like you never left. People evolve, buildings get knocked down and rebuilt again, but the essence of home remains the same. It's the special place that has become part of your insides, part of who you are...

And I do think that having a home here on earth is important. God gives us gifts and abilities to build his kingdom here in earth in many creative forms. My husband and I were raised in different countries and different cultures. You may think Australian and American culture is pretty similar, but beneath the surface of the same language and looks are some pretty distinct features (those differences are not where I'm going in this one so maybe later...). So not only are we blessed to have one place to call home, but two. Two homes, two families, two big sets of friends, two pieces of land to plant some roots, and it's a wonderful thing.

I think that the home we have here on earth is important and (for most of us) really quite lovely (...for some, 'home' represents a place of chaos, torment and loneliness, which is devastating...). And as good as home can feel to our souls, while you do set up a home here on earth (a great and positive thing to do) just remember that your true home is not here. Your true home, the one that will never be taken from you, never fade away and never fall apart, is in Heaven. All the blood, sweat and tears to build your home and leave an inheritance for your children, will be paid back to you in crazy big ways - in Heaven....the place we are all getting ready to go. Don't make yourself too much at home down here. It's not worth it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

222//obey & eat//

Deuteronomy 11: 13-15

"From now on if you listen obediently to the commandments that I am commanding you today, love God, your God, and serve him with everything you have within you, he'll take charge of sending the rain at the right time, both autumn and spring rains, so that you'll be able to harvest your grain, your grapes, your olives. He'll make sure there's plenty of grass for your animals. You'll have plenty to eat."

If we listen and obey God's leading in our lives, we will be able to rest confidently in the fact that He will bring things about at the right time and place. Although if we live on this earth we SHOULD be worried about things because nothing is stable and reliable, this promise says that we can stop the worry and the panic, and trust that He will bring payback into your life from all the years of investing into Him and His kingdom here on earth. You can trust that as you step out of the boat when He is asking you to, or make the hard calls to do what you feel is right, He WILL bring the autumn and spring rains (different seasons for different rains...) into your life, and your life will overflow with abundance and freedom and joy. The season of barrenness will be over and things will grow again.

And the beautiful thing is that He just wants your heart. Yes, the call is lovely: to love Him with every fiber of your being and to serve Him and His people. It's all relational - it's all heart. Once you fall in love, the obedience will come from that love affair with Him because you want to please Him.

Be with Him on a daily basis (take a walk with Him, get on your knees, get on your instrument, drink some coffee with Him...) stop and listen. Deep down you may hear what He is asking of you, whether it be specific or perhaps a deeper love for Him only. Obey the ask. And you will have plenty to eat.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

221//moment by moment//

Romans 8: 5,6,9,14.

"For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace... But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His...For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God."

So walking with Jesus has to be more than a moral nudging about what is right and wrong. It has to be more than Sunday at church and doing good things for people. Because those without Jesus can also do good things for people and go to church. It has got to come down to a moment by moment relationship with His Holy Spirit... about taking time throughout your day to still your mind and body and listen for what He is prompting you to do and say next. It has to be more than a one way conversation at prayer time where we say all the stuff we're worried about and need help with. We can't just hang up the phone and not listen for the response and what action to take or not to take. Prayer is not just about asking for what you want. Prayer is your relationship with God. Prayer is like talking to your spouse or parent or friend. It's the act of being 'one' with Jesus and knowing Him. Prayer is a state of living.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

220//stop thinking about yourself//

Philippians 1:3,4 (the message)

"Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart."

I must say this over and over until it sinks into my thick skull. My life isn't always about me... it's not about's not about me... it's not about me. The day to day to day to day isn't just about what God is doing in my life. I always think about myself. And then I think about myself more. Sometimes I'm so sick of the sound of my own thoughts and life that I want to scream. I am always thinking about this season of my life and what God is doing in ME and for ME, but I rarely think about what He is doing THROUGH me - through me for someone else who may need me in this moment of time. It's a shocking thought that maybe God has more for you to do here than just take care of you and your needs and your emotions and your career and your stuff.

And the beautiful magnificent truth is, you don't have to always be thinking about you because that's God's job. God is honestly always thinking about you, obsessed with thoughts of you and your beauty, and loving every fiber of your being. He is thinking of how He can use you, make you full of joy and make your life shine. The Bible says (Romans 8:34) that Jesus is seated beside His Father, God, praying for you non-stop. For once, stop thinking of yourself and go help someone, talk to someone and listen to things about their life. Relax.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

219//it is well//

2 Kings 4:26
"...Please run now to meet her, and say to her, ‘Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?’”And she answered, “It is well.”

This is a story faith, courage and hope. It follows the lives of two faithful gems of the Old Testament, Elisha (one of God's incredible prophets and servants) and a certain older women from the village of Shunem.

The story goes that she was a notable women who, along with her older husband, loved and served the man of God (Elisha) so much so that she convinced her husband to add a room onto their home so when he was in town he had a place to stay. Throughout this time, Elisha had prophesied that she and her husband would have a son. Eventually, it came to pass. And at a ripe old age, God blessed them with their first and only son.

And now their darling son had died and she had to move fast. Facing this disaster, tragedy and loss, she held a strong and steady spirit of faith and peace. "It is well," was all she said to those who asked. She had to get the man of God, Elisha, to her son, the whole time declaring, "it is well." I want this woman's all-in-one faith and peace. Placing her son on the man of God's bed (the one in their home) she ran ran ran as fast as she could to get to the man of God's side, still declaring, "it is well" to all who asked, and maybe even to herself. Not once did she waver in her peace and faith..."It is well" was her mantra. She made it to Elisha and begged him to come to her son's side. She knew the power of His almighty God could fix her problem and she would not take no for an answer. "It is well" was all she had to say.

I don't know if she actually felt "well" in her soul, or if she felt the most fear and dread she had ever felt in her entire life. Perhaps she was actually just being strong and faithful because that's all she could do. Who knows? Sometimes, it's just by God's grace that it is well with our insides, and other times you may feel it. It turns out, the Shunammite woman's boy was brought back to life by their faith. I don't know how your story will end or how it has already turned out, but throughout the course of your life when things are in shambles..."it is well." Either loudly from the mountain tops or a whisper in your bedroom, however you feel in the midst of your pain and heartbreak..."it is well." Amen.