Tuesday, February 8, 2011

220//stop thinking about yourself//

Philippians 1:3,4 (the message)

"Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart."

I must say this over and over until it sinks into my thick skull. My life isn't always about me... it's not about me...it's not about me... it's not about me. The day to day to day to day isn't just about what God is doing in my life. I always think about myself. And then I think about myself more. Sometimes I'm so sick of the sound of my own thoughts and life that I want to scream. I am always thinking about this season of my life and what God is doing in ME and for ME, but I rarely think about what He is doing THROUGH me - through me for someone else who may need me in this moment of time. It's a shocking thought that maybe God has more for you to do here than just take care of you and your needs and your emotions and your career and your stuff.

And the beautiful magnificent truth is, you don't have to always be thinking about you because that's God's job. God is honestly always thinking about you, obsessed with thoughts of you and your beauty, and loving every fiber of your being. He is thinking of how He can use you, make you full of joy and make your life shine. The Bible says (Romans 8:34) that Jesus is seated beside His Father, God, praying for you non-stop. For once, stop thinking of yourself and go help someone, talk to someone and listen to things about their life. Relax.

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