Friday, January 29, 2010


1 Corinthians 13

"... it (love) takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]."

I think this is pretty huge. It reminds me that walking in true love has got to be supernatural because it seems this part of the deal is pretty tough. Imagine looking at someone that has broken your heart (but is still in your life) and not paying attention or remembering that they hurt you terribly in the past. Forgiving and really forgetting has got to be an act of Jesus' spirit alive in you. It has got to be Jesus in you because it's too hard to love a person that has deep down inside really hurt you at some point.

I have a parent I have to love like this. Slowly over time I have come to this place in walking in love. It has taken me years to come to this point and yes, occasionally I slip out of the grace of love and all the memories come flooding back and I'm a mess! Then, God's Spirit washes over my heart and mind and I am once again free.

Love people without consideration of the wrong you have suffered because of them. Not an easy task, I know. Let me tell you it will take a long time to be totally free to walk in love when it comes to this department. But that's okay, it will happen. The pressure comes off when we realize that it's the Holy Spirit in you doing the work. Be obedient and He will work in and through you. If this still seems overwhelming then at least be happy that Jesus doesn't remember how you hurt Him yesterday and the day before. He is so crazy-over-the-top in love with you that He forgives and, as He looks into your baby eyes, forgets.

I know I hurt Jesus a lot. I know I doubt Him and what He has promised me at times. But the comfort I have is that when I say I'm sorry, He doesn't even remember it anymore.

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