Saturday, February 27, 2010


Isaiah 58: 9-10

"If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people's sins, if you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight."

You were born to bring justice on the earth. The areas of your life that are dark and oppressed will begin to shine bright when you live with a fierce intention and determination to love like Jesus. Be a voice for the people who have no voice. Don't blame those who have nothing, but rather give what you have away to them. Feed people who are hungry. Show them who Jesus is by the way you give things to them. Don't worry if you think they should help themselves or not, your job is not to teach the poor and hungry lessons, but rather to help them stay alive and show them love.

The promise that our lives will glow in the darkness and be rays of light in the earth is more than enough for me to begin to act on what this beautiful passage of scripture says. Read these verses over and over again and then write a little list of ways you can live this out in your life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Ephesians 4:30

"Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted."

"The Holy Spirit moving and breathing in you...the most intimate part of your life." The Holy Spirit in you is closer to you than any husband, wife, mother, father or child you will ever love. The worst thing in the world is to hurt someone you don't just love, but adore more than anyone or anything else. When it hits you that the one person you love more than anything in the universe is broken hearted because of something YOU have done, nothing good you've ever accomplished seems to matter anymore. You blew it and you can't take it back.

Loving someone more than you love your own life is a very special, pure thing. Just like you don't ever want or intend to hurt that person who means more to you than anything, try not to break your Father Gods' heart. That is far worse and tragic than hurting any human you will ever know and love. You have the gift of God in you. God in a human. You are a piece of Heaven, the sacred and pure and holy and perfect Heaven, in you. It's too much to comprehend. Take it seriously and don't forget and abuse the feelings of the Holy Spirit who is with you and in you always. Just like you live on earth for the people you love, throughout your day think about the Holy Spirit in you and think about what would hurt Him, and what would make Him happy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ephesians 4:26, 27 (The Message)

"Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life."

As long as you are a member of the human race there will always be plenty of people and things to make you mad. Sometimes the people you believed in and trusted the most will let you down, sometimes the circumstances you trusted and believed in will let you down. Some dreams and plans will fail. People will hurt you for no reason. There will be times when life stuff will overwhelm you and the injustices of your world won't make you cry but rather rage with anger. And here we have it written down in ink that it's okay to get angry, so that's a relief to us all.

Here's the catch: don't let it last long. Be very careful with anger. It's a subtle, sometimes funny and fair, emotion that can very quickly open the door to evil. Be careful cause it's extremely scary how quickly anger can turn to bitterness and then before you know it your heart is a high brick wall and no one can get in, and after a while you become that person who can't even be happy anymore. The biggest thing to know is that when you give more than a day over to your anger, not taking it to the cross to let it go, the devil gets his sneaky rat foot in the door of your life and heart. Then, before you know it, he is reeking havoc in your heart, mind and soul, lying to you, deceiving you, and you react to every little issue from an angry, closed up heart. You hurt God, people you love, and yourself.

Before the sun sets, deal with your anger as best as you can. You may not be able to confront the person who hurt you or change any of the circumstances you are living in before bed time, and you may wake up the next morning as angry as when you went to bed, but the least we can do in our anger is ask the Holy Spirit to help us confront it and lay it at the feet of Jesus. Stay in God's face about how angry you are. And if you have this liberty, stay awake with the person you love who made you angry until you deal with it and are able to move on with a clean slate. If you don't heed the advice of this ever so honest verse, the enemy of your life will get into your heart and mind and make you hard and bitter inside.

Let go of the anger that's eating you up inside. Don't give the evil, stinky, crazy, disturbed devil who hates you and everyone you love, get any place in your life. You are too good and precious to be living in hardness. You deserve to be free.

sixty five

Psalm 46:1

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

He is here for you right now. Any time, any place, any hour, any second, any day, any moment, He is immediately there for you. He is like the roadside assistance people you call when you're stranded on the side of the road and your car has broken down. You call them and then you wait for about 45 minutes (except they come within either 3 mins or 2 hours), then the guy comes and fixes your car and you drive away car-trouble free. So when you are in a crisis, or any type of trouble (brought on by yourself kind of trouble, or not fair trouble) you can call on Jesus' name and He will be an immediate, present help.

I have been in actual trouble where I have felt unsafe and afraid in a dark place, and I have been in very dark, troubled times in my soul. I have asked God to be with me and He comes. Even if it's an act of my faith, eventually it will get to my soul and I will feel His presence and peace within and around me. Don't forget Jesus is with you all the time. He is immediate help, a constant companion and aid. He is ever present, and He will come to you and be with you whenever you ask. Don't forget.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Psalm 57:1

"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by."

There have been times when I need to be as far away as possible from wherever I'm at. I'm afraid, I'm overwhelmed, I'm hurting, I'm worried about the health and happiness of those I love, I'm thinking about money, I'm worried about failing, I have a headache that won't go away even when I go to bed. Some moments, days, weeks, months or even years, it's all too much. It's all too much and it's all about to collapse if I don't escape and hide from it all. And sometimes that's okay and normal and fine.

This Psalm was set when David is running away from Saul in the middle of a literal battle. He was running to hide, praying to His (our) strong and faithful God to rescue him, to pull him out of the battle field and keep him safe and protected for a little while. This verse has saved me many times. I have been on my knees with the Holy Spirit, in the midst of my own battles that have piled up, begging Him to hide me for a little while and take me away from it all. You will use all your energy to trust in the Spirit to take you away and hide you in the peace and comfort of Jesus. You will watch your demons (your pain and your anxiety) running past the cave in which you are hiding.

I know it feels like you're not going to make it through the particular battle you're fighting right now. But you will make it, you won't die, you won't die. God has too much for you to accomplish for Him and right now in this moment of your life, He will hide you safe in the shelter of His wings with peace, joy and hope for the future. Hide with Him.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Psalm 31: 14,15

"But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in Your hand..."

I try to pray this verse over my life as often as I can. As I pray, I am reminding myself that as I trust and believe, everything is really going to be okay. This verse brings me an image of a big hand (don't laugh) with me in the palm of it and there is no where bad I can go. Even if I fall over and make a big mess of what I'm doing, look like a fool and feel all alone, I wouldn't go far. Even if I make a bad choice that I thought was good, and it turns out to be a mistake, I can't escape the hold of God. His hands hold me, and the edges of His hands equals His love. And I can never escape His love. The beauty of this scripture is that the psalmist uses the word "time" instead of a word that would be a vague expression of "life." For me the word "times" expresses the details: day to day, the hour by hour, the minutes, the months, the years that make up our lives. The days we go to a job we don't like, as we quietly pursue our dreams on the side until the dreams start to pay the bills. Those times. The minutes we sit by the bed of a loved one sleeping quietly as he or she battles a sickness that seems hopeless. Those times. That one perfect moment when the love of your life gets down on one knee and asks you to spend the rest of your time on earth together... those times. The moment you first see your fresh brand new baby beside themselves with the new world they have entered... those times. The times you sit looking at the bank balance thinking: how am I going to pay the bills this month? Those times. God is holding all your times in the palm of His perfect and safe hand. He is all over you it and it's under control. He is holding the days and months and years together with the palm of His hand, and you must know that everything is going to be okay.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Psalm 10:17-18 (Amplified Bible)

O Lord, You have heard the desire and the longing of the humble and oppressed; You will prepare and strengthen and direct their hearts, You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man, who is of the earth, may not terrify them any more.

This verse brings me huge pieces of hope. This is it: pure hope amidst our world of absurd injustice. It not only offers us the anchor of hope, which is unseen, but God promises actual help: real help to the broken and lost and defenseless ones in our big- wide-lonely-overpopulated world. My best friends just got back from a week long UNICEF trip and last night, as we were talking about their time away and the things they saw and experienced, the usual feelings of awe and discouragement and "what can we do?" mixed with a little bit of hope and relief upon hearing of the good things that God and good people are doing in the world, crept into all of our hearts and minds. They talked about how the children and teachers and leaders they visited laid out quite plainly what they need from UNICEF and you and me to attempt to fix their lives, their government, their schools, their families, their worlds. And picture God's ear pressed against their lips and precious hearts. His heart breaks for those with no voice, no money and no power to help themselves. He then tells us (those with a little more power and money), to go and do it. Go educate people, get educated yourself, become aware, send your money, go visit countries with nothing, be a voice of peace and comfort to those living in paralyzing fear, tell rich people to give their money away to those who need it.

If you feel called to go to poor, sick places and be a consistent presence with the afflicted, then my goodness what are you waiting for? Go! You will never feel fulfilled without giving it a go. If your heart breaks for the fatherless, afflicted, abused, oppressed, terrified (as all of God's children's hearts should) but maybe not to live among them, then fix the problems from where you're standing. If you have never really thought about it, then ask God to break your heart for countries that a frightened and suffering. Become aware by reading, researching and asking people who are globally aware.

Our world is a chaotic mess. We have the answer of hope and freedom. We have a God who values justice and freedom more than anything. Picture Jesus walking with the disabled, the children, the outcasts, the homeless, the prostitutes... He adored them.

You have Jesus and all that you need to fix things. Go and set people free in the best practical way you can think of. Go in Jesus' name.

I had to include this version because it's beautiful.
Psalm 10:17-18 (The Message)
"The victim's faint pulse picks up; the hearts of the hopeless pump red blood as you put your ear to their lips. Orphans get parents, the homeless get homes. The reign of terror is over, the rule of the gang lords is ended."


Romans 2:4 (New King James Version)

"And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?"

Paul is a straight shooter. He is writing to the Romans, and in true Paul style, the point is clear. In a nutshell: Don't you dare have the nerve to judge. Whether you like it or not, the thing for which you judge others, you will end up doing yourself (yowza). He goes on: Who do you think you are? Do you think just because you call yourself a Christian you will get away with it? Just because you have undeservedly experienced this beautiful magnificent grace of God, you think you can slip through the cracks of His judgement on you? Nope, God watches you every day (and He is more than in love with you) but you won't get away with stuff. Brutal but true. I'm not in a mean mood or anything, I'm just reading the Bible.

It's the goodness and kindness of God that leads people to repentance. It's His goodness that first brought you to a place of wholeness and restoration, and that alone is how we are all rescued from this world and from ourselves, and saved. Here's the other side of the coin: you don't have to sell Jesus to people. It's His goodness and sweetness that they will see (hopefully in you) that will make them come to Him and repent and believe. So live a judgement-free lifestyle, seeing every person as God sees you, completely and undeservedly living under the grace and kindness of God. People will see the kindness of God in you and ask you who He is and what you're about. And Jesus (maybe or maybe not through you) will bring them to a place of repentance. He is kind, but firm.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


1 John 2: 3-6

"Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments... whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked."

It seems fairly simple. If you want to know Him, and be assured that you know Him, do what He says to do. Live how He lived. This tiny letter, 1 John, is all about love, love, love. Pure, holy, beautiful, love. The sweet love of Jesus. Heaven's love.

It doesn't sugar coat a life of love though. This verse, and even the whole book of 1 John, doesn't necessarily give you easy way- outs. It says it how it is. It lays out a life of love and what it will cost you. It says that you are a fake if you don't live like Jesus lived. It reminds us that if we are going to call Him Lord and Saviour, we must live a life worthy of Him. And I think that's how it should be. I think sometimes we need a wake up call, a reality check on how much we don't deserve what we get to live with. We have been given so much love. Crazy amounts of love. We have been handed the most surreal, undeserved gift of love, and because of this perfect love, we must live well. We must live in the light of love, as Jesus showed and taught us.

Copy Jesus. Walk in love.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


2 Corinthians 2: 14-16 9 (The Message)

"In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, He brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse."

I have always loved this scripture, and with my vivid imagination picturing myself with my head held high, leaving a sweet smell everywhere I go, I am so excited every time I read it. Now, if you don't feel like a VIP after reading this then read it again, because maybe you didn't get it. "Everywhere you go.." you are walking in a victory parade. You always win! You are part of the team that brought home the gold! Everywhere you go you let off the sweet perfume of who Jesus is to those around you. Not only that, you bless the Father because He can smell it too and it's beautiful! So it doesn't matter where in the world you find yourself, what job you end up pursuing, who you marry, where you end up, with Jesus in you, you are a sweet smelling aroma to the world and to the King and He will accomplish the work He needs you to do in the church on earth and the world. There is a little catch... because you "smell" like Jesus, the ones who don't know Him, living their lives for themselves, could possibly hate the aroma (reminding them that they are lacking and dying inside). It's a tricky thought, but Jesus did warn us that some people may reject and hate you as some of them did Him. Don't worry though! Keep walking with your head humbly held high, and imagine the spiritual scent you are leaving behind you. It's beautiful and holy and tells people that there is a Jesus; there is a saviour. What more could we want?

What is the scent? It's the Spirit of Jesus in you manifested in your whole being. Maybe it's the way you speak to people, or the way you react to rude people and tough situations? Maybe it's how you love the unlovely or always treat people equally, bringing justice to the broken world you are traveling through. So don't be discouraged, perfume sometimes lingers with the person wearing it, but sometimes it stays behind after they have walked passed. So let God in you, the sweet smelling aroma, be all that you need to be for the world. And remember that God will always cause you to walk with your head held high and triumphant in all situations. You always win. Praise Jesus.

Monday, February 15, 2010


James 1: 26, 27 (The Message)

"If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

Your faith is useless if you don't do things to back it up. Real things. Real things for real people and for the world. Things that make humanity and the world better. God doesn't care if you can talk the "Christian" talk. He gets sick of you saying things to people about God if you don't live a life that reflects what He is about and what His Son spent His time on earth doing. It doesn't matter if you are a good talker and you have told yourself that you are doing all the right things. You have fooled yourself and it won't get you anywhere. Worse than that, after a while people won't even trust you, which would be a tragedy.

This is what you need to be about: giving your time and money away to people who need it. There are too many children in the world without parents to raise them. There are billions of people terribly alone and desperate for some company and help. And the world is poisonous and will stain your soft heart toward Jesus if you let it. So, be strong. Stay on your knees and ask God how He will use you to influence the world, and in the next breath beg beg beg Him to not let the things of the world fool you into thinking it has your back. The world looks pretty and thin and rich, but the world doesn't care about you. Ask the Holy Spirit in you to break your heart for the brokenness around you and keep you pure and soft toward the things of the Kingdom. Keep your mouth shut if you have to, but always be genuine in your faith and your love for people. Keep busy doing things for orphans and widows, and don't let the broken world mess you up.


James 1: 2-4

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

To think of rough times as a gift seems really annoying when you're in the middle of them. Even more annoying if the person telling you this doesn't appear to be in the middle of a tough time themselves. Super annoying. So I hate to say it, but I really believe that what this verse says is true. I hope it is. Because when I'm in a little hellish time of my own, feeling sorry for myself and mad and resentful at everyone who appears to be happy and content, I try to catch myself and look at it all from the outside in. Even if it takes every ounce of my energy to try to see things how God sees them, and to see what this nightmare time is producing in my life, I want it. I want the dark times to matter. They have to, or why are we all here? Because if I say I believe the Bible (which I really do) and if I take advantage of this time, I know it is doing something big and beautiful and perfect in me. If I just wait it out, be still and shut my big mouth, I know it is bringing me to a place of maturity and wholeness and I will be lacking NOTHING. Maybe when it's dark all around you, you have to wait on God more. Maybe when you can barely see one step in front of you it's because God wants you to wholly trust His hand to guide you. Maybe it's just teaching me patience and stillness and trust. That is unbelievable. God is so good to allow me to get to that place. Through patience and hanging-in I will be as whole as I can be on this very lacking earth. Hang in, be patient. You will be whole.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Psalm 18:35, 36

"You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great. You enlarged my path under me, So my feet did not slip."

Everyone has a process. Every person goes through good times and bad times differently than the next. And when you walk with Jesus, you come to realize that He uses different ways to get you to the place and person He needs you to be. Let's establish that this God we know is very kind and generous and compassionate and loving. He is someone to love. He let Himself be killed to rescue us from a life of hopelessness. His Holy Spirit holds us up when our spirits our breaking. I also know that this same God is big and justice-centric and could wipe us and the entire planet out with one lift of his little pinky. He did it once and He has the power to do it again.

David wrote this Psalm in the middle of a battle. So it's interesting to me that He includes this side of God's gentle counseling method. God's gentleness makes us great. It seems like an oxymoron that someone uses gentleness to make us strong. It goes against the norm of a "boot camp" or "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger...." mentality. Sometimes when things are going bad, and life seems to be falling apart, God uses His compassion and tenderness to bring you to a place of strength and patience. It seems painful now but on the other side of it you will be braver and stronger. I have been through times when God has used "tough love" to get me to a place of maturity in my heart and soul. Other times He has sent people to cradle me back to life, and provided the most undeserved and gracious outs to the nightmare I am in. He is so smart, even if you think He has it all wrong, remember He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows what you need to get you through the bad hand you've been dealt this time around. He will open up the path you are walking on, and it won't seem so narrow and dangerous. You will see things clearly very soon. You are strong.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Mark 6:56
"Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well."

Can you even imagine actually seeing what was happening when Jesus walked on the earth? Close your eyes and picture our Jesus walking the streets and people immediately, upon recognizing Him, beside themselves with joy and excitement. But more than anything else, they were filled with hope. They had heard about this man, God on earth, and He had finally come to their town, to their city, and to their homes to be with them. And they were not going to miss out on their miracle. I want to be that excited, passionate and intense when it comes to touching Jesus. I want to be so convinced that any encounter with Him would change my life, heal my body and mend my broken heart, that I would do anything, anything, to get to Him.

Sometimes I wish He was human again. I wish He still walked the streets so I could bring my sick loved ones to touch His shirt. I wish I could give Him a call on the phone and talk to Him so He would calm my busy mind. I have cried into my hands so desperate for answers wishing more than anything that He would sit on the couch with me and talk to me human to human.

The truth is though, when Jesus left the earth He said that He wouldn't leave us alone. He promised us that He would send a Helper, a Friend, His Holy Spirit, to help us and guide us and listen to us and be there for us always. And He said it would be even better than Him being a human and walking among us. He assured us that it was better that He left us so the Holy Spirit would come to live with us and be our Friend. He is with you now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Mark 1:9
At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

The whole time Jesus is on earth, the relationship between Him and His Father in Heaven is very very special. They were so close and Jesus would always get away to spend time with His Dad in prayer. In one of our first meetings with Jesus as an adult in the book of Mark, God puts His stamp of approval on Jesus' life. I love what happens here- there is a parent child dynamic very evident in this verse. God is a father and He had to let His kid leave Home and go on His adventure to fix the broken earth. Jesus is a son who had left His Father's Home to do things for His Dad on the earth. It makes me think how obvious it is that we need our parents' approval and affirmation for our lives.

Even Jesus needed His Dad's approval before He was launched out into the wild to fulfill His earthly mission, and it is very valid that we need a blessing from our parents to live our lives and be free to be the adults (kids) we need to be. Maybe you have parents who have blessed you with a mark of love and approval, continually building you up and encouraging you to be all that you can be. Or maybe, (this breaks my heart) you are constantly trying to win your parents' approval and you find yourself continually falling short of them being happy with you. And you are exhausted.

When you became a child of God, you and Jesus are one, and His Father became your Father. You have been approved.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

fifty three

Luke 23:26

"Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus."

Jesus has just been sentenced to death: the death that he had been born for. The death He had left his beautiful throne in Heaven for, the death he had been born in the stinky messy manger for, the death he had walked and talked with the people for, and the death (and later resurrection) that would complete the work He had started on the earth. Here, they were leading Him away from Pilate who, although finding no fault with Jesus, had just sentenced Him to His crucifixion on the cross.

In the time he spent on earth before his death Jesus, talking to the people gathered around Him (true rock star), explained to them that in order to follow Him they needed to, "take up his cross daily and follow Me." He knew He would be the one who paved the way by carrying an actual cross, and that they would follow in His footsteps by doing what they were put on earth to do - know Him, love Him, daily seek His face, and make a difference in their worlds.

As Jesus is carrying His cross on the road to Calvary where He would be hung on it, a man named Simon took over carrying it for Him for a portion of the road. And my point is this: even Jesus, God, doing exactly what He was purposed to do on this earth, couldn't carry His cross for that moment. His cross got too heavy, and sometimes yours will get too heavy for you too. Jesus needed Simon to carry it for a little part of the road and sometimes you will need someone to carry yours for you too. That's totally fine.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Galatians 3: 28-29 (The Message)

"In Christ's family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, since you are Christ's family, then you are Abraham's famous "descendant," heirs according to the covenant promises."

His love endures forever and His faithfulness spans the generations. Maybe you feel like you've come from a family tree poisoned with mistakes and disappointments. And instead of paving a way for the grand things you, your children and your children's children will do, you feel like you're spending all your time dealing constantly with issues, and fixing the messes of those who have gone before you. If this is the case, take heart and remember where you now come from. You can be so confident and happy in what Jesus did for you. When you started to love and follow Jesus, and His Spirit became alive in you, you became part of the family of God.

Romans 8: 14 says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God."

Spiritually you became a seed of the righteous, no longer of evil, and you are now an heir with Jesus. Heirs with Jesus! That is so big and beyond our minds that it's hard for our little heads to take it in. You are part of a royal family. The royal family. To understand your perfect position in the kingdom is to understand that you are a daughter or son of God. The riches of heaven and all that God has, and who He is, is ALL yours.

Romans 8:16-17
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ..."

Think all about King Jesus. Don't feel bad about where you came from on this earth. Think about all you have inherited and think about all the amazing things you will do because of it. Be blessed and grateful if you have come from a long line of Jesus lovers, and take even more seriously the mantel passed on to you from your earthly ancestors. To everyone who loves and follows Jesus: all of the Kingdom is yours. Take big bites and use it all.


Psalm 100:5

"For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."

Just when you might think His love has run dry for you and your family, or maybe He has forgotten what He promised He would do in your life, this beautiful promise of His constant love will keep you holding on. He is a very real and constant friend and His faithfulness goes on through all the years. HIs love for you will never end. Sometimes stuff and people come into your life and then leave your life, but God's love will not. HIs love and presence will never leave you. He is in love with you.

He is faithful from one generation to the next. You must remember His view of the world and of your life is generational: it spans across so many years. He sees things from a broader perspective than just you and the small life you lead in the whole scheme of things. He sees you, your parents, your grandparents, your children, your grandchildren and above all of that, when you came into the family of God things got really huge and you became a part of such a big beautiful crazy family made up of thousands of generations of followers of our strong and precious God. When we pan out and study the character and hand of God (especially in the Old Testament), we read He is the God of Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac's son, Jacob. He outworked his promises over thousands of years and over generations of families. Some generations made mistakes, and others, by the grace of God, fixed them and went on to do all that God had intended. Don't be discouraged. God is so big and has the very very big picture in his mind when it comes to your life. He is planning to do things that you can't even imagine, and He is incredibly faithful to you, the generations that have come before you, and the generations to come from you.

He is faithful always.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hebrews 11:13-16 (The Message)

"Each one of these people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing. How did they do it? They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world. People who live this way make it plain that they are looking for their true home. If they were homesick for the old country, they could have gone back any time they wanted. But they were after a far better country than that—heaven country. You can see why God is so proud of them, and has a City waiting for them."

So we don't belong to this earth. I don't know what else to say after this verse- it seems to sum it all up. This place isn't our true home. This verse in Hebrews is kind of like the punch line of this famous faith chapter. After it lists all of the Bible's heroes of the faith and what they believed for, it ends with this shocking reminder: we are blessed to know that the promised Messiah, Jesus, actually did come and live and die and live again and save the people. These veteran heroes of the faith died waiting for Jesus, the promise. The didn't even see it!! And they were able to do it because they embraced the fact that they did not belong on this earth, but they belonged to a "far better country... heaven country." They knew they were passing through and when life got too hard to believe, they looked beyond their current situation and in the distance saw their home waiting for them. I look up to these ones and I hope I am strong enough to live like this.

Look beyond your now to your home city waiting for you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Philippians 3:20

"But our citizenship is in heaven."

I am in the middle of moving and, after handing over my work keys and my apartment keys, I am left with my car key only. I went from 6 keys to 1 key overnight. So this morning I threw my one poor little car key held on by my dumb oversized expensive monogrammed key chain into my bag and got depressed. Because to me it’s more about what the keys represent… home. And I know a lot of us have been in this place, or perhaps still are: the in between time when you’re juggling the past and the future, with no real sense of ‘place’ to call the present and feel settled. I heard someone say once that life is a balancing act of holding on and letting go, and I really believe this is true. It’s weird and sad and exciting all at the same time.

And ironically I have two passports. Those little books tell me (and the government) that I am a citizen of two countries. Awesome. I belong to two countries and I have no keys. But I have come to realize that this little gem of a verse in the letter to the Philippians is true and more real than the bricks and concrete of any house I will ever live in. And I am filled with peace and hope knowing that my true passport is a heaven one. I don’t belong here on earth because I am a citizen of heaven. We’ve heard it lots, but it’s true. I bet every one has an idea or image of what heaven is going to be like, but one undeniable thing we can all agree on is that it will be a home. We will finally, finally be home. The perfect home. It’s hard to know what home is when you’ve never really had one here on earth, but maybe think about the most belonged you’ve ever felt to a person. Or think about the most comfortable and “yourself” you have ever felt in certain place and time. Think about snuggling up at night to the person you love, or coming through the front door to your familiar surroundings after a long trip away, or tucking your baby into bed at night and watching them breath in and out, driving down the familiar streets of the suburb you grew up in and feeling totally content, or speaking on the phone for hours to the one person, your best friend, who really gets you. It’s about belonging and safety and peace and dreams and people you love and happiness. Home. And if you have ever, even for a moment, felt this feeling here on earth, I cannot even begin to imagine, let alone describe, the experience of living in heaven. I could cry thinking about it.

Before Jesus went back to heaven after He had done all that He had to do on earth for us (born in a manger, healed people, made best friends, got killed, came back to life, saved humanity…), He assured us that He would go and get heaven ready for us. He promised that He would build us mansions (AHH!!) so that one day we would be in the place where He is. And because I’m pretty sure the word mansion means the same in heaven as it means here on earth, I am confident that not only will you be the most perfect version of who you are, and feel the most at home you have ever felt, you will be living in the home of your dreams. So take heart, “keys” are overrated. You don’t belong to earth; you belong to heaven.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Psalm 84: 11

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. "

The Lord will shine on you like the big, beautiful and perfect sun. He will shine His glory on you like sunshine on your skin when you're cold and tired and need His warmth. He will give you the empowering grace and magnificent glory of the Lord in your daily lives which will enable you to walk in the passion and energy of the King of Kings, Jesus. Ask Him to show you His grace and glory like never before...

I don't know why after the glory appears and you are feeling so alive (you feel as though you could fly!), God doesn't seem to answer some people's prayers. I don't understand why some people pray for things that, if they were to happen, would be really good, but they don't happen. I don't know why dad's don't come home, mum's pass away from cancer, dog's die, good people don't get the job promotion they deserve, brilliantly talented people spend their whole lives trying to get noticed, and with all the food we waste every day, people are still hungry. I don't know. Life isn't fair. Maybe some things won't be resolved how we would like them to be here on earth. I have come to realize that I must, with everything in me, try to believe that no good thing will he keep away from me, as long as I am walking in a way that pleases His big sweet heart. And if it's not coming my way, then maybe it's not "good" for me at that time. And if for some reason I don't see what I believe would be best for me here on earth, I know it's waiting for me in ways I can't even imagine in my home in Heaven.
Take the things in your life you think would be a good thing for you to have. Ask Him for them, and in the same breath thank Him that "no good thing will He withhold from my life as I walk uprightly." Amen.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Psalm 84: 10

"For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness."

David continues in this psalm of worship with his earnest yearning for the presence of the Lord. He continues to long and desire only to be near the Lord. One day in the courts of the King is better than one thousand anywhere else in the world. For us to have the Holy Spirit making our hearts alive here on this earth, a constant companion and friend, is all we need to survive the evil world we must live in. The second sentence in this psalm is so touching. He would rather be a doorkeeper, anything and anyone, if it means he will be apart of the house of His God. He doesn't need much. To watch over the door is enough. To watch others walk in and out is enough... He just must must must be at the house of the Lord more than anywhere else in the world.

Make this your prayer: That God would give you a burning, intense passion for the presence of the Lord. That the things of this earth, the evil and godlessness that has over taken so much of His beautiful nature and humanity, would grow strangely dim and unappealing to our eyes and heart, in the light of His glory, His grace and His presence. His Home. When Jesus died on the cross He made a way for us to be in the presence of the Father, our Lord, 24/7. We don't need permission from a priest or pastor, we can go boldly through the door to fall at our knees in worship and adoration. Jesus left His Holy Spirit on earth, and He is ours constantly. I pray with all my heart that we would become so humble, and grateful of all that He is and what He has done, that any facet of the presence of God is enough- to sweep the floors of the house of God is better than all the riches and fame and pride and power of the evil outside world.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Psalm 84:1-2

"How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."

His heart and his flesh. All of him is reaching, yearning, longing. I love this scripture. To me it's the most beautiful picture of David's affection for His personal King and Lord. As David describes his undying, passionate, relentless love for God his voice rings with such desperation for the presence of the Lord. Nothing else will do. Not only does he adore His Lord, His whole being, his mind, his will, his emotions, his body and his heart longs be in the same vicinity as God's being. It is not enough for Him to just know Him and love Him, the psalmist painfully yearns to be in the place where God is (His tabernacle). Even his flesh, the non-heart part cries out. His arms and legs and muscles and bones, faints for the presence of the Lord. Such abandonment and devotion to the presence of the Lord.

Have you ever been so in love with someone that it's painful? It's a constant yearning, a constant drawing towards them. Every fiber of your being is in agony- desperate for their company, their love and their aroundness. You want that one and only so much, the thought of being apart from them makes your weary with grief. Then you are together and you look at them, and you still can't get close enough. You are with them, yet somehow a part of you still misses them... it's crazy, radical, unrealistic, unpractical L-O-V-E!

This God is living and more real than your hand stretched out in front of you. He is so perfect and beautiful that being any where else but in the place where He is, is too much to bare. You must be near Him. You must be a part of Him. He is lovely.

Cry out to Him now. Go on, say how much you love Him and need Him out loud. No one will hear but Him (and you), and He will love it. He is right there. He is so close.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Matthew 6:33

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Don't worry about things. In the verses leading up to this little gem of a promise, Jesus has gone on for a good 33 verses about living a good, authentic godly life. He pleads with the people gathered around him to not worry about the everyday life type things, to not worry about whether or not they will have enough. I love how specific Jesus gets: don't worry about the clothes you wear, or having enough food, or having enough to drink . . . Let's face it, every day most we think about how much money is in the bank, and if we will be able to provide enough food and shelter and clothing for our families. (Unless, of course, that's just me.) Jesus repeats himself a lot here because He knows He needs to. He knows the pressures of this unstable world get way too heavy at times, and we literally can't stand under them. His simplicity is beyond refreshing (verse 27): "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" But the "phew" promise? "For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.." (verse 32). What I'm getting at is this: GOD WILL LOOK AFTER YOU, ALWAYS. He knows what you need, and He will provide for you.

Even more, we live in a consumer driven culture. I'm not going to lie to you. Well I can't lie to you because a lot of you reading this know me too well: I like stuff. I like stuff and clothes and bags and clothes and cosmetics and clothes and good food and shoes and clothes and clothes. To make it worse for my bank (and husband's stress levels) I like fine quality stuff and clothes and bags and clothes etc. It's ridiculous. So while I want to be true to who I am, I pray everyday that I can really find what is important in life and not be focused on stuff and things because (as Jesus also says in this chapter) things will come and go and moths and dust eventually destroy all the stuff we spend our money on. People's lives and hearts are all that matter. Period. And I think this is what it means to seek first, above all the other stuff, the kingdom of God and all His righteousness. To seek His heart above all else. To ask Him that His desires would become your desires, that what breaks His heart would also break yours. To seek and stand for justice on the whole earth. That is what God stands for.

And you know the beauty of God as a Dad? He is a push over for His kids. As I keep my heart rock solid and fully focused on Him, sacrificing my silly wants for what is just and real and eternal, He will often treat me with the unnecessary stuff that I have had my little eye on. He is so kind.

Keep yourself focused and occupied with seeking first the kingdom of God and all that it stands for (the righteousness, peace and joy of the good news of Jesus), so that when worry and unbelief creep into your mind, you are so distracted with Jesus and what matters to Him, you find yourself laughing at the thought of being stranded by God.

forty four

1 Corinthians 13:13

"And now abide in faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

I have come to realize that 'love' and the many ways that we define what it truly is, can sometimes be vague and somewhat overwhelming. But keep it simple. This chapter teaches us such a great practical way to love humanity and the world we live in. I think that love is in the detail. Love is in the details of everyday life, when we are presented with choices on how to behave, how to speak, and how to believe. Sometimes the choices are simple and some of them are complex, and time is needed for you to be able to walk in love when making them.

Faith, Hope and love should, as the Bible says, be the fundamental aspects to our whole lives. These three qualities, verbs, nouns or whatever you want to call them are what it takes to live a beautiful, godly and passionate life for God and for others. They sum up what our lives should be about.

"...but the greatest of these is love." Love is what ties faith, hope and love all together. Without the heart connection to Jesus, without falling in love with Him and without asking Him to fill you with love for what He loves, life is meaningless and there is no point for faith and hope. Love makes you believe (have faith) when you feel like you have nothing left, and Love keeps you hanging on (have hope) when the world is hopeless and your life is falling apart.

So everyday remember that love is in the details. Without love there is no real true faith or hope. Right now ask Jesus to make His love real to you in ways you can't imagine. And everyday, choose love.