Sunday, May 30, 2010


Proverbs 18:14 (New King James Version)

The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?

The human spirit is so powerful and strong that the human body can endure great amounts of pain and suffering from the outside. Most of us have watched loved ones hang in through sickness, disease and incredible amounts of pain throughout their bodies because their will is strong. Some of us have even remained strong and positive when our own bodies have been reeling with pain simply because the strength of our own spirit inside keeps us from breaking down completely. So, it's fair to agree with this proverb and say that when the spirit of a human has been wounded (from broken, dysfunctional relationships or bad choices and their consequences...) it's hard to hold up through the misery and weakness it brings. Our spirits keeps us strong under the outward pressure, and when we are weak it's hard in this world to keep your heart and spirit whole and in tact.

No matter how life may cause your spirit to shrivel up and shut down, don't let it win! God restores and heals and brings you back to life. Stay in the Word, stay with people who love you and love Jesus, keep your spirit guilt-free through His precious forgiveness, and get your knees caloused from prayer. Your spirit will support you from the outward troubles of the world. Keep it strong in the Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Psalm 46:2-3 (New King James Version)

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah."

Don't be afraid. It's hard to watch the news and see the world spinning out of control in a definite downward spiral. The earth herself is getting older and more broken, like an elderly and somewhat abused lady who seems to be naturally (or maybe unnaturally) breaking down and dying. And again, here, the promises of God bring us back and center us within His truth when the natural disasters we face in the world grip our hearts with fear and hopelessness. Metaphorically and literally, the promise is not that we would escape the natural progression of the earth or the disasters that life sometimes hits us with. The command is to not fear. In fact it's more like a statement: "therefore we will not fear." The promise is that He will be with us to protect us amidst it all: "a very present help in trouble." Through some seasons of life, God won't pluck you out of the earthquakes or the storms, He will simply put Himself right there in the middle of it with you, and He will help you get through it: emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. You may be going through some stuff right now, but you are not alone.

He promises to help you, and He commands you to not be afraid. I know it's hard to not be scared. Being scared is such an easy thing to do in the day to day life of trying to stay healthy, trying to stay married, trying to let go of pain and stress, trying to make enough money to enjoy life, trying to be a good friend to people and trying to remember to hold the hand of Jesus amidst it all.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Deuteronomy 23:5 (New King James Version)

"Nevertheless the LORD your God would not listen to Balaam, but the LORD your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the LORD your God loves you."

God is a good God. He is faithful and He loves you to bits and pieces. When I think about the goodness of God - how He looks after us in the day to day, and especially when I look back and see Him all over the days and months and years of my life so far, I am overwhelmed that He would want to be bothered with my little life at all. My heart is full when I think that he would be so specific, taking so much care with the pieces of my heart and life that need to be put together. One of the many things from this verse that takes my breath away is that He turns things around. He turns things around so that the things that were meant to harm and destroy me will now be for the exact opposite purpose: to make my life beautiful and full of purpose and destiny and fulfillment. The very things (curses) the enemy of your life wants to use to kill and destroy you, God turns around and uses to bless you and make your life beautiful and perfect and whole. You won't be able to escape the bad stuff in life, you can't avoid evil and pain and grief and the plans of the devil to make your life a living hell, but you can know that there is a MUCH more powerful God. A God who, because of love, over time and trust and waiting, is working to make your life the best blessing it can be.

And he turns your curses to blessings, he washes your sins away as if they never happened, he puts your broken pieces back together... and he does all these things because He loves you.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Deuteronomy 8:5

"You learned deep in your heart that God disciplines you in the same ways a father disciplines his child."

Throughout life there are things that surface in our hearts and minds, and it's in those times when we know God is working on something inside. Sometimes its a subtle idea that you think you could work on within your character, your attitude or your behavior, and other times it's a cruel mistake that hurts you and the ones you love. It's not fun, but it has to happen.

I have been in both situations. These lessons usually involve some pain and some heartache and some serious humility. It's not fun: when your big mouth unnecessarily cuts to the core of a loved one's insecurity, your hot temper lashes out in an abusive manner toward the one you love, or maybe you're feeling the need to make more effort toward being a better friend to those around you. It can be a soft discipline, or a tough one. Either way, and even though you may not feel it at the time, God has your back. He is sharpening you in all the important ways inside, so you will be the best kid you can possibly be, to fulfill the purpose He designed for you.

So maybe it's not too enjoyable, but to be a child of the King - the highest honor we can have- these times have to happen. They have to happen because He adores you too much. He watches you live throughout your day, walk and talk and eat and sleep... then He loves (as any parent would) when you come and sit with Him and talk to Him. He listens to you talk away, ask Him things, tell Him that you love Him and kick and scream. And He just wants you to be the beautiful human soul that he saw when he first formed you in the beginning because you are His daughter or His son. And that's huge. And it's worth all the tough deep down lessons we must go through.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Romans 8:31

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

How cool is this?! I think we should make a list of all the people who try to come against us throughout the hours, days, months, years and lifetimes. Teachers, bosses, brothers, sisters, ex-spouses, spouses, parents, step-parents, friends, enemies, children, cousins, aunties, name them, they may like you, love you or hate you - there's a chance they'll be against you at some point - it can come from anyone and anywhere. Get used to it.

Here is the fabulous news: God is the most high One. Perfect and beautiful in every way. The joy of the whole world, the delight of the human race and the greatest love that the human soul and heart can ever ever experience, is Yours. He is the prince of peace, the healer of the human heart, soul, mind and body. And He is in your corner. (Selah) He is the one who fights for you, helps you, protects you, strategizes with you, solves problems with you, and would do anything for you so that you win in this life. You will win in life.

No one can stand against you because when they stand up to you, they stand up to Him. When they give you trouble, they give Him trouble. When they pick on you, hurt you and hate you, they pick on the King, hurt the heart of God, and hate the Savior of the human race. And God help (mmm...) the person who dares come against the King and the King's kid (that's you). Don't be afraid, no one can truly be against you and win when you have God on your side. When someone is standing up against you, get this verse in your head and heart (write it down on some paper and put it on your fridge if you need to) and say it over and over until you believe it. Amen!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


1 John 2:15-17 (New King James Version)

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."

Don't think too seriously about the things that this world offers you. She will promise you riches and treasures and power and status. But they are empty promises. They give you a false hope that, without the love of the Father burning within you above everything else, fades away and leaves you poor and alone. I want to also say that I love stuff. I love spending money on things and clothes and food and all the goodies that make life extra fun. I just don't want the enjoyment I get out of all that be why I am happy and satisfied and fulfilled. It can't be - it has to be Jesus. Because when all those frills have to be given up, removed from the equation of life, and it's just the Father and you left alone, then that must be where your true joy is found. That must be your true love and pursuit. The "lusts" and desires of the world that seduce us all can't consume a lover of the holy Father God. Your pursuit of the Father and what he wants you to do with your time here on earth must be your sole focus. The Father must be the first love of your heart and life, and from that love, a beautiful life (you) will evolve and the things of the earth will grow dim in the light of His glorious grace over your life.

So fall in love with Jesus everyday. Re-evaluate and figure out who your true love is these days. Wake up in the morning and love Him. Go about your work and play and pursue Him. Love Him, then go to sleep at night. Worship Him, do what He wants you to do, and ask Him to show you who He is a little more every day. Keep your eyes focused with a fierce focus on the Father.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Isaiah 49:1-2

“Listen, O coastlands, to Me, And take heed, you peoples from afar! The LORD has called Me from the womb; From the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name. And He has made My mouth like a sharp sword; In the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me, And made Me a polished shaft; In His quiver He has hidden Me.”

If you ever dare to doubt the reason of your existence, dare to doubt that God meant for you to be here on this earth right here and right now, read Isaiah 49. You will learn that you have been chosen - CHOSEN - by God to change and heal the world. It says that every word that comes out of your mouth will pierce right to the heart of the matter in people's lives; you will speak comfort, compassion, and a word in season to those who need it. He hides you in his "quiver" - raises you, teaches you, trains you, heals you, prepares you- so when the time is right, He pulls you out, aims you perfectly where He wants you to go, and shoots you out into your purpose, one day at a time.

The whole chapter is beautiful. Sit down for verse six: "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant...I will also give you as a light to the Gentiles, That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth." The beauty of it all is that God gives these big, magnificent things for you to do on this earth. You didn't meet and sign up for walking with Jesus to only get comfy sitting in church every Sunday. He has called you to much more than that. He has chosen you to be a glorious light to this hurting world all around us. He wants to use you. He wants to raise you, love you, heal you so you can be a shining light - cracks and all - to the world. Don't settle for the "smallness" of a life only doing what is comfortable and safe. Get your hands and heart messy in the lives of people lost in the darkness this pretend and filthy world offers.

So you choose. You have been called to greatness. You have been chosen. When the devil tells you you weren't wanted to your parents, you weren't planned, or if you were actually given away at birth, you look the devil in the ugly face and say "LISTEN!!! THE LORD HAS CHOSEN AND CALLED ME!!! That's right, you heard it: ME!!!" There is a very specific reason that you are here. When people give you attitude, belittle you, and make you feel invisible... get right up in their face, and yell to them and the distant lands, (you can even pace your kitchen floor, as I admit I have, Bible open to this very chapter and yell at the top of your lungs word for word: "LISTEN, O Coastlands!! Listen world!! I have been chosen by name from my mother's womb by the Lord for great things..."


Monday, May 17, 2010


Psalm 27:9-10 (the message)

"You've always been right there for me; don't turn your back on me now. Don't throw me out, don't abandon me; you've always kept the door open. My father and mother walked out and left me, but God took me in."

Come to terms with the fact that God is the only only only one we can really rely on. It sounds too simplistic and perhaps redundant, but I have come to realize that as the earth spins faster everyday, and people come and leave, God really does take care of us. He stays with us when things get rough, and He never walks out on us. Think about that; all the people who have broken you in big or small breaks can never break you into too many pieces for God to put back together.

And sometimes it's the ones closest to us that break our hearts the most. And I'm not only talking about the ones who do actually walk out on you and leave you alone. I'm talking about the ones whom you adore (and adore you back) on a day to day basis. They can hurt you the most because they have the most access to your heart. There is nothing more unstable than when our families - the ones (blood and water) we love and live for - are falling apart. It's hard when you feel like you're holding things together, and you can't fix the ones you love. Worse than that, they can't be there for you the way you need them to be. So God is always right beside you. Tell Him your heartache, tell Him who has let you down, ask Him to always be there for you, and I promise He will.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Psalm 19:14 (NIV)

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

He is the rock of your life. He is the glue that holds your life together, the strong floor that you stand on and will never give in. Your life will cave in at times but He will never ever break - He can handle the weight of your world, He can take the weight of your messy heavy problems, and all the load that you're carrying is no match for the strong and mighty rock - which He is. There is no one more precious than Him to you. You may not always agree with what He says or how He acts, but one thing is certain, you know Him, and you know you love Him with a love that is so rich and deep, that despite circumstances being what they are or are not, you cannot seem to walk away from Him. It's weird because you find yourself wanting to please and love Him more than anyone you know or love on this earth. He is simply that wonderful and lovely and perfect. He fits right into every piece of you, your heart, mind and soul. You want to please Him because of how much He first loved you and now how much you love Him back.

So you want to please Him. The stuff that comes out of your mouth, He listens to. You're in a quiet room all alone - He is there. You're in a messy loud and crazy jam packed room full of people and things - He is there. He listens to your heart and voice. He's always there. He is always right beside you because He loves you. Let the words you say throughout your day, and the things you let your heart think about and dwell on, please Him.


Friday, May 14, 2010


Isaiah 55:8-9 (New King James Version)

“ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts..."

Rest assured - God doesn't think like we do. He doesn't see things like we see them from our finite, teeny, tiny human-sized brain (or heart) capacity. We see and feel what we're going through from where we are standing; and it's then (when things don't make sense, or we are misunderstood by others, or even fighting a battle with our own selves) that we must ask the Holy Spirit to raise us up to see things from His perspective and not from our earthly perspective. It may sound very simplistic and could be something you've heard a million times, but I just thought I needed to remind us of this point. When I find myself having the same "breakdowns" that I have every time the plan I thought was perfect and made all the sense in the whole wide world falls through, I realize that I haven't quite learned the "trust" lesson yet, and I must force myself (yet again) to align my mind and heart with the mind and heart of my King Jesus. I must trust and trust and trust that His thoughts and ways are WAY above mine (this is extremely exciting when you think about it) because He is the one we are living for, He is the One we are following, and we can't be wishy-washy about it if we're going to say we believe this thing.

The beautiful, magnificent heavens are above all the earth, as is the perfect, glorious King of all Kings above us. His mind and ways are above ours, and it's pointless to try and figure Him and out on this side of eternity. He will direct your path, and He is working something much bigger than what you can imagine in your precious life. Stay on your knees, trust His hand and heart with your life, and relax.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Isaiah 61:3 (New King James Version)

"To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.”

"The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness:" It's about forcing our mouths to praise Jesus when depression takes a grip of our minds and hearts. This well known mandate in Isaiah is a prophecy for our roles here on earth with the Spirit of Jesus living in us. But what we can also take from this verse is the reality that we can overcome the heaviness in our hearts and minds (even the stuff we can't explain and don't know why it's hanging around) by the simple beauty and power of worship. From praise comes the supernatural lifting of our depression and our oppression. It is the Holy Spirit in us activating the praise when you feel no emotions toward God. And He lifts the enemy's hold over our hearts and minds.

Say it out loud - "Praise Jesus" -when you've lost your joy and your heart is heavy, broken and confused. Praise Him when you feel there is no reason to praise Him. Your heaviness will be lifted and for some reason, despite the circumstances remaining the same, you will have peace.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Psalm 16:5-6 (New King James Version)

"O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance."

The writer of this psalm is grateful for how God has been there all along. The pieces of their life have purpose and reason because of God. God is the One who this writer has chosen, and the One who fills the gaps of the human heart and soul.

Looking back over the course of our lives (rain, hail and shine) we can see, even if we didn't know and love Jesus the whole time, that God has been faithful and He has held on to us even when we have let go of Him. I'm not saying that all the lines of our lives have always fallen perfectly and pleasantly into place for you or me in the day to day - things fall through, people lie, and sometimes we don't know if we made the best decision in some of the situations we've faced along the way. I'm not saying that it's been an easy ride the whole time for any of us. I'm saying that we have joy because God is our portion and He is the glue that holds the pieces of our lives together. He is what we need, He wisely and precisely draws the lines in our lives, and things have actually (even in the seasons when it's been hard to see Him working) fallen into place the way He wants. He sees things from the end, we see it from where we are standing in the moment.

If you stay close to Jesus, loving and listening to Him, you will look back and see how God has pulled (and sometimes shoved) piece by piece together to create one beautiful, pleasant life in you.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Mark 9:43, 47.
"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off... And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell..."

Well put, Jesus. Again, Jesus finds himself in the center of the hussle and bussle - all the people want a piece of Him. They want their children healed, they want their demons gone, and they want their answers to the mysteries of life and the matters of the spirit. Among the many spiritual insights and lessons He is teaching the people who surround Him, these verses show Jesus' loyalty, devotion and utmost regard for living holy and purely. It seems as though no other way will do. Jesus often taught in metaphors, and this one is perhaps the most clear: if your eye is making you sin - pull it out. If your hand gets you into business that compromises your holiness here on earth, cut it off. Sounds brutal, but in many ways it's a fierce reminder that God values, above all, holiness and purity - living a life without sin (impossible without the Holy Spirit) dedicated to Jesus in spirit, soul and body.

The rock star Jesus I read about here doesn't seem too fussed about looking perfect and having it "all together." He doesn't seem to have too much concern for being broken and rough around the edges. He says to cut off a hand if we must! Nope, don't worry about being completely in tact when you finally leave this earth. We're all heading out of here a little rough around the edges with some cracks on and beneath the surface; that's what makes us beautiful, unique and in need of a Savior. I've got a few limbs cut off, eyes missing and a few less hands now compared to when I first began this journey. The irony is, I feel more whole everyday because of Jesus.

So, as plain as I can possibly be: get rid of the stuff that holds you down, keeps you from moving forward in your God given destiny, and certainly get rid of anything that puts a wedge between you and Jesus. That's the worst of all. So if the TV distracts your focus, turn it off; if alchohol is keeping you drunk, get some help so you can stop drinking it; if food is keeping you insecure and not confident in who Jesus has made you, eat less and exercise; if comparing yourself to people makes you second guess your value and doubt God's perfect plan, get on your knees and soak yourself in the Word, or go volunteer with those less fortunate than you. Jesus is saying - do whatever it takes for you to live a life worth of the Kingdom of God.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Ephesians 2:10

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

You are God's handwritten poem. You are His fine artwork, His masterpiece and His very rare and expensive treasure. The work He has done in you is simply beautiful and the works and feats He has prepared for you to do are even more breathtaking. It's hard to even imagine the life He has in mind for you while you are on this earth. There are people's lives to touch, people's hearts to love and heal, and a kingdom of love to bring to this dying and hurting world. I am so relieved to read that there is an answer to the desperate question within me: is there something more? I am overwhelmed that there indeed is more to the monotony of our day to day lives. Thank Jesus that the longing and anticipation are quenched with the "good works" that He has prepared for me and for you.

Sometimes the pressures of the world and the expectations we put on ourselves are too much for our hearts and shoulders to carry. We all want to be someone and to live a life that matters; we want to look back and see that we made a difference in some peoples' lives, and fought the good fight of faith for the Kingdom of God. My thought from this beautiful 'life' scripture is to keep walking. When all else fails, keep walking with Jesus every day and do what He tells you to do. God has good, exciting and magnificent works for you as you grab the hand of Jesus and put one foot in front of the other.

You can't even imagine what He has laid up for you. It's beyond exciting and awesome! Take a little time, a paper and a pen, and be still. Ask Him for a little picture of the good works He has in mind for you next (or even way into the future) and write them down. And keep walking toward them.


Saturday, May 8, 2010


Habukkuk 3:17-19

"Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills."

This is one of those times in scripture when it all boils down to what is real and what is important in life: you and me praising and being happy in the Lord, no matter what hand life is dealing you right now. When you can look in the face of Jesus and realize that He is the most real and abundant it gets, you are a true worshipper and lover of Him.

You may be faced with a situation, like the prophet Habukkuk. A situation of bareness, desperation and hopelessness. Things are falling apart and the good life you have been promised by God's Word is not a reality, but rather, the opposite is happening. Your family is falling apart and is broken, your money is gone, you don't have people around you - you are lonely, your body is breaking down, you have lost your possessions and home to a natural disaster, or there may be nothing to show for the hard work you do every day, and people misunderstand you. When you are facing a whole lot of nothingness and loss, you look the devil in the smelly-ugly-evil-face and say "yet will I praise my Jesus!" You may be living in the best, most glorious and abundant times of your life right now. Even more so you must press harder. Look in the face of Jesus and say, "yet will I praise my Jesus!" Whatever life is handing you right here in this very day and moment and hour: "yet will I praise my Jesus." You will be running free all over the place.


Friday, May 7, 2010


Habakkuk 2:2-4

Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry."

I don't know what to tell you. Dreams are hard to wait for. Dreams are hard to have, and then when you have one, you have to wait for it. Everyone who is called by God to accomplish something faces this agonizing reality - probably more than once or twice over the course of life.

Don't give up on the dream that is in your heart. When it all feels hopeless and you feel like a fool for believing that your dream has a chance - know that in the end it will surely happen. If you are fighting for the vision and the dreams that God has called you to do, don't give up. "Though it tarries, wait for it" - perfect. After years of waiting, it will happen. After days and months and years of waiting and praying and working, it will surely happen. Though things aren't falling into place, rather, falling apart, it will surely happen. You will win the race if you finish it. Don't give up now. Though your vision is taking it's sweet little time, it will surely happen. Do NOT give up. Your God given dream will not lie to you, your dream will have a voice soon, though it isn't here yet, WAIT for it. It will surely come.

When you feel like it's slipping away, remember what has been placed in your heart. Your child will come home. Your promotion will come. Your family will be restored. Your needs will be met. Clear your mind, write down your dream so (after all the years) you don't forget it, remember it's all about timing, and when the time is right it will SURELY COME.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Samuel 18:1

"Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul."

In an extremely small nut shell, the story of David and Jonathan goes that as follows: Jonathan (King Saul's son) met David (a shepherd boy, the son of a man named Jesse) after David had just defeated Goliath (the Philistine- a giant) and according to this verse, from that point on their friendship was solidified and set until the end. It was a special friendship about which a novel could be written, and from these two we can learn so much about the beauty and the rare treasure that a good friend can be.

Jonathan and David exemplify one of the most pure, lovely and unique friendships we can find throughout all of the scriptures. The Bible says they loved each other; they truly loved each other. They loved each other more than they loved themselves: Jonathan loved David "as his own soul." That is a big statement. They loved each other through thick and thin. They defended each other - when Saul wanted to kill David, Jonathan secretly told David about it to protect his friend who he believed him with all of his heart. They made oaths and promises to each other to show that no one would come in between this friendship. It was a friendship that protected and provided for each other. They had each other's backs through all the storms of life. And, Jonathan truly believed in the call of God on David's life, and he went to all measures - sacrificial - to make sure nothing would kill or harm David (even his own dad).

There are very few people that can grip your soul with such love and dedication. As the world spins faster, and stuff and hearts get more broken, we must be very intentional about friends - good, solid friends who adore you for you, love the person you are, and make you want to be a better person. A good friend who is not romantic to you, but someone you can trust, someone who you genuinely want to succeed even if it means you don't. When you live for someone else's well being and happiness, your life takes on a rare depth and passionate meaning. Find and value a friend who stands the test of time and weathers any storms that come along over a lifetime.
1 Samuel is full of stories about Jonathan and David. There friendship stood strong through wars, family issues, mistakes and successes. No adversity and no one's jealousy, anger or bitterness got between them. They were soul mates in the truest, purest sense.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Mark 8:22-25

"Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. And when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything. And he looked up and said, “I see men like trees, walking.” Then He put His hands on his eyes again and made him look up. And he was restored and saw everyone clearly."

Watching Jesus change peoples' lives on the page is one of my favorite things to read of in the Bible. If I really focus my mind and heart, close my eyes and picture Jesus standing amidst all the people that followed Him around like the paparazzi, I feel like I get to know Him that little bit more. They "begged Him..." begged Him? Nothing has changed. The human experience is still full of ups and downs and at times we are all placed in situations we wish we would wake up from. We all still need hope - the hope that Jesus brings. And they just wanted His touch! I think it's sweet that these people wanted their friend healed so much that they begged Jesus to heal him. Their friend had been blind for years, and when they heard about this Jesus they knew just one touch would change his life.

And then one step at a time, Jesus heals this man. One step at a time. Your healing may take a little while. Your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing may come in stages, it may hit you hard all at once, or you may only truly be free from your "blindness" when you get to your home in Heaven. Jesus may take His time, lead you away from everyone around you, and ask you a few questions along the way. But know this: He is standing right in front of you. His beautiful strong hands are on you. He gets up close and personal - messy and dirty - right in the parts where you are broken, and He slowly restores your mind, your body and your soul.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ecclesiastes 9:10 (New King James Version)

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might;..."

There are seasons of life when God has you busy doing something that you don't want to do, and other times you get to do things that you are really excited about. And, sometimes, it's both. This teeny tiny verse is a little gem, because it plainly and simply tells us how to live. Sometimes I love when a verse get straight forward with us, and there is no need for much prayer and fasting over it's message! This is one of those: "do this..."

Whatever you're currently doing give it your all - really put your back into it. Whatever you find yourself busy at right now - the good, the bad and the ugly - do it with all your energy. Represent Jesus well by working hard and using your gifts however you can. Do it all as if Jesus was your boss, your manager, your professor, your teacher, your parent, your judge. He will promote you, He will seat you in high places, and He will see that you are well taken care of. Perhaps the most beautiful thing about it all, He is watching you hard at your work - working toward your dreams, obeying the call of God on your life, and trying your hardest to be all that you can be. He is proud of you, and He sees it all. Keep working hard at what you find yourself doing - you will be rewarded.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Psalm 23: 4 (NKJV)

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

The shadow of death can feel just as real as death itself. But don't be fooled - death can not, and will not, have you. You have been purchased by Life with a capital L. The out of control life force (Jesus' love) that has you and your sweet broken heart, is the most beautiful glorious form of life there is, and there is nothing to fear. Selah.

Now for the comfort bit... When the chains of death itself - loneliness, grief, loss, doubt that God exists, feeling not good enough, not pretty enough, not perfect enough, not having enough money, feeling trapped and abused and misunderstood, feeling like nothing is going to change (to name a few daily-basis type demons we all face) - when this darkness grips your heart and mind around the neck and you can barely breath, do not fear. Do not fear. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. Sometimes I must sit myself still and say those words over and over again. When I don't know which way is up, "I am not alone, thank you Jesus, you are with me..." Take comfort in the perfect and strong presence of the beautiful One who looks after you always. You are not alone, the shadow of death is merely a shadow.. it can't have you ever.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Romans 12:17-21 (New King James Version)

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

It's a toughy - when you've really got to live this one out. It's easy to believe and obey this jam packed message when you're not knee deep in a situation that gives you every right and reason to pray that someone gets run over by a truck, or at least never succeeds in what they're doing. This message is being screamed at me right now, so much so, it's funny.

It's pretty clear what the deal is, so I just want to encourage you to pray for the people that have hurt and abused you. When you're hit where it hurts the most and you almost can't breathe cause you're in so much shock, catch your breath, and from somewhere deep inside of you, pray for that soul. The best news of this whole scripture is that God says He will take care of you - He has your back. He is a God of justice. If you take your own revenge, there is no room for the wrath of God. The wrath of God... yowza! God have mercy on the one that hurts a child of the King. God help the soul that dares to rip off, steal from, or deceitfully deal with the one whom Jesus adores . . . that is, you. Their day is coming, I promise. When you've done all you can to be at peace with the enemy you're facing, leave it to God. Leave it be.

So as far as you go, live at peace with all men. This may mean distance or it may mean begging for God's grace because He has called you to stay up close and personal in their lives and well being. Pray that the person who stole from you and took what you rightfully deserve succeeds in the work they are doing and the relationships they are involved in.

Do this, and I promise you, you will be free.

I've got to give you this version also, because (as usual) Eugene Peterson sums it up beautifully:
Romans 12:17-21 (The Message)
Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."
Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Ecclesiastes 12:13 (New King James Version)

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all."

I love this, it's perfect. I guess deep down we all just want to know what the heck we're trying to do here. Everyday I'm realizing more than ever that the things in life I stress out about or think of as overly important, aren't so important at all. Deadlines, lunches, clothes and bags and money and pens and paper and cars and houses....

Jesus said it as straight as it comes: "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"
(Mark 8:36)

So this is your all, your mandate, if you will: adore and fear God. Do what He tells you to do. This is the end of the line, nothing else really matters. Money comes and goes, trends and fads live and die and live and die and we are left with our relationship with Jesus and the people around us. Pursue the important stuff.