Sunday, May 23, 2010


Deuteronomy 8:5

"You learned deep in your heart that God disciplines you in the same ways a father disciplines his child."

Throughout life there are things that surface in our hearts and minds, and it's in those times when we know God is working on something inside. Sometimes its a subtle idea that you think you could work on within your character, your attitude or your behavior, and other times it's a cruel mistake that hurts you and the ones you love. It's not fun, but it has to happen.

I have been in both situations. These lessons usually involve some pain and some heartache and some serious humility. It's not fun: when your big mouth unnecessarily cuts to the core of a loved one's insecurity, your hot temper lashes out in an abusive manner toward the one you love, or maybe you're feeling the need to make more effort toward being a better friend to those around you. It can be a soft discipline, or a tough one. Either way, and even though you may not feel it at the time, God has your back. He is sharpening you in all the important ways inside, so you will be the best kid you can possibly be, to fulfill the purpose He designed for you.

So maybe it's not too enjoyable, but to be a child of the King - the highest honor we can have- these times have to happen. They have to happen because He adores you too much. He watches you live throughout your day, walk and talk and eat and sleep... then He loves (as any parent would) when you come and sit with Him and talk to Him. He listens to you talk away, ask Him things, tell Him that you love Him and kick and scream. And He just wants you to be the beautiful human soul that he saw when he first formed you in the beginning because you are His daughter or His son. And that's huge. And it's worth all the tough deep down lessons we must go through.

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