Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Mark 9:43, 47.
"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off... And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell..."

Well put, Jesus. Again, Jesus finds himself in the center of the hussle and bussle - all the people want a piece of Him. They want their children healed, they want their demons gone, and they want their answers to the mysteries of life and the matters of the spirit. Among the many spiritual insights and lessons He is teaching the people who surround Him, these verses show Jesus' loyalty, devotion and utmost regard for living holy and purely. It seems as though no other way will do. Jesus often taught in metaphors, and this one is perhaps the most clear: if your eye is making you sin - pull it out. If your hand gets you into business that compromises your holiness here on earth, cut it off. Sounds brutal, but in many ways it's a fierce reminder that God values, above all, holiness and purity - living a life without sin (impossible without the Holy Spirit) dedicated to Jesus in spirit, soul and body.

The rock star Jesus I read about here doesn't seem too fussed about looking perfect and having it "all together." He doesn't seem to have too much concern for being broken and rough around the edges. He says to cut off a hand if we must! Nope, don't worry about being completely in tact when you finally leave this earth. We're all heading out of here a little rough around the edges with some cracks on and beneath the surface; that's what makes us beautiful, unique and in need of a Savior. I've got a few limbs cut off, eyes missing and a few less hands now compared to when I first began this journey. The irony is, I feel more whole everyday because of Jesus.

So, as plain as I can possibly be: get rid of the stuff that holds you down, keeps you from moving forward in your God given destiny, and certainly get rid of anything that puts a wedge between you and Jesus. That's the worst of all. So if the TV distracts your focus, turn it off; if alchohol is keeping you drunk, get some help so you can stop drinking it; if food is keeping you insecure and not confident in who Jesus has made you, eat less and exercise; if comparing yourself to people makes you second guess your value and doubt God's perfect plan, get on your knees and soak yourself in the Word, or go volunteer with those less fortunate than you. Jesus is saying - do whatever it takes for you to live a life worth of the Kingdom of God.


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