Monday, February 22, 2010


Psalm 57:1

"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by."

There have been times when I need to be as far away as possible from wherever I'm at. I'm afraid, I'm overwhelmed, I'm hurting, I'm worried about the health and happiness of those I love, I'm thinking about money, I'm worried about failing, I have a headache that won't go away even when I go to bed. Some moments, days, weeks, months or even years, it's all too much. It's all too much and it's all about to collapse if I don't escape and hide from it all. And sometimes that's okay and normal and fine.

This Psalm was set when David is running away from Saul in the middle of a literal battle. He was running to hide, praying to His (our) strong and faithful God to rescue him, to pull him out of the battle field and keep him safe and protected for a little while. This verse has saved me many times. I have been on my knees with the Holy Spirit, in the midst of my own battles that have piled up, begging Him to hide me for a little while and take me away from it all. You will use all your energy to trust in the Spirit to take you away and hide you in the peace and comfort of Jesus. You will watch your demons (your pain and your anxiety) running past the cave in which you are hiding.

I know it feels like you're not going to make it through the particular battle you're fighting right now. But you will make it, you won't die, you won't die. God has too much for you to accomplish for Him and right now in this moment of your life, He will hide you safe in the shelter of His wings with peace, joy and hope for the future. Hide with Him.

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