Monday, March 1, 2010


Lamentations 3:22-23

"Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness."

Whether you believe it or not, God is holding every piece of this whole thing together. He sees the world and our little lives from a perspective much higher than ours. His compassion toward the human race is more radical than anything we can fit into our little bitty minds. He adores you, and every time He looks at you He falls more in love with you. When you come to Him broken because of the darkness and evil upon which you acted out, His heart is broken.

And when we wake up every morning all the bad stuff that we did the day before is gone. Gone. Our sweet Bible says He throws all of our evil and mistakes and shortcomings into the depths of the sea where it is forgotten... Humans are unable to forgive like He forgives. Humans are unable to completely forget and renew such powerful and perfect love. Humans are incapable of mercy and grace as grand as this. But He is kind and loyal and He is the ultimate Savior King. Because of His undying faithfulness and loyalty, every morning He pours buckets of love and mercy on our precious little souls.

We are free because He sticks close to us and never stops believing in us and our hearts. Keep short accounts with God. Pour out the bad stuff (big and small) before Him everyday, be done with it and try not to do it again. He hears, forgives and it is gone forever.

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