Friday, April 30, 2010


Ephesians 6:12 (New King James Version)

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

I think it's important to remember that every battle you face down here on earth - any situation you're facing and trying to win - may be spiritual. On the surface, you're fighting people that make you want to scream with frustration. Or perhaps the person fighting against you leaves you crying from the heartache of a broken relationship. But the Bible says here that we do not fight against the actual people in front of us, but against the enemy and his legions of demons behind the fight. It sounds scary and weird, but it's very simple. If the Holy Spirit is in you, you are full of light and goodness. The opposite of light and goodness is dark and evil. And that's what you fight every single day of your life if you love and follow Jesus.

I don't know what situation you're up against right now. I don't know what family heartache, work drama or person you're "wrestling" right now. But I honestly do believe that when you're a child of the King, things are no longer what they seem at face value. Things got spiritual when you gave your life to Jesus, and it's no longer about the person in front of you. It's about dark powers and an enemy who hates the Jesus in you more than you can even fathom in your mind.

Be encouraged. When the battle is raging and you feel like the world is against you, remember that you have the victory in Jesus. You don't fight "flesh and blood" standing in the form of a person in front of you, you fight the devil and his angels whose only purpose is to destroy your life and anyone who matters to the Father. Fight to the finish! Don't back down!

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