Saturday, June 19, 2010


Psalm 33:13-15 (nkj)

"The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works."

This verse brings the relationship we have with our Father to a very small intimate point where God is so close, so close you can feel his breath on your skin, and he is watching over you constantly. Your sweet little heart is in the palm of his hand, being perfectly groomed and adored, and he thinks about all the things that you do on a day to day basis, and over the course of your life.

Maybe think about it like this: the other day you applied to a job and you were driving around all day delivering resumes and you were frustrated and about to cry or punch someone because it all got to be too much. The next day you're at the grocery store comparing prices between two brands of condiments. The next day you have a fight with your loved one and you're really upset about it, and your mind and heart won't stop thinking about it. My point is this: He is watching you and your heart as you go about your business throughout your day- the good, the bad, the mundane and the fireworks. He thinks about all that you're doing - He watches over your car rides, your chats with friends and your interaction with your co-workers at the office. He thinks about you as you drive your car and put gas in it, He thinks about you and your heart ALL the time. He is excited about the new house that you bought, and He is sad when you're in pain, and someone has hurt you. Everything that is related to you, He cares about and thinks about. He carries your heart- He is making it beautiful.

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