Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Isaiah 1:18

"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool."

I'm reading a book about a cult. It's awful to read, and I can't believe it's true. I can't believe that people can get so brainwashed, and mostly I can't fathom that these people have been so fooled into thinking they are experiencing true love and relationship with "God." It's so tragic that it breaks my heart to pieces. Reading all about this cult is a hard one because people have been so broken and abused in the name of Jesus' love. The way this sect operates, it's very essence, is the exact opposite of the gospel (not to mention all that Jesus was about). In this instance, It's ALL about what you do, and how good a person you are. If you do this, you will get to heaven, and if you don't you will go to hell. If you do what this person tells you to do, then you are obeying God and you will have eternal life. If you're not doing everything you must do, you must be sent away for vigorous work to be broken until you obey and "see the light." If you question or doubt any aspect of this "faith," you are rebellious and wrong and evil and have no place in the "kingdom." It's ridiculous and evil and it's all counterfeit love.

As I read this book I see that this cult is the absolute opposite of our sweet, loving and relational Jesus, our Messiah. With Jesus, it's all about relationship, grace and mercy. This pure, perfect grace and love ushers us into the throne room of our King, into His loving, warm presence, where we can sit and chat and talk about all the things that have gone on throughout the days and weeks and months of life. He wants us to come to Him and talk to Him- He even says, "reason together..." Back and forth and forth and back... How beautiful is that? He invites conversation - real, honest emotion and discussion.

Remember, if someone offers you true love from God and it's a little bit or a whole lot different from this - relationship, grace, mercy, forgiveness, conversation, and mostly freedom and peace - walk away and find the truth. It's honest and raw and real, and it's all yours.

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