Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Matthew 5: 3 (the message)

"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule."

I think the main thing God wants us to get a grip on is dependancy on Him. He wants complete and crazy child-like trust in a God who is the greatest father, friend and king a child could ever want or need.

We must get to a point where we are fine with everything imperfect, not in place and not together. And even the control we think we have over our lives is an illusion anyway. Because, in this life, nothing is truly constant; money, status, people and stuff comes and goes. And it's all about asking Him to be the glue that holds your life together.

So when you have nothing left, that's a good thing. It is then that God can really shine in your life. In my own search for dependancy upon God, I have found that by being on my knees in the mornings and begging Him to take my life and do something magnificent with it, I start to see change. I just repeat over and over, "I depend on You. I need you every hour. Every moment..." or something to that effect. And then, throughout my day, when hopelessness and doubt and worry try to grip my mind and heart I just repeat that "I depend on You only Father..." His beautiful sovereign hands cover and grip your life with such a hold that nothing and no one can get you.

So you may as well go ahead and get to the end of your rope now. It will eventually happen anyway. Let go and let God be who He wants to be in your life. You will be blessed.

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