Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Matthew 5:4 (the message)

"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you."

There is something powerful about losing something or someone that means the most to you. When God brings you to a place in your life where you feel the most lost inside and out, it is then that He honestly and humbly walks in to be everything and everyone you need.

And in some way or another we have all experienced loss. Loss is the universal emotion and experience that binds the human race together at the seams. So you're finally brought to a place where you're lost, and then suddenly after blood sweat and tears - the utter desperation where you have eventually run into Jesus' arms... you are found.

Loss is universal, but have you ever been to a place where you are lost? Let me suggest this: you want that time in your life at some point. You don't want to cruise through life with everything okay and in the middle. You want some risk, some adventure, some hard work and some loss.

No matter whom you have elevated to a prominent place in your life, make sure you reserve a piece of your heart for Jesus and Jesus alone. So when you lose the person, place or thing that holds your heart, you are able to (even in an ever so slightly way) survive the damage.

God is good.


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