Friday, September 10, 2010


Matthew 2:11

"And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh..."

Read the Bible, and remember scenes like this actually happened. Close your eyes with this one and take in the blissful reality that the king had arrived as a baby, and then realize that the scene that followed had to be divine. It has to be a moment that this earth couldn't have created because it's too bizarre and beautiful and simple and chaotic and special all at the same time to be normal. Grown men - very smart grown men sought out this BABY. Think about it - a little screaming, squished-faced newborn baby! They found him nestled in a dirty and messy stable. Then they saw Him, and these grown-very-smart-men got down on their knees and worshiped Him. Maybe they were older men and their backs were bad and they had to kind of adjust to the side as they got on their knees, or maybe they had to put one hand on something to shift their weight as they got on one knee, then the other. Then they put their heads down and maybe they even wept as they realized who this child was, and (according to the prophets that had gone before them all) they realized what He would eventually do for the heart and soul of the human race.

This was an amazing moment in history. It was a moment of peace. And after all the waiting, heaven finally met earth, and Jesus the Christ arrived. You may feel like you're too old and smart and put-together to get on your hands and knees in surrender. Maybe you won't even raise your hands in the privacy of your own home as an act of worship and letting go, but I promise, if you do, you will be changed.


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