Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Mark 6:7 (the message)

"Jesus called the Twelve to him, and sent them out in pairs. He gave them authority and power to deal with the evil opposition..."

Jesus will give you who you need. Jesus will give you what you need. Jesus picked the guys he knew would be slightly crazy enough to get to know Him and believe in Him, and passionate enough to risk their lives, jobs, reputation and relationships to take His message of hope and love to the broken world. When He picked these extremely earthy yet extraordinary men to do this, even then, He knew that they couldn't do it alone. He sent them out in pairs. He gave them one another because He knew that life and love and facing the devil every day cannot be done alone.

No matter how you find yourself dealing with "evil opposition" out there (because we all are in one way or another), you can't do it alone. Don't do it alone. Do it in twos or threes or fours... but don't do it by yourself. You need someone or sometwo to help you do what you've been put on earth to do. Be it a spouse, a best friend, a relative, a pastor or a distant pen pal, you need people.

Don't be alone; life is way more fun in pairs.

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