Friday, March 19, 2010


1 John 2:20

"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things."

When people ask me about my childhood, I tell them about my amazing mother, my amazing family, and the incredible friends that surrounded me. These people, the village, made me who I am today. I have made it this far because of them. The thing about my upbringing, more true and real than any of those treasured ones, is the fact that above all others, the Holy Spirit raised me. That is the truth for my life and I have known it the entire time.

As we get older we get to that age where the parent/child relationship shifts its form and they (whoever raised you) take on a different role in your life. There is less distance in the parent/child gap. They will always be your parents, but the dynamic changes and it's a different version of special. It has to change or it would be weird- it's normal and it's the natural progression of life. This is not a big new idea I have discovered. But I have come to realize that with the Holy Spirit and me, the "raising" never ends. The teaching and growing and stretching is not just for youth.

I am in a job now where the Spirit is showing me things about myself that simply must change for my own good. Like a parent child relationship, I can take what God says and do what I want with it, or I can grow. The beauty of the Holy Spirit is that He rarely just tells you what you need to know. Often it's the rubbing against a certain co-worker, or spouse or friend or relative or situation where you start to realize the areas of your life in which you need to shut-up and grow-up, and what we need to change about ourselves. It can be painful and uncomfortable. Let's just say I have kicked and screamed in situations with one eye on everyone else who don't appear to be "stretched" in the same thing at all. It's so annoying.

So my point it: let go. You may as well. When you allow your pride to fall and the Holy Spirit to keep raising you so you become the best version of who you can be, it's the most freeing feeling in the world. Often not the most comfortable experience, but the chains that bound you up in certain areas of your heart and mind can be unlocked when you daily let the Holy Spirit enlighten you with the stuff that needs changing and growing in your life. You have time to become all that you need to be. It's exciting that even as an adult I am growing and becoming a much better version of me. Let go. People will like you more because you will be whole and secure and less annoying. That has happened to me.
And it doesn't end until we see His face in eternity.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely wonderful and so very true. What a great Parent we have in the Trinity
